Page 65 of Restoring Faith
“At least hear me out. I couldn’t come sooner because of the contract I signed. As soon as it was up, I came back.” Taylor is still trying to explain. “Here, with you, is where I want to be.”
“So, what happens the next time an amazing job opportunity comes? Huh? That nice little incentive dangling the carrot in front of you? Are you going to accept it without telling me?” Leland states.
Oh, I internally cringe. That’s what happened? My heart cries for him. Then again, did he feel this way when Lawson and I ran into the same problems?
“Taylor, we were talking about marriage and kids. Then boom, you accepted a job somewhere else. You made a huge decision, and you didn’t even talk to me!” I hear Leland’s fist slam against his chest. “You hyped me up for a future together, but in the first moment something better came along, you left.”
“It wasn’t like that.” Taylor defends himself. I hear his steps as they cross the concrete patio toward Leland. I turn and peek up from under the window. Taylor has Leland’s face in his hands.
Leland stands hesitantly, keeping his hands in his pockets, and he’s still fighting internally.
“Love, I’m so sorry it came off that way. I wanted to give you this.” He turns and gestures behind Leland. “A big house for a family. A life where you could want for nothing. You’ve worked so hard for those people in there, and I wanted to give you a life where you could finally enjoy the time with them.”
My heart is tearing away from my chest. Leland has always been so adamant about taking care of us and being there for us. It didn’t register that it took a toll on him.
“Taylor, the big house didn’t mean anything to me. You know that! Could we have gotten a better place, yes? But if you had talked to me and allowed me to have a say in how our lives would go together, it would’ve been so different,” Leland explains.
“I saw that too late. Leland, I made a mistake! A huge mistake that cost me the best thing. I knew as soon as I landed in San Francisco and walked into that apartment. I said every curse word I could think of knowing that I was legally obligated to finish out my contract. The day that contract ended, I packed up everything and came straight home. Here is where I belong. I’m hoping to be with the man I desperately want!” Taylor pours his heart out to Leland. “Tell me now! Tell me now to leave and never contact you again.”
Taylor is still holding on to his face. I’ve never seen my brother cry before and watching him completely break down is heart-wrenching. I so badly want to run to him and give him a big hug, but I’m staying put. Against every urge, I’m staying put. Leland needs to do this on his own.
“Leland, tell me,” Taylor whispers, his thumbs wiping away the fallen tears.
Lawson and I sit and wait for his response. God, he knows how to do a dramatic pause.
“You can never leave like that again!” Leland finally responds.
“Oh, thank God!” Taylor lets out a relieved breath. He pulls Leland into one steamy kiss. Lawson and I are squealing for our big brother.
Lawson and I whisper to each other. “About fucking time.”
“It took forever!” Lawson adds. “Alright, let’s give them some space now.”
“Collins and Lawson, get the hell away and back to the table!” Leland screams from outside.
Lawson and I run away laughing like we were kids. We stumble over each other as rush back to the table, slinking into our chairs.
“You are so loud.” I giggle at Lawson.
“It was your gigantic head that got us caught.”
“Probably,” I shrug in agreement.
Leland and Taylor are still outside as we listen to Massey and Lawson’s day. He sat in her office all afternoon, waiting for her to finish up. Then he dragged her to our super-secret spot where they did some snorkeling after catching a few waves. We are going on in silly conversation, making fun of Lawson. I am glancing back at the doors, waiting for Leland and Taylor to come back. Internally jumping for joy that I won’t have to worry about him anymore.
They finally emerge from the back patio and, seeing my brother smile again, has my universe feeling complete. He’s got a genuine smile. I never knew how badly he was hurting until now. The physical difference is noticeable. Sitting next to each other, they are holding onto each other. My guys.
“Leland and Lawson, we done grown up,” I say in the most obnoxious voice.
“You are stupid, Collins.” Lawson just shakes his head at me.
I think our mom would be proud of us. Sitting around a dinner table, with the ones we love. Worries are a thing of the past, and for the first time, we are focused on our future.
“Okay, okay. We are all here, Victor. What’s your news?” Massey brings the point to the front of the room.
“So, you all know I quit the firm and the reason behind it. My dad, he’s a selfish ass. I just can’t be a part of a place like that. So now, I have a new venture and I’ve set my sights and roots down here. I’ll be opening my law firm here in Hawaii,” he announces.
The room erupts with congratulations. Mr. Withers sits at the other end of the table, leaning back in his chair. He lays his hands on the corner of the table, his body leaning forward. His brow pitches up with interest.