Page 93 of Rough Fantasy
He walked into the home office of the house and settled on the seat behind the desk.
“So you want to tell me what was going on?” Conner asked.
“What do you mean?” Zeke asked.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Zee, he wants to know about the three of us.”
Conner glanced at him then back at Zee. “You’re my best friend, Zeke. I wasn’t really happy when you were together, but this crosses the line.”
“I don’t think you have a say in the matter,” Rory said. His temper was starting to boil, but he didn’t want to come to blows with Conner. It would make him feel a hell of a lot better, but he didn’t want a disturbance in the house. Maura needed rest.
“I think I do. I’m her brother.”
“And we’re her lovers,” Zee said quietly. He was angry. Rory knew his lover well enough to see the anger in his eyes. And the hurt. Rory knew that Zee thought Conner thought he wasn’t good enough for Maura. It had nothing to do with Zee or even Rory. Conner would never think a man was good enough for his baby sister.
“She’s not equipped to handle a relationship like this.”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Rory asked.
“She’s too naive. She doesn’t understand what all this means.”
He looked at Zee who rolled his eyes.
“I think you still see her as a fifteen-year-old. She’s not. She’s a grown woman and we left the decision up to her,” Rory said. “What you don’t like is your sister likes the arrangement.”
Conner made a face and Rory felt a little sorry for him. He didn’t have any sisters, but he was pretty sure he would beat the living crap out of a man saying that about his sister. Conner had more restraint than Rory would have. Of course, he wasn’t going to test it, because there was a good chance Conner was ready to lose it.
“That doesn’t matter. She is not sophisticated enough--”
“Stop right there,” Zee warned. “She is an adult, one who was given the choice. We didn’t pressure her. Your sister might not have had a lot of relationships when she was younger, but she is hardly some wide-eyed virgin. We suggested it and we gave her the choice.”
“And if I say I want to buy you out and send you on your way?”
“Then I guess that’s the end of the business relationship.”
A beat of silence filled the room. Conner looked stunned but he recovered fast enough. “Shit. You’re going to make me accept his, aren’t you?”
“Gentleman,” Jillian said. They all looked toward the doorway where Jillian stood. Rory wondered how long she had been standing there.
“I think you might want another opinion on the situation.”
“How is my sister?”
Her expression softened a bit. “She’s fine. She’s sleeping right now. And thankfully she missed all this crap.”
“Crap?” Conner asked.
“Yes, crap. Lord, you’re having a discussion about her as if you have something to say about it.”
“I’m looking out for her interests here.”
“By dissolving a partnership with your best friend because he loves her.”
Zee looked surprised which in turn surprised Rory. Did Zee realize the way he looked at the woman?
“Yes, I’ve known since the first time I talked to you that first time you were in love with her. It probably makes it easier that Rory is too.”
All their gazes swung his way and Rory felt his throat tighten. He had never said he loved the woman, and he wasn’t in love with her. Not really. Okay, maybe a little, but he would be damned if he talked about it in front of her brother and his wife. Or anyone for that matter.