Page 67 of Restoring Faith
“Our place, it’s our place, Law.” Massey sweetly looks at Lawson. She turns back to Victor and asks, “So, tell me more about this venture. I need all the details.”
Victor and Massey’s dad go over everything with Massey and we all sit and listen intently. This is a huge undertaking. Long days and lots of planning, but Victor and Mr. Withers have planned the initial parts out.
“Now, we need to talk about the acquisition of the area. It’s not looking good in my favor,” Victor says.
“I figured money can pull some weight,” Leland states.
“So, if you want to continue your shop, let’s look at a few properties. I already have my realtor on the lookout for what you need.” Victor pulls his phone up to bring up listings.
“No. If I don’t have that shop, then I won’t continue an actual business. I’ll just do it as a side job. Just like when I started,” Leland surprises us all.
“But you live at the shop. Where will you go?” Lawson looks at Leland with such concern.
“Take my place. I’m here now, you can stay at mine,” I offer before Leland can answer that.
“Or move in with me,” Taylor adds.
“No… I mean, not right now. I’d like to, but let’s get us straight before we take that step.” Leland gives his shoulder a nudge.
“Ok.” Taylor nods in acceptance. “I can do that.”
“Then let’s fight for your property. Let’s take them out at the knees,” Victor yells.
“I’m good for a fight. It’s been a while, but hey, let’s make them bleed,” Mr. Withers agrees.
“I’m in.” Massey throws her hands in the air.
“Hell yeah!” Lawson slaps the table.
“Count me in! What do you say, Leland? Want to destroy that acquisition?” I stare at my brother.
Leland sits there for a moment and scans the room. He takes Taylor’s hand in his. “Let’s feed them to the sharks.”
“Hell yeah!” I thrust my fist into the air.
“It’s not going to be easy, but it will be worth it,” Victor proudly concludes.
We raise our cups, clicking the glass against one another. Vowing to save the place we all grew up in. I’ll do all that I can to help… anything for my brother.
Chapter 24
As the weeks go by, it’s sunrise to sunset. Victor, Massey, and her dad are consistently working. They’ve filed several documents delaying the eviction for us and a few other businesses in the area. They’ve gained a few new clients and are trying to find a permanent location for their office. Right now, they have been working out of Victor’s home office for everything. I’ll pop some goodies in for everyone once in a while, but they are so focused on this stuff, and if it saves the auto shop, then I’ll happily stay out of their way.
I spend my days at the shop and evenings in my garage with my car until Victor has finished work for the day. She doesn’t need anything, but I enjoy doing brief touch-ups. Usually, in my spare moments, I’ll sit in the back seat with a beer and enjoy the view of the home that sits in front of us. I never imagined a private garage to keep her in.
I can’t tell you what it feels like to have people willing to help fight your battles. You don’t have to ask, it’s just automatic. We didn’t ask for any of this, but we were finally open to receiving help. There are some fights you can’t do on your own, and when you can’t fight them, having that extended family to do that for us… it’s a good life.
I stayed home from the shop today. My heart is so content in this moment of comfort and clarity. With a beer in hand, I am sitting in the back of my car when my phone rings. The caller ID shows the assisted living facility where my mom is, and my heart stalls. When I answer, my stomach drops. Panic surges through my veins as I throw my beer out the window on the garage floor. The glass shatters into what seems like a million pieces as the amber liquid coats the concrete floor.
I immediately call Leland as I run through the house, grabbing my things. When the line connects, I scream at the top of my lungs. “Get to mom now!”
Massey calls my name, but I’m in flight mode. I can’t stop. I dial up Lawson and yell the same four words through the line once it’s connected.
I race over to the facility and barely have the truck in park before I jump out and run inside. Turning the corner as I arrive at the hall where her room is located, I see the doctors in the hallway shaking their heads. But that’s not what has my body crumbling. It’s the longtime nurses who have cared for her over the years who are crying. They look up and offer an apologetic look when they see me.
“NO! NO! NO!” I scream and shake my head. I rush down the sterile hallway and try to push into the room, but the doctor stops me. He tells me I can’t go in just yet. The nurse is standing there pulling, me back to her, and keeps reiterating that she is sorry.