Page 58 of Restoring Faith
“I did.” He keeps the enormous grin as he continues… “Honestly, it feels like it has taken a weight off my shoulders. I never knew this feeling… of …” He tries to find the right words.
“Freedom?” I question.
He shakes his head, and his thumb rubs my thigh. “No, happiness. My entire life has been a race to be first. To be recognized as the best. One fucking eye roll from you and that’s all it took to change everything.”
“I don’t get it.” An eye roll? That’s what he is going with?
“I had a plan in life. I had a whole routine that made sense. It wasn’t that night at the beach, seeing you for the first time, that changed everything. I’ve never seen a woman yell at her brother like that before.” My lip is tucked behind my teeth as I’m trying to refrain from commenting on that. Lawson was out of line that evening. Victor laughs, tugging my body closer to his. “But you know what it really was for me? Watching you work at the shop. You were so focused, careful, and patient. You look out for everyone and it seems like no one looks after you. I want to be that person for you.”
“I don’t even know what to say,” I admit.
Him laughing along with me, another sense I never realized I might have missed. The sound of his voice and laughter.
“I love you, Collins. You see the world with no blinders on. It makes me want to continue to see the world like you do, with you.”
“Yeah?” I breathlessly respond. I really am at a loss for words.
“Yeah, baby.”
Leaning down, I smile into his lips, giving him a peppered kiss. “I love you too.”
The last admission using those words was from a place of heartbreak. Painful, excruciating agony. And today I can say them with a heart filled with hope.
“Yeah?” Excitement trembles on his lips when he kisses me back with such force. It would knock me off his lap if he wasn’t holding on to me. When he finally calms down and pulls away, he quickly gets up, pushing me to stand with him. “I want to show you around.”
“Ok, lead the way.”
He excitedly walks me through the house, room by room. Pointing out the small bits of color, pieces of art that he bought from the local artists. There are even a few photos of him with acquittances or friends from New York. These are older photos from when he was in school. He is a happy, carefree boy. The office showcases awards, his matted and framed degree and certifications. These photos show a sterner and more polished Victor. He showed a professional smile that seems void of joy.
He allows me to stroll through each room and take in the ambiance of peacefulness that fills each space.
It looks more like he’s making a home here, slowly.
“Now, for the real reason I got this house. Come with me.” I turn to see him still standing in the doorway, watching me. He holds his hand out toward me.
I take his hand as he walks us through the house, past the kitchen, and opens a door. When he turns on the light, the black room is revealed as a massive garage. It was so dark when we arrived that I didn’t notice. In the corner is a work table with brand new tools that still have tags on them. I am looking over this small collection of tools, and my heart is on the verge of exploding.
“I bought this place so you can have a private place to work on your girl or any other car you wish to have.”
Well, there it goes, my heart. Happy tears are cresting in my eyes, and I turn to see him stepping toward me.
“This world is yours, Collins. My world is you. I swore at the moment I was standing, well drowning in that concrete ocean in New York, that I would do anything to get back to you. Whether we stay here or at your house, I would like to have you as close as possible. All for selfish reasons, of course.”
“I can’t…” Words clog in my throat as I try to talk. So much emotion swirls through my body. My heart is fluttering so hard, it feels as if it will bruise my ribs. I rest my hand over my chest to try to keep it from breaking through my chest.
“And look, there would be enough room to make your surfboards. If that is still something you want to do. There is a bit of land here, so if you need more space …”
I can’t even … before he can finish his sentence, I launch myself into his arms. Holding him close, squeezing every emotion I have into one firework of an explosion.
“You did this? For us?” I still can’t even believe it.
“For us baby.” He buries his face into my neck and holds my body tight to his.
“This can’t be real?” My eyes clench shut, opening to expect that I’m thrust back into reality where I’m sitting in my rickety old shack. Alone.
“I’m selling everything in New York. Sold my shares in the firm, and I’m walking away from a soulless, colorless life. I don’t give a shit at how much it costs. I’d live in your truck with the clothes on my back if it meant having a future with you.” Victor sounds desperate, but only he’s desperate for me.
I wiggle my body, and he gently sets me down, holding onto my arms. His touch steadies me.