Page 11 of Rough Fantasy
“I-I’m not sure.”
He chuckled as he nuzzled her neck. Tendrils of need unfurled through her blood. He slipped his fingers along her jawline, then down to her breast. He hummed when he came in contact with her nipple. “I think you are, love.”
That was the truth. She could picture what he was describing and her body yearned. Her hormones were telling her to just hop on him and enjoy the ride. Hell, the man had her glasses fogged up. She wanted it so badly it scared her.
Maura grabbed onto what little sense she had left and said, “I--I need you to move.”
He paused. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. And, true to his word, he stepped back.
“You’re not playing games?” she asked.
“I wouldn’t have gotten both of us worked up if it was just a game, Maura. I don’t play that way…unless it’s for the job.”
He glanced down. She followed his line of vision and she saw his hardened cock easily through his jeans. She blushed.
“God, you are a joy,” he said. He leaned forward and brushed his mouth over hers. The simple kiss sent another jolt of lust racing through her blood. He pulled back and smiled. “You think about it. It’s a week. We can try it out, play…no worries. I have a feeling that you’ll have a really good time.”
“I don’t know.”
“Just think about it.” He took her hand and kissed her fingers. “I’ll see myself out.”
She didn’t move, couldn’t. She was so turned on she didn’t know if she could walk. She finally gathered herself enough to take a couple of steps. The glass he had drunk out of sat on the counter still. She grabbed it up and drank the remaining water down in one gulp.
She set it on the counter. The ideas that Rory had conjured up in her brain were never going to go away. Closing her eyes, they flashed there, tempting her. It was everything she could hope for. Zeke, and a hot Dom to make it all happen just as he had said.
She would have a really good time, but would her heart survive?
Zeke rolled up his swim trunks and stuffed them into his suitcase with more force than he needed. Irritation inched down his spine. Zeke knew he should have known this was going to happen, but he thought this time would be different. Rory had promised, had told him that he was there to stay. It was one of the reasons he had hired him. They needed dependable people, and when he was there, really there, Rory was the most dependable person in the world.
Zeke heard the door open, knew it was Rory and said nothing.
“Zee,” he yelled.
Zeke hesitated. He wasn’t sure he was in the mood to deal with his lover at the moment. Rory had a habit of disappearing for long periods of time right before he vanished for several months. Zeke promised himself it would be the last time for that shit. This time, if Rory walked out of his life, he was cut off.
Rory stepped into the room. “You seem to be doing some damage to the clothes, there. What have they ever done to you?”
His tone told Zeke he was trying to keep that tone light. Zeke wasn’t in the mood. He didn’t even look at him. If he did, Zeke was pretty sure he would punch him in his fucking throat.
“What’s up?”
Zeke rolled up a shirt and stuffed it in with his other clothes before answering. “Nothing. Just wondering where you were for two hours.”
“I had some things to pick up.”
Rory had never cheated on Zeke. Never. It just wasn’t in his character. When he was there, he was there just for Zeke. He might be a bastard when it came to sticking around, but that went with the package. Rory had commitment issues to the extreme. Zeke understood them, he was just sick of dealing with them. Sometimes, it was too fucking much to ask.
“When are you leaving?” Zeke asked. As soon as he said the words, he regretted them. He wasn’t really in the mood for the truth. He wasn’t sure he ever was but he was pretty sure he wasn’t now.
When he said nothing, Zeke looked up at him. Rory was frowning. “What the bloody hell are you talking about?”
Of course, Rory had no idea what he was talking about. They never addressed the issues they had. Not the ones like this. He would start to discuss it and Rory would disappear. It was the way he had dealt with things in the past.
“Look,” Zeke said as he went into the bathroom and started to shove things into his shaving kit, “I know what’s going on. This time though, I’ll have to replace you at the office if you are going to disappear, so at least give me a head’s up.”