Page 44 of Passion
He nodded. “I was expecting Doctor Fleming to be here, but I can imagine work has him busy, being a veterinarian. Let’s get started, shall we?”
I nodded, and Shy said, “Let’s, because this is a waste of everybody’s time.”
I almost smiled. He looked the part, but that attitude was still screaming thug. Vegas’s face remained stonelike as he stared at Clayton. I would definitely feel threatened if he was staring at me that way.
The attorney cleared his throat. “Mister Freeman is requesting custodial custody of Kizzie King and Dakota King, meaning Miss Fleming would see them every other weekend, and they would split holidays and summer vacation.”
No one said anything for a couple of minutes. Finally, Shy said, “And what gives him the audacity to think he deserves that? As you plainly said, their last names are King, which is Missus Fleming’s maiden name. I request that you pronounce that handle correctly. That means she assumed primary responsibility of her children.”
“My client insists that her decisions have posed a threat to the children’s safety. She married a man she doesn’t know and had never met.”
“Apparently, I don’t know Clayton either, since we’re sitting in a lawyer’s office,” I said as Shy held his hand up to shut me up.
“First and foremost, my client is a mother. Her children are her main concern. She went through a reputable company for this. She didn’t just pick the first man off the street she came in contact with. There is a stringent process and a hefty fee for services. Someone that isn’t serious about finding love wouldn’t dare go through all of that, especially not hard-working people like Missus and Doctor Fleming. However, to prove she understood Mister Freeman’s hesitancy, she allowed the kids to stay with him while he had the opportunity to get to know Doctor Fleming a little better.”
“Sorry, I’m late. My appointment ran over.”
My mouth fell open as I saw Gentry enter the office. Vegas stood and slapped his hand. That was the first time he’d taken his eyes off Clayton since we’d all gotten inside the office. Vegas left the office, and Gentry sat next to me and kissed my cheek then grabbed my hand. He didn’t hold my gaze. I quickly recovered and gave my attention back to the attorney.
“Thanks for joining us, Doctor Fleming. We’ve made introductions. I’m Finley Oxford, and I’m sure you know everyone else.”
Gentry nodded. God, he looked so good. It had been a little over a week since I’d seen him, and my body was responding like it had been a lifetime. Clayton’s attorney continued. “We’ve only discussed Mr. Freeman’s disdain with the way in which Missus Fleming introduced you into the children’s lives.”
Gentry again nodded. “Now that we are all up to speed, I’d like a response to what I said,” Shy said.
This nigga was something else. “During the first meeting, Mister Freeman disagreed with the way Doctor Fleming presented himself and doubted his ability to be able to be a parental figure to his children.”
“That’s cap,” Shy said.
“Excuse me?” Attorney Oxford asked with a slight frown on his face.
I wanted to laugh. Gentry had a slight smirk on his lips. Shy may as well had worn his grill with the way he was behaving. I knew he was smart as hell, but the nigga didn’t have any sense at all. “He’s lying. I can see right through that pitiful story, and I know you can too. If you can’t, you shouldn’t be an attorney. Clayton, since he hasn’t given me a reason to respectfully call him Mister Freeman, is whole fool.”
“Hol’ on! You don’t know me!” Clayton said and was about to stand from his seat.
Shy chuckled and slid a folder across the table that he pulled from his bag. “This man running women in and out of that house while my client has been at home depressed and crying her eyes out. His neighbor has home surveillance. How dare he be upset about my client marrying a man he hadn’t met. His problem is that he knows those kids will admire Doctor Fleming more than they admire him. He doesn’t want them calling another man daddy.”
Shy shook his head then continued. “It’s not looking good for the home team, huh, Clayton? I have video footage of you blasting vulgar rap music with the kids in the car as well. Your neighbor filed a noise ordinance on you last month. So you telling me you’re a better fit than Missus Fleming? Not hardly.”
The lawyer looked over the pictures in shock. Apparently, he was as slow as Clayton. He should have done better research on Clayton and not just Gentry and me. He would have known all this already. “Are we done? I have a plane to catch.”
“This isn’t over,” Clayton said.
“Yes, it is. I can’t believe you drug me here, knowing all the bullshit you’ve been into. I didn’t expect you to be perfect, but when you demanded that of me, it only shined a light on you. With all the bull Kizzie told me, I will be filing for full custody. I should have been a better judge of character, not with Gentry but with you,” I said.
Clayton’s eyes drifted over to Gentry. When I saw the frown that ensued, I glanced at Gentry to see the smile on his lips. He was so damn petty. “We’re done, Mister Berotte. I’m sorry for wasting your time, sir,” Attorney Oxford said.
They stood and shook hands, then we all left the office. I was so grateful for Shy’s diligence. “Shy, thank you so much.”
“That was light work,” he said then kissed my cheek. “I have to head back, baby girl. Call me if you need me.”
Vegas came and hugged me tightly then shook Gentry’s hand. They said some things to each other that I wasn’t privy to, then Vegas left out with Shy. He turned to me, but he didn’t say a word. Grabbing my hand, he escorted me to my car. Gentry was literally about to walk off until I grabbed his shirt. “Thank you for being here for me. After all I put you through, you still proved how much you love me.”
He nodded. “You’re a good mother, and I didn’t want to see you or the kids suffer because of his insecurities.”
He walked away without another word, and that shit nearly killed me inside. I got inside my car and allowed the tears to fall then headed to my mother’s house where the kids were. I called Yunique on my way. “Please tell me Shy did the damn thang.”
“He did. He’s going to file my papers to request full custody. I’m on my way to my mother’s house to get my babies. Gentry showed up.”