Page 91 of Rough Fantasy
Jillian snorted but said nothing thankfully.
“I figured those two Alphas who shot me threatening looks every time you drew in a breath would be hanging around for awhile.”
“When can I travel?” Maura asked. She wanted to leave, to get away from there.
She ignored Jillian’s stare. Maura had decided during all of the mess that she wanted to go back to Miami as soon as possible.
“I would say at least a few days. You should spend most of your time resting. Traveling would not be good.”
“We have a company jet with a bed. I can sleep my way back to Miami.”
The doctor sighed. “Okay, but maybe wait a day.”
She nodded.
“I’m going to get the nurse to get the paperwork ready for you.”
When they were left alone, Maura said, “Stop staring at me and being quiet. You’re freaking me out.”
“You sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah. It hurts, but I think I gave him a few nice bruises too.”
“The guys were a mess when they called. I’m surprised it took Conner this long to figure it out, but then he was holding out hope that you were still a virgin.”
Maura smiled then winced.
“Oh, sorry,” Jillian said.
“How pissed do you think he’s going to be?”
Maura didn’t have to say who she was talking about.
“It’s hard, hun. He sees you like a father would and knowing that you are having some hot freaky sex with two men is going to be hard for him to take. He still sees you as the teenager he raised.”
She nodded.
“You’re not having any issues here?”
Maura looked up and around the room. Jillian was the only person who really understood the way she felt about hospitals. She hadn’t had a true panic attack for years. “I’m doing okay. I think because I was out of it when I came in I didn’t freak out. Plus, I’ve been concentrating on getting those two Neanderthals to listen to me. Why does everyone think this is Peterson? They don’t know where we are. We aren’t even mentioned in anything in the case, mainly because the FBI didn’t want to drag us into it.”
Jillian laughed. “Oh, honey, they did. Your brother threatened a few people to make sure that none of you were. I have a feeling he has some dirt on some people at Quantico and he made sure they knew it would come to light if they ever pulled you into the case.”
She sighed. “I have to admit, when he does stuff like that, I love him. Now my personal life, I have a feeling this is not going to go over well.”
“He’ll live with it. He doesn’t want to see you get hurt. I don’t want to see you get hurt.”
“I’m not sure that’s possible.”
“Maura, have you talked about what’s going to happen when you get back?”
She shook her head. “I think we’re all afraid to talk about it. We need to and I was going to push for a discussion but now...I just want to go home.”
“Conner’s going to want to keep you here.”
“Well, fat lot of good that did me.”