Page 43 of Summer With You
Happiest Man Alive
This woman was stronger than I ever gave her credit for. She didn’t cry when the doctor informed us that our child was being kept in an incubator and being fed through a tube, that we wouldn’t be able to hold him until he grew a little stronger. We would only be able to hold his tiny, frail hand.
I watched her look at him, our tiny little baby in a glass machine that was keeping him warm. His white skin was so soft-looking. Everything about him was tiny—his toes, all ten, and his little fingers with nails that were still forming. Celine made me count his fingers and toes numerous times to make sure he actually had all ten like he was supposed to.
She looked at him with such adoration, holding his tiny fingers with just one of her fingers. “He’s going to be okay,” she whispered eventually, leaning back in the wheelchair, a look of discomfort crossing her exhausted features. I knew she was in pain and was extremely tired.
“Of course, he is. He’s a Danvers, Princess.” She cracked a smile, not peeling her gaze from him.
“I can’t stop looking at him. He’s so little, but he’s so perfect. I wish I could hold him.” She sighed, her body sinking in the wheelchair.
“Why don’t I take you back to the room so you can rest? It’s been an eventful day.” She shook her head, pulling her gaze from him to me.
“I need to see Summer. My poor little girl has had to be so brave, and Charlie must be so tired. You need to take him home, and Summer doesn’t need to stay the night here. Oh, God, just think how expensive this is going to be?” Worry filled her blue eyes, and I sighed.
“Don’t worry about that. There are bigger problems. Just be happy that all of our children are going to be okay. You’re alive, and our little family will be complete very soon.” I squeezed her shoulder, fighting the urge to kiss her.
“I want to see Summer, and then I want to go pray for our little boy.” I stood from the plastic chair they had given me and wheeled her out of the room. I took her down the long hallways, hearing her yawn multiple times before I stopped outside of Summer’s room.
“Are you sure about this?” I asked her. She looked so weary, it tore at my soul. I just wanted to wrap her up in my arms and hold her until everything was okay in our lives again. I wanted to shield her from all of the exhaustion and heartache so badly.
“I have to see her, Ace, but I’m a little sore.” That was understandable. “Can you keep Charlie at bay?”
A little sore, my ass.
She’d just had a baby. Of course, she was going to be sore.
“Anything for you, Princess.”
Her parents had left to get dinner for everyone not too long ago. Ryan was sitting on the small couch with his twins sleeping on top of each other, soft snores coming from the usually rowdy pair. His youngest was glued to the television with Charlie, and Amber had pulled up a chair next to Summer and was reading her a book.
We had a good fucking family, one I had dreamt of as a kid for years. My little brother would have loved Celine and her family. I often wished he had been able to meet her.
Summer instantly sat up straighter at the sight of her mother. “Mommy!” she exclaimed, a big smile stretching across her lips. “You’re finally here!”
“Hi, baby.” Celine’s voice softened for our little girl, and I wheeled her up close. She instantly reached for Summer’s little hand. “Does it hurt?” Summer shook her head very slowly. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t here, sweet girl.”
“It’s okay, Mommy. Auntie Ames, Nanny, and Grampy were with me. They’ve been playing games with me all day and giving me junk food.” I rolled my eyes heavenward. Of course, they had. “It’s been a really fun day.”
“Momma!” Charlie finally noticed his mom and got up, running toward her, but I quickly intercepted him and caught him midair just as he was about to pounce on her for a hug.
“Easy, Tiger,” I rumbled. “Momma just went through a lot and is in pain.” He went slack in my arms.
“Can I have a hug, Momma? I really missed you.” Celine looked at me, nodding despite the pain in her gaze as I bent down and let him hug her shoulders.
“They said she could be discharged tonight. We were waiting for things to calm down before telling you. I can take them home with us to give you guys some time to figure things out.” Ryan got up from the couch and walked over to us, where we were surrounding Summer’s bed. “How are you holding up?” He gently squeezed Celine’s shoulders, worry for his little sister filtering into his gaze.
“I’ll be better once I can hold my baby,” she sighed, relaxing into the wheelchair, “and I can take him home. Ace is going to take the kids home, and then, he can bring them back in the morning unless they want to go to school.”
“I’m not leaving you here overnight alone,” I told her. Like hell was that happening. She’d just gone through hell today. She needed me by her side. Summer and Charlie would be just fine with Ryan and Amber.
“We’ve done it before,” she told me, and I growled. “Plus, they need routine.”
“Fine,” I snapped, not meaning to, but I didn’t want to leave her. Times like these, I both loved and hated that our children always came first. “I’ll take you back to your room, get Summer discharged, and take them home. I’ll be here first thing in the morning.” She laughed.