Page 44 of Meant For Her
“Hey.” He moves to the side for me to stand out with him. “I didn’t think you would answer.”
“Well, you knocked on my door at six o’clock.” I cross my arms over my chest to try to keep warm with the wind blowing.
“Yeah.” He laughs nervously. “I was hoping that.” He uses one of his hands to grip the back of his neck. “Listen, Koda.” He uses my nickname, and I suddenly hate it, especially after that I heard him call me Dakota. “I’m so, so sorry,” he starts, and something inside me cracks a touch.
“You don’t have to say anything.” I hold up my hand. “Really, if we can both forget what happened.” His eyes change before my eyes, and his jaw gets tight. “I should never have.” I don’t say the words because they would be a lie, and I’ve never actually lied to him before. “We shouldn’t have. We can totally forget that it even happened. No one but us has to know.” I pinch the inside of my arm, saying those words.
“Fuck that,” he snaps. “I wanted to kiss you. I’m not ever going to say we shouldn’t have.”
“But you just said you’re sorry,” I point out to him. He’s about to say something when the door opens, and I hear squeals.
“Uncle Chrissy!” Luna shrieks and launches in the air for him. “You came to visit.” She puts her hands on his shoulders. “We watched the hockey, and you said two bad words.” She holds up two fingers.
His eyes suddenly light up with her. “I did?” he deadpans, rocking her back and forth. “Did I really?”
“You did. You said motherfucker and piece of shit,” Luna recites, and I gasp.
“Luna, don’t you ever.” She looks over at me, like she didn’t say them and she just told him what he said.
“You know what, I shouldn’t have said those words,” he says to her, “and I don’t think you should say those words either.”
“Okay,” she replies softly, playing with the neckline of his shirt, “I won’t.”
“Mom.” The door opens, and Rain comes out. Her eyes light up as if the whole cast of Disney showed up at her door. “Uncle Christopher.” She goes to him, and he bends to take her in his arms also. “Are you coming to play board games with us?”
“Um—” I start to say because I would really like for him not to be close to me at this moment.
“Yes,” he answers, ignoring the way I said um, “I was hoping I would get to spend time with you guys.”
He takes the two of them and walks into the house, as if I’m not the one who is in charge of said house. “Christopher,” I call to the back of his head, my eyes roaming to his ass and I have to think if I touched it at all. I mean, I know I touched his junk and that man is packing. “You really don’t have to stay.”
“Oh, I know.” He puts the girls down. “But I want to.” He tilts his head to the side. “That’s okay, right?”
“I want Uncle Chrissy to stay,” Luna declares from beside him, grabbing his hand in hers.
“I want Uncle Christopher to stay also.” Rain follows her sister’s lead and puts her hand in his other hand.
“Looks like I got the votes to stay.” He looks down at the girls. “So what are we playing first?”
“Uno!” they both shout at the same time, turning and running to the living room.
“Christopher.” I stand in front of him, my chest rising and falling as I just take him in. Wishing he didn’t look so good or that I didn’t want to jump him right here in the entranceway of my house while my daughters are in the other room. I mean, I wouldn’t jump him jump him, but I would definitely let him kiss the shit out of me.
“What’s the matter, Dakota?” he says my full name, and I swear my knees almost buckle. “It’s okay if I stay, you know, since we can forget what happened, right?” He uses my words against me. “We can do that, right?” His voice is soft. “Just pretend nothing happened.”
“Yes,” I hiss out at him, “and stop calling me that.”
“Why?” He smirks at me, and I swear I get wet. “It’s your name.”
I’m about to tell him that maybe tonight isn’t a good idea when Rain runs back to us. “Come on, guys.” She grabs Christopher’s hand and pulls him with her. His eyes shine bright blue while he takes one look at me before turning back and walking to the family room.
I look up at the ceiling and wonder how to get him out of my house. When Rain and Luna both shout my name, I walk into the family room and see them sitting on the floor. The cards are in the middle of them and there is a spot open next to Christopher and next to Luna. “Saved you a spot,” Christopher informs me.
Taking three steps to them before I sit down and crisscross my legs, my knees touching his lightly. I try to move away, but he moves with me. The whole game, I try to ignore that he’s touching me, then he even moves his hands down his legs to his knees as his fingers graze mine. It’s like his hand sends electric shocks through my body. By the end of the game, I have to step away. “You guys play. I’m going to go and make lunches,” I lie through my teeth.
I rush away from him to the kitchen. The three of them play again, and the game is very animated. I can’t help but look up from the kitchen a couple of times to see that they are all laughing at something. “It’s time for bed and a bath.”
“Can Uncle Christopher tuck me in?” Rain asks.