Page 37 of Christmas with You
“Even if we sell that house, we won’t have a lot of money to live off of. What are we going to do, Ames?”
“I’m not sure, but we’ll figure this out. You aren’t alone. We all have to work together to get through this.” She sniffled again and wiped at her eyes.
“We need to come up with our own business idea – something we can start up right away that won’t cost a lot and that the two of us can run and manage by ourselves until it takes off.”
We both stared out at the lake, trying to think of something. I was running through all the things we had done together since college – all of Celine’s skills and mine. We couldn’t run a company like her father’s. It required too much start-up and workers.
A hair and nail salon wouldn’t work.
And then, it just hit me.
“Cece, I have an idea, but you have to hear me out.”
“I’m all ears, girl. Anything to save our families.”
I quickly went into detail about the plan, and she nodded thoughtfully as I listed the pros and cons. “We could open a small place in town, use some of the money from the sale of your house to buy a place, and then, Ryan and I have some money saved up that we can use for marketing and supplies.”
“Do you really think that the two of us can own and operate this without any previous work experience?” she finally asked after being silent for quite some time.
“We both have business degrees. We are both mothers. We can do this. I know we can.”
“And if it doesn’t work?” I wasn’t sure what to say to that. I didn’t think for one second that it wouldn’t work. Between the two of us bull-headed women, we would make it happen, and we would have Ryan and Ace behind us, supporting our every decision.
“It has to work. There is no other option.” She turned to look at me with a small smile and extended her hand out to me.
“Well, Amber Wilson, I am honored to start a business with you.”