Page 50 of Cowboy Friend Zone for Christmas
Her mother raised and lowered her shoulders sadly. “Honestly? We assumed it was just another one of your rebellious streaks.”
Noelle’s eyes widened. “Choosing to become a certified horse trainer is not exactly the definition of a rebellious streak, Mom.”
Her mother shivered. “I didn’t come here to argue. I only came to tell you how sorry I am that we didn’t fire Ellison Faust the day you broke up with him. It’s a regret we will carry to our graves.” Her lips twisted into a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “If we can even afford a pair of burial plots. You might get a kick out of hearing that we had to declare bankruptcy a few weeks ago. We lost everything.”
Noelle scowled. “I find nothing humorous about that!”
“It’s what we deserve.” Her mother shrugged again.
Noelle’s frown deepened. “What about your home?” She could only assume that losing everything meant they were losing the roof over their heads, too.
Her mother gave a damp sniffle. “Actually, we managed to sell it before we declared bankruptcy. One of the kindest, most compassionate men we’ve ever known purchased it and put it in your name. In case you’re wondering, he’s our only big client who didn’t jump ship when everything went south.”
Noelle blinked. “One of your clients bought your home and put it in my name?” Who would do a thing like that?
And then she knew.
“Nash,” she murmured. Her insides went weak from the realization that he’d saved her parents from being tossed into the street. He’d also given them a path forward with their accounting business. His endorsement would go a long way toward helping them rebuild. It was so like him.
“Yes. He told us he was putting it in your name so you could do whatever you wanted with the house.” She paused before adding wryly, “And the tenants currently occupying it.”
You mean you. Noelle was inwardly reeling. There seriously wasn’t enough time to absorb everything her mother had revealed. Not before the wedding. Noelle would be walking down the aisle in minutes. She wordlessly met Laura’s gaze in the mirror.
Laura gave her an uncertain shrug.
Another knock sounded on the door. It was Ames this time. His voice wafted to them from the vestibule. “You ladies about ready in there?”
Laura twisted her hands nervously in her skirt.
That was when Noelle realized she had no time for anything more other than the snap decision she was about to make. She narrowed her gaze at her mother. “Is Dad here?”
“Yes.” Triss Ward looked surprised. “He’s waiting for me outside.”
In the cold? Noelle glanced in shock toward the only window in the room. “If he expects to walk me down the aisle, I need him inside the church. Now!”
Her mother gaped at her. Then her eyes slowly filled with tears. “Do you really mean that?”
“Yes, Mom. Now! As in five minutes ago!” Noelle’s voice grew choked with emotion at the realization she would not have to walk down the aisle with one of Nash’s brothers after all. Her emotions were indescribable. She felt like laughing, crying, screaming, and throwing something —all at the same time. In the midst of the chaos, however, she was enormously thankful that she would have her parents in her wedding photos. They could finish weeping, yelling at each other, and rehashing past mistakes afterward.
But for now, she was calling a truce.
Her mother spun toward the door and pushed it open, but Noelle started speaking in a rush to halt her dash from the room. “You’ll have to call him, Mom. Going to fetch him yourself will only delay the wedding.”
Her mother nearly dropped her cell phone while raising it to her ear. “Noelle wants you to walk her down the aisle.” She sobbed out the request.
Her father appeared in the doorway only seconds later, looking as impeccable as ever in a dove gray suit. His dark gaze burned with remorse into hers.
Noelle glided his way, shooting orders like bullets. “Ames, you’ll need to escort my mother to the front row first. While you’re down there, Flint will escort Shelly. Sorry about the last minute change of plans, but that means our best man, i.e. you, will now be escorting Laura. Someone text a quick update to the pianist, so she’ll know what’s going on and keep playing a little longer.”
“I’ll do it,” Laura offered quickly.
“Excellent! I think that covers it.” Though Nash might be surprised by the changes, Noelle was certain he would have no objections. In a roundabout way, this was all his doing.
Ames gave her a mock salute before disappearing into the vestibule with her mother on his arm. Noelle highly doubted he minded the idea of escorting Laura instead of Shelly down the aisle.
Shelly stomped across the room to stand beside Noelle. They faced her father together.
“You will protect my friend with your life and deliver her safely to Nash at the altar.” Her voice was crisp with warning. “Otherwise, I will gut you myself.”