Page 86 of Safe With You
He agreed. “Megan knows all the best shows. I know she’ll love to have us join her.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
After a brief pause, he leaned closer and bent to give her a soft kiss. She sighed. Every time he kissed her, she melted inside.
He murmured goodnight as he pulled away, and she echoed him.
Before parting, he glanced toward the cottage. “Do you want me to walk you home?”
Katie shook her head. He was probably as tired as she was, if not more. After all, he’d done all the heavy lifting. “That’s all right.”
Sharing one more smile, she turned and headed toward home. She yawned widely along the way, looking forward to her bed even if her bedroom would be uncomfortably warm. Living without air conditioning was something she’d had to get used to.
Inside the cottage, she called for O’Malley as she flipped on the kitchen light. After re-locking the door, she kicked off her sandals and looked around for the cat. Usually, he came running as soon as she got home at night. Maybe he was sleeping upstairs, too lazy from the heat to run anywhere. She walked into the living room.
A tall, dark shape materialized out of the sewing room as she reached for the light switch. She stumbled back with a gasp. Light from the kitchen fell on Christopher’s pale face. Her heart missed a beat before racing.
“What are you doing here?” She tried to project strength, but her voice came out breathless.
He just peered at her, his eyes dark and seething. She took a step back into the kitchen. Her gaze darted to the baseball bat in the stairway. Could she reach it before he reached her? He didn’t give her time to debate, taking a menacing step forward.
She lunged for the stairway. He seized her arm, yanking her back before she could grab the bat. A scream built in her chest, but Christopher’s other hand slapped over her mouth with such force her eyes watered.
Her next panicked thought was to call Ethan. She fumbled for her phone. Though she managed to pull it from her pocket, Christopher grabbed for it. She struggled against him, but he twisted the phone away from her. Pain pierced Katie’s wrist and shot up her arm. She gasped as the phone clattered on the floor. His wiry arm wrapped around her chest, pinning her against him.
He was too strong. Despite her fiercest attempt, she couldn’t break free. So she stilled, trying to breathe deeply, though her heart continued its frantic rhythm. A moment later, he dropped his hand from her mouth. This was her chance.
“Christopher, please, let’s just talk. What do you want?”
He snorted loudly in her ear. “You know what I want. I want what should have been mine, but you kept it for yourself. And you got me stuck with another restraining order. We’re done talking.”
His hand closed around her throat, his fingertips digging into the sides of her neck. She gasped for air, barely able to draw any in. He dragged her through the kitchen and to the door. She fought harder when he released her with one arm to open it, but his fingers only tightened around her throat, weakening her attempt. He shoved her outside. She tried to cry for help, but she couldn’t draw in a full breath, let alone scream.
She clawed at his hand, struggling to pry his fingers loose. Rocks bit into her bare feet as she fought to dig in, but he just kept moving forward. She kicked at his shins and attempted to trip him up to no avail. He was so much taller and stronger than her. Pressure throbbed in her head as she struggled to gasp in air.
The gravel beneath her feet turned to grass, and the realization struck. He was dragging her down to the lake. A fresh burst of horror flushed through her veins. She dug her nails deep into his hand and wrist. He cursed and dropped his other arm. Seizing the opportunity, she yanked against him, but his fist smashed into her side, expelling any air left in her lungs. Her knees buckled, her chest burning. Still, he just kept dragging her toward the water.
Tears streamed down Katie’s cheeks. No, no, no! She didn’t want to die. Not like this. Not over inheritance money. He could have it all: the money, the cottage, everything if he’d just let her go. Ethan’s face flashed in her mind. She just wanted to be with him. It didn’t matter if she had nothing else. Please, God!
Water splashed around her ankles and up her legs. Her airway opened up just long enough to drag in a full breath before Christopher spun her to face him and grabbed her throat again. Then he shoved her backward. Her back hit the water, her head going under as he pushed her downward.
Chapter Thirty-eight
Ethan finished brushing his teeth and reached for his phone, but it again came up empty for notifications. He frowned at it. He’d texted Katie goodnight like he had every night since her birthday. She always texted right back. He shook his head to himself. She was probably getting ready for bed too and hadn’t seen it yet. They had literally just left the house. It was ridiculous to get worked up just because she hadn’t responded immediately.
So then, why did something cold gnaw more fiercely at the pit of his stomach with each passing minute and make him wish he’d just walked her home tonight? He wanted to tell himself he was overreacting and being far too irrational, but…
He shoved his phone into his pocket and headed for the door. The worst that would happen if he was wrong was that he might look foolish. But he couldn’t shake the feeling something didn’t seem right. He’d never sleep if he didn’t make sure.
He strode up the drive, through the yard, and into the woods. His heart thumped an ominous beat, and he prayed it would all just be an overreaction on his part. Through the branches, it looked like her kitchen light was on. When he drew nearer, a sound caught his attention. Splashing at the water’s edge. It could have been any number of things, but he broke into a run, something sinister twisting in his gut.
On the other side of the trees, he hesitated just long enough to take in the scene playing out in the water. Though the yard light barely reached the lake, Ethan had no trouble distinguishing the dark figure bent over the roiling surface. In one heartbeat, he knew exactly what was going on and sprang into action.
He body-slammed into Christopher, sending him flailing into the lake. Ethan almost went down with him but regained his balance and reached into the water. His hand caught an arm, and he pulled Katie up. She broke the surface, gasping and coughing. Thank God!
Her other arm thrashed at him as if trying weakly to fight him off. He grabbed it and drew her toward him. “Katie, it’s me! It’s me.”
She stopped fighting and almost fell into him, her hands reaching to grasp his shirt, clinging to him. It sounded like she gasped his name, but it was so raspy it was hard to tell if it was that or a choked sob.