Page 70 of Rough Fantasy
May opened her mouth but Dee stepped in. “I’m going to warn you about May. She wants to know what it’s like to be with two guys all the time...and by be with I mean in the bedroom. Not like she doesn’t know what it’s like—ask me about that sometime. But that’s what she wants to know. Her brain is always in the bedroom.”
“Well, I’m sure those two aren’t boring. More than likely, they’ve used other rooms in the house.”
It was Maura’s turn to choke on her water.
May scooted forward in her seat and smacked Maura on her back a few times to help her.
“No, I’m fine. Stop, May you’re going to leave bruises on my back.”
“I’m sorry. I just…we don’t have much time before the men will descend on us. They don’t seem like they want you away from them for long.”
She frowned. “Is it that obvious?”
She wasn’t ashamed of being with the men but she wasn’t sure she wanted Conner to know what was going on. Not if the relationship didn’t make it past this week. His relationship with Zeke would be at stake and that was something she couldn’t accept. Conner had few friends in his life—mainly because of his control freak ways.
May’s voice broke into Maura’s thoughts. “Yeah. Lord, they watch you constantly. So, tell me, do you like it?”
She rolled her eyes and hummed. “You’ve seen them.”
“Yeah. I didn’t get the Dom vibe off Zeke when I met him before.”
“He’s not really into BDSM, at least participating.”
“Oh, well I don’t like to invade people’s privacy?—”
“That’s a lie.”
May gave Dee a dismissive glance. “But what do you mean, not into participating?”
She shifted on her seat. She told Jillian but she wasn’t sure if she wanted others to know. May must have picked up on her reluctance.
“Never mind. I won’t pry.”
“For once,” Dee muttered.
“But, good for you. I always thought you and Zeke should be together.”
For a second, she didn’t know what to say. The idea was too delicious to ignore. It was something she wanted for a long time and never thought to have. But when Rory had moved to Miami, she had thought that it was for the best. It was worse after the last few days. Now, dammit, she wanted both of them.
Before she knew it, she was blinking back tears.
“Oh, honey,” May said as she patted her hand. “I’m sorry. What’s wrong?”
Maybe it was because it was just the three of them, or maybe because she hadn’t really talked to anyone about it since she’d talked to Jillian, but she said, “I’m not sure I’ll be with them when the week is over.”
“Oh. Oh! They’re together. You were invited.” May looked at Dee then back at her. “Hmm.”
She said nothing else and Maura felt her patience slipping. “What?”
May said nothing as she looked around. It was as if she was searching for something or someone. “I have a feeling that those two do not want a week. They will want more.”
“Really? Because you haven’t talked to either of them since Jillian and Conner got married,” Dee said. She looked at Maura. “Ignore her. She thinks she’s some kind of relationship guru.”
“You just have to let things happen and let Auntie May help.”
Dee’s eyes widened with what looked like alarm. “Maylea Aiona Chambers, what are you up to?”
May shook her head as a slow smile curved her lips and she waved at someone in the crowd. Maura turned to follow her line of vision and saw the man she was waving over. He strode through the club with a lazy, laid back walk that was definitely deceptive. If you looked at him closely, you could see the way he scanned the area for threats. He was tall, taller than most, built like a bit of a boxer. His blond hair was cut short, and the kind of tan he had told her he worked outside. And…there was something vaguely familiar about him. That put her on alert. She had a very good memory and sometimes the pictures of men on the wanted posters stuck with her.