Page 25 of Passion
Going to the desk, I gave her my notes so she could give him the medication then made my way to my office. Checking the time, I noticed it was nearly six. Our last hour was the busiest because people would make appointments for when they got off work. Since that was the last patient, they would lock up once he left.
I gathered my things and was getting inside my car by five forty-five. I called my wife immediately. “Hello?”
“Hey, Elle. How’s it going?”
“Hey. Good, baby.”
“Oooooh! Who are you calling baby, Mommy?”
I chuckled. “I swear she is always in my business,” Giselle said. “Girl, go play with your brother and get out of my conversation.” There was a pause, then she said, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I can’t wait to get to know them.”
“I can’t wait either. I hate that I haven’t been able to spend as much time with you,” she said softly.
“I hate it too, but I understand completely. It won’t be like this always. You got off early?”
“Yeah. I got off at four. I worked through my lunch so I could get here earlier and be here when Kizzie got here from school. I also got to pick up Dakota from day care.”
“That’s good, baby. How’s your spirit?”
“It’s okay. My mama and Jorie are going to come over once Clayton leaves, to offer words of encouragement and advice. I really hope y’all have a great time tonight.”
“Me too. Paul came in today, but I didn’t ask him about anything. He definitely knows about us though.”
“Yeah, I’m sure. I love you, Flem. Thank you for being so patient with this,” she said softly.
“I love you too, girl. You’re worth the wait.”
“Hopefully, tonight will go well to where my kids can move in soon. I’m so anxious about it.”
“Well, try not to think about it. Take a deep breath and think about how I’m gonna handle you tonight when I get home.”
“Mm. That shit got me calm already.”
I chuckled. “I’m almost home, baby. I’ll call you when I’m on my way to Warhorse Whiskey Bar.”
“Okay. Bye.”
She ended the call as I turned in my driveway. Her nerves were on one and so were mine. I wanted everything to go well also. That meant my wife would be at peace. I was always on guard for bullshit, but I would go in with a positive state of mind.
“Gentry, this is my boy Felix, and this is his brother, Derrick.”
I shook their hands as I joined them at the table they were seated at. I was a few minutes late, because I had Giselle on the phone stroking her pussy. She’d gone to the bathroom while her mom was there, and we had phone sex. I wanted her so fucking bad. That shit had me running ten minutes late.
Once we were all seated, the waitress came and took my drink order. I also ordered some wings. The bullshit started as soon as I did, just like I suspected it would. “Giselle didn’t cook for you, man?”
I glanced at him, and he lifted his hands in surrender like he didn’t mean any harm. He failed to remember that just like he didn’t know me, I didn’t know his ass either. “She cooked. She always cooks. I didn’t have time to sit and eat though. My mind was only on one thing when I got off. I had to call her immediately. You feel me?” I asked.
He was gon’ learn real quick that I always won in these types of contests. My petty was undefeated. He cleared his throat and nodded. Fuck with me if you want to, my nigga. Sensing the tension, his boy Felix asked, “So Paul said you’re Russell’s vet. That gotta be tough. Russell’s like a grouchy old man.”
He laughed, and I chuckled. “He is definitely that, but I believe he’s gotten used to me. He doesn’t give me much trouble these days.”
“Yeah. He’s up there in age. Paul won’t take it too well when he dies.”
I nodded. Paul loved that dog like it was his kid. I could understand that totally. I got attached to the animals that came through the clinic as well, and they weren’t even mine. Right on cue, Paul joined us at the table. “My bad I’m late. My mama needed me to go to the store at the last minute.”