Page 58 of Safe With You
“Maybe I’ll never be able to afford vacations or a luxurious lifestyle, but if I’m happy, doing what I love, and can pay my bills, then that’s all I’m asking for.”
Drew’s voice turned apologetic. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be harsh. I know you’re trying to build a successful business.”
She still wasn’t sure he understood or supported her dreams, but she let the matter drop. There was no point in arguing about it right now. She changed the subject to the weekend and his time with his family. Once they’d discussed it and the surgery, she hesitated over another topic she needed to bring up. Now that she’d had time to think about it, it would no doubt cause as much friction as her plans for the future.
“I wanted to let you know that Ethan invited me to a family wedding with them. His cousin is getting married in a couple of weeks.”
She hated the noticeable pause and tension on the other end. “You’re going as his plus one?”
Katie closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, trying to keep annoyance from bleeding into her tone. “As his friend. I just thought it would be fun to go. Withallof them. It’s not the first time they’ve taken me to a wedding.”
If only Drew had gotten along with Ethan and been able to accept him as a friend. She hated the underlying jealousy and wasn’t sure what to do about it. Of course, she could have said no to the wedding, but she wanted to go. It hadn’t seemed like an issue when she’d accepted the invitation.
When Drew didn’t respond, she asked, “Do you want me not to go?”
“I won’t tell you what you can and can’t do.”
“But you’d prefer I didn’t.”
Drew’s tone had taken on an almost suspicious quality now. “It just seems weird, the amount of time you spend with him and his family.”
The irritation spiked again. “It wouldn’t be weird if you knew the extent of my relationship and past with them. Now that Grandma is gone, they are my family. The only family I have. I love them dearly.”
Another heavy sigh came through the phone. “Listen, I don’t want to argue about this. Let’s forget it.”
Katie released her own long breath. She didn’t like that the issue remained unresolved, but she agreed to let it go. They wrapped up the conversation and said goodbye, though the tension remained. Hoping to ignore it until it went away, she turned her focus to her sewing room. The yellow dress for the wedding caught her eye. She should get to work on it, but she wasn’t in a creative mood at the moment, especially with the wedding being the source of contention.
Leaving it on the table, she organized instead. She nearly had things the way she wanted them, but there were a few things she had to do yet.
Around lunchtime, she stood at the edge of the room and eyed the table and desk she wanted to move. She might have been able to slide them herself, but the desk was pretty heavy. And what if one of the legs on Grandma’s antique table broke if she tried? She pulled out her phone but stopped when she brought up Ethan’s contact. Drew would hate her calling him whenever she needed help around the cottage. And she hated it was now a thing. She deeply appreciated everything Ethan had done for her and his willingness to help, but Drew wouldn’t like that appreciation either. Why did things have to get complicated? And why was it starting to feel like she might have to choose between Ethan and Drew? That was not a choice she wanted to have to make.
Still frowning at her phone, she tapped the screen to call Ethan. She needed help, and he was her established go-to person. Who else would she call? All he had to do was walk over.
The phone rang twice before he answered. A slight note of concern tinged his voice. “Everything all right?”
“Yeah, everything’s fine.” At least as far as it pertained to her situation with Christopher and Grant. “I just had a quick favor to ask. Would you mind helping me move a few things in the sewing room when you can? I don’t want to slide Grandma’s table and break something. I don’t need it done right now. We can do it later when you’re done working.”
“Sure, no problem.”
They hung up, and Katie went back to analyzing the space.
Not fifteen minutes later, Ethan showed up. “I’m taking a break for lunch, so I thought I’d run over.”
Katie smiled but apparently failed to hide her lingering frustrations.
His brows dipped. “You sure everything is all right?”
She nodded, attempting a more convincing smile. “Yes, I’m fine. It’s just a personal thing. Nothing to do with Christopher or Grant.”
She might talk to Becca about it, but discussing the tension between her and Drew with one of the sources of that tension would be a betrayal. No matter how irritated she might be, she wasn’t about to do that. In this instance, it didn’t matter that Ethan was her best friend.
He just nodded and didn’t press for answers. Katie led the way to the sewing room, and they rearranged the furniture how she wanted it. The new arrangement left the main inside wall empty.
“I was thinking of getting shelves to put here for all of my fabric and clothing pieces.”
Ethan eyed the wall. “What kind of shelves were you thinking?”