Page 75 of Restoring Faith
Everyone seems to love the idea, and the crap talking begins. Mostly between Massey and Lawson. Taylor and Leland rush to the water, paddling out. We are cheering them on with every wave they drop into. I’ve seen Leland surf before, but seeing him so happy today, he’s gliding over the waves like butter. Dropping into the crested water so effortlessly and cutting back into the waves with ease. At this moment, nothing is holding my brother back or holding him down.
Taylor looks at Leland with such hope and admiration. I am proud he’s back. Maybe they needed that break to reconnect on a deeper level. I think Leland finally being honest with himself, and Taylor gives them more hope. Taylor doesn’t realize that Leland never truly gave up on him. When Leland is done with someone or something, there is no going back. So, him being here today, means that Leland kept him close to his heart even after the heartbreak. I sure hope that Taylor doesn’t fuck this second chance up. It’s his to lose.
They surf back into shore. With a slow walk, hand in hand, back to our group, and I take advantage of the moment. I jump up and point my fingers like guns toward Victor. “Ready peacock?”
“Are you ever going to let that nickname go?” He shakes his head at me.
“We can go back to douche?” I shrug my shoulders.
“Fine. Let’s go cheater.” He retorts.
I laugh and push him back down in the sand when goes to stand up. Snatching my longboard from its place in the sand, I take off running into the water. Victor is hot on my heels.
“Goddamn it, Collins. Cheater! You all saw that?” Victor yells.
I can hear everyone laughing at him. He catches up and ends up beating me to the water. Throwing his board into the waves, he catapults himself forward, landing on the board with a grunt. His long arms glide through the water with ease. I’m slightly envious, but I won’t give up.
We paddle out past the reef and catch some waves. Victor has gotten better at surfing, but he’s still bad in my book. He falls a lot. It keeps me laughing, and I think he does it on purpose. I can appreciate him more for that, giving me reasons to smile and laugh. As I drop in on a good wave, I feel a different wave carrying me. Any stress or anxiety that I ever felt in this world melted away as the speckles of ocean water hit my body. All these years and today is no different in being a day I could never forget.
I end up taking only a few waves and settle on my board, watching Victor attempt to drop in and ride some waves. My eyes trace the world around me. I’m enjoying the view all around. It’s not just the scenery of plush vegetation, and crystal blue waters, but the people I love.
After a few sets, he notices me observing and paddles over. I giggle as he hops on my board, dropping his body to face me.
“What’s up, buttercup?” he asks.
He’s so stupid it makes me smile. “It’s been a great day.”
“Yeah, it has been, but it’s not over yet. Are you done surfing?”
I nod with the most relieved sigh. We paddle side by side into shore and Massey and Lawson shoot up off the sand. Together, they rush past us. Bickering back and forth like petulant children as they paddle.
“I’m going to bury you, Withers.” Lawson yells.
“You’ll be dead before you grab the shovel, Law.” Massey retorts.
“Feisty! I love it!”
“Save it! It’s a competition!”
“I’ll leave you in my wake.” Lawson spits.
“Only thing left in your wake is your ego!”
“Oh! Massey! That hurt.”
“I won’t look back as you trail behind.”
Lawson smirks. “You know, your backside is one of my favorite things. I may be okay with this.”
“Lawson!” she squeals.
I’m once again watching my brother enjoy being carefree. He looks happy and free. Massey gives him that. They’ve become so perfect for one another. He gives her unwavering support and isn’t influenced because she makes a lot more money than he does. She provides the emotional reassurance he’s been searching for. Proudly, she’s mentioned that he’s almost stopped drinking completely, and they spend more time at home than they do going out.
I stand at the water’s edge just watching Lawson and Massey, who take wave after wave, and of course, talking shit to each other.
A nice wave comes and they both go for it. Massey, of course, is more focused on the wave and doesn’t realize Lawson reaching for his ankle strap and pulling it from his body. As soon as she is standing and situated, he jumps on her board and holds her from behind. Regaining her composure from the intrusion, she laughs hard and they are both struggling to stay on top of the board. The wave levels out and Lawson pulls her closer to his chest, whispering in her ear. I smile, watching her hand cover her mouth and nod at whatever he is saying. She turns her body toward him and jumps into his waiting arms, causing them to fall into the water. When they surface, she swims over to him and gives him a deep kiss. Excuse my gag. When they pull away, he is wiping tears away from her face so gently.
He did it.