Page 36 of Passion
I chuckled at just how excited Kizzie was. When we reached the landing, I set them both on their feet. Giselle and I had worked hard to get their rooms to their liking. I was proud of how they both looked. Since Dakota liked Paw Patrol, we had stickers of dogs all over the walls and Paw Patrol bedding. When he walked inside, he gasped.
Giselle and I laughed as he ran straight to the wall to touch the stickers he could reach. We left him in there to explore while we took the princess to her room. It was fit for a princess and adorned green and pink sheers. The bed had a Princess and the Frog canopy and bedding, and there was a huge rug in the shape of a lily pad in the middle of the room.
“Oh my God! Mommy! I love it!”
“Wait until you see your bathroom,” I said.
“I have my own bathroom?” she asked.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Elle led her to it, and her screams were deafening. The bathroom looked like a whole swamp. The rug was Louis the gator, and there were lightning bugs all over the shower curtain. Ray was in the center, missing teeth and all. There were also vines all over the walls. She came running through the doorway and hugged me around my legs again. “Thank you, Mr. Gentry!”
I stooped and kissed her forehead. “You’re welcome, Princess Tiana.”
She ran and hopped into the bed, staring up at the ceiling. When she noticed Ray up there, staring at Evangeline, she nearly came unglued. I chuckled and made my way to Dakota’s room to check on him. He was on the floor playing with the cars he’d probably found in the toy box. When he saw me standing there, he smiled. “Kiz woom?”
I assumed he was either asking if Kizzie was in her room or saying that he wanted to see Kizzie’s room. “Kizzie’s in her room. Do you want to see it?”
He smiled as he stood and walked to me, reaching up for me to pick him up. I obliged him, and I truly felt like their dad in this moment. When we walked to her room, I placed him on his feet again, and he took off inside, staring all around the room. Giselle was still in there staring at Kizzie as she explored her room.
She looked up at me and said, “We may not leave to go to breakfast.”
I chuckled, and she did too. “Come here, baby.”
She bit her bottom lip and walked over to me. The woman before me was the woman I’d gotten to know in Honolulu, not the stressed version of her I’d gotten acquainted with the past few weeks. When she made it to my arms, I hugged her, noticing the kids were watching us. They seemed to watch everything we did. I kissed the top of her head. “I love you so much, Giselle. This is all I ever wanted… for us to live in peace as a family. Today is going to be perfect.”
She stared up at me then pulled my face to hers and kissed me tenderly on the lips, somewhat sucking my bottom lip into her mouth. I pulled away from her. “Go take your shower before I lock us in another room and wear that pussy out, girl.”
She smirked and bit her bottom lip again. She needed to get out my face before I couldn’t hide my erection in front of the kids. Turning to them, she said, “I’m going to take a shower. Y’all be good for Mr. Gentry, okay?”
“Kay!” Dakota said with his hands lifted in the air.
I chuckled. He looked more like Clayton. “Kizzie? Do you hear me?” Giselle asked.
“Yes, ma’am.”
When she left out, I went to Dakota’s room and got the cars he was playing with. I sat on the floor and handed them to him. He smiled and began rolling them on the floor while Kizzie put on her play jewelry. They played well by themselves. I pulled my phone from my pocket to take a couple of pictures of them.
Kizzie looked up at me, and when she realized I was taking a picture, she posed. I chuckled. This little girl was a whole character. As I edited the pictures on my phone, she said, “Mr. Gentry?”
“Yes, ma’am?”
“Do you have any kids?”
“No. I don’t have any.”
“So who do you play with?”
“Well, you aren’t going to believe this, but I play with animals all day at work. Mostly dogs, cats, and horses. One time, somebody brought in a peacock! Can you believe that?”
“At work? That must be fun! I like dogs.”
“Yep, at work. You know why?”
“I’m their doctor. I make them feel better.”