Page 1 of Owned
This city stinks. It’s overcrowded, and the people don’t care. They continue throughout their day as if we are not totally fucked. The giant vines keeping us trapped here are growing thicker and more extensive. Some are even sprouting thorns that soak up any and all blood that touches their bark, just like the Keryth. Nobody cares. Nobody is worried.
Except me.
I’m worried because each year, they grow taller and take up more space in the city. Smaller vines are even covering the building now. Nature is fighting a one-sided war to retake everything. And when I try to cut it back, three more vines take its place, making everything even more unmanageable.
Unfortunately, that is just one of the major problems here. The Royals and Keryth are at the top of that list. They take everything. Be it food, things, or even people, they don’t care just as long as they get what they want when they want it.
Even the most depraved believe they can get away with anything they want when they think no one is watching. They are so caught up in their arrogance that they always forget to check the shadows where I live.
I spend yet another night sitting on a cold roof, watching my target weave through the crowds at a quickened pace. He is determined to get back to his prize. Little does he know, I removed the woman from his basement when he left hours ago. She is now back home where she belongs.
Most people would consider that a job well done. But they would be wrong. He still breathes.
I silently make my way across the rooftops, staying parallel with the unexpected fool. My blood thrums with anticipation of the kill. He deserves it to be slow and painful for what he thought to do. It’s too bad I don’t have the time.
Lucky, walking dead man.
I watch as he quickly turns the keys in the lock and wait for the sound of him securing it behind him before slipping through the window I left unlocked earlier. I land with a soft thud on the stone floor of the basement and take a few moments to ensure no one heard. With no signs of anyone coming to join me, I lock the window back to make sure nothing is out of place. Then I wrap the shadows around me and disappear within their loving embrace.
It doesn’t take long for the fat fool to come stomping down the stairs. Just like I knew he would. He always comes to her first.
“I’m back, my dear,” he grunts with exertion.
I grind my teeth at the joy on his disgusting face that is lit up by the small candle in his hand. He hasn’t shaved the stubble he woke up with this morning. Sweat drips into his bulging eyes, and hhis double chin wobbles with his labored breathing. He reaches up to wipe at the sweat with his billowing sleeves and I nearly gag at the sight of his hairy, gelatinous belly sticking out from under his white linen shirt.
Dressed like a Keryth male. Male…or female because apparently, being called a man or woman is beneath them.
“My dear?” he grunts. “I am positively ravenous this evening. I will provide you with a feast if you behave.”
Unable to handle the sight or sound of him anymore, I load my pipe with a sleeping dart. In one quick motion, I blow hard, and the dart embeds into his thick neck.
“Don’t worry, fool, you won’t be asleep for long,” I say menacingly. I didn’t think it was possible, but apparently, I was wrong because his eyes bulge even more right before he hits the ground hard. The candle rolls away from him and slowly winks out, bathing me again in darkness. “Disgusting.” I kick him in the side as hard as possible.
He doesn’t move.
I retrieve the rope from behind the crates where I stored it earlier today. Then, with practiced movements, I loop it around his arms behind his back. I take the time to ensure enough support around his elbows, since he is so fucking heavy. Grunting and sweating, I continue loop the rope around his legs into a kneeling position. I can’t have him kicking out. That would make this so much messier than it needs to be.
Once satisfied with my rope skills, I take the chain he had the woman imprisoned with and begin threading it through the ropes around his arms. With the help of counterweight and gravity, I pull the chain through his arms until he’s suspended on his knees and slightly leaning forward. After the chain is fastened tightly, I light the candle and place it beside me. Then sit and wait for the bastard to wake up.
My methods were not always this intricate. I figured that the ones with the worst crimes deserve some thought. Just like they do with their victims, I take my time.
Sometimes, I use slow-acting poison and let them choke on their vomit. Other times, I leave them somewhere to starve. But this time, I think this bastard deserves to watch as blood flows from his veins and coats the floor beneath his fat, disgusting body.
But the sight of him chained up like this brings a heaviness to my chest. Memories of what it feels like to be in that position threaten to overtake me. And my throat aches with the screams inside of my head.
I shake myself, coming back to the present.
I am not there.
“Ugh,” he groans.
“A terrible feeling, isn’t it? To be tied up, drugged, and at someone else’s mercy?” I ask with a cold smile. My scarf pulled up over my nose and the shadows of my hood cloak my features, but at least he can hear it in my voice.
“Who are you?” he bellows.
“Your end.”