Page 6 of Rough Fantasy
Rory kissed a path up to his mouth and then attacked his mouth. His tongue thrust into Zeke’s mouth, over and over. How could it be that this man could make him come undone so fast?
When he pulled back, Rory smiled. “Come on, Zee. It’ll be fun. Just think of everything that we could do. She’s hot for it too, you know she is.”
Zeke knew Rory was right. Knowing that he could watch her submit, one of his ultimate fantasies…Damn.
“Need a little relief, love?” Rory asked, his voice teasing Zeke as his fingers slipped down his chest.
His cock hardened further and his body yearned. He wanted that, wanted to feel Rory’s talented mouth on his flesh. But…they were at the office and at the moment, the door was unlocked. They didn’t hide their relationship, but having sex at the office was something else. As co owner he couldn’t do something like that—no matter how much he wanted to.
“No. Not at that office.”
Rory rolled his eyes but backed off. He liked to push Zeke’s buttons and he had a lot of experience doing just that.
“There was a time when that wouldn’t have stopped you,” Rory said.
“I wasn’t a boss then. Plus, we are about to leave for an entire week, or more. I don’t want anyone walking in on us starting our vacation early.”
Rory gave him a smirk then walked away to the windows that overlooked Miami. There was something else bugging him, something that Zeke knew he was trying to work out in his head.
“You have to let it go with Maura. While she might be up for a little play, Conner would not be happy.”
Rory rolled his shoulders. It was a sure sign that he wasn’t happy with what Zeke had said. One of the best things and one of the worst things about Rory was that once he got an idea, he would never let it go. It was something that made him good at his job, but it also made him a pain in the ass lover.
“You think she would go for it?”
Zeke sighed. Rory wasn’t going to let it go. “I think she might. It wouldn’t be good.”
Rory glanced over his shoulder and smiled. Those damned blue eyes twinkling at him. “I thought you said she was good. I thought what you said was she particularly liked...”
“I know what I said. It would cause problems here though.”
“Problems? How?”
“Not everyone is like you. Especially women. The complications at work would be tough. It was hard enough last time when Maura and I decided to split ways. Besides, you know what happened last time we brought a woman into the bedroom.”
“It was one hot fucking night, that’s what I remember.”
Zeke shook his head. Rory was right and with Maura, well, it would go beyond most of his fantasies. But their last experience had been very bad.
“So, you forget when she started to stalk you? How she threatened me? You always did have a selective memory.”
“And you remember too. You remember watching me tie Sherry down, don’t you? The way she happily would do anything I told her. You liked to watch when she sucked me off.”
Rory’s voice deepened over every word and Zeke had to take a bracing breath to control his need. His body was throbbing and his cock was so hard he probably wouldn’t be able to walk straight. Rory was one of the best at talking sex.
Rory walked toward him. Anticipation skated along his nerves. Zeke licked his lips. Instead of approaching him, though, Rory veered off toward the door.
“You think of that when you tell me you don’t want to share her.”
And with that he left Zeke, the door silently clicking behind him.
Even with the A/C on full blast, Zeke felt a small dribble of sweat slink down his back. He closed his eyes trying to calm the heat dancing over his nerve endings. Damn. The man could always control him.
It had always been like that from the beginning and Zeke had allowed it. Rory had his control issues because of his childhood and Zeke could handle it. They weren’t Dom and sub. Zeke was truthful about that when he told Maura. And weirdly for Rory, he only liked to Dominate women. Of course, it fed into Zeke’s need to watch. There was something about watching Rory work over a sub. With the right sub, Rory could send Zeke over the edge. And Maura would be perfect.
She was the right combination of sexy, smarts and submissive. He remembered the first day he met her. Never in his life did he have a reaction like that to a woman. She had smiled at him, her eyes sparkling from behind her glasses and his tongue had stuck to the top of his mouth. He actually stuttered. The only other person who had made him lose the ability to speak had been Rory.
It was inevitable that they get involved. Their arguing had only been foreplay to the bedroom. The sex had been wonderful, stellar. Still, he knew Maura had wanted—needed more. Something he couldn’t give her.