Page 146 of Charlotte
“How are you going to keep this from everyone?” Charli asked. “Mom and Dad already suspect there’s something wrong.”
Skylar sighed. “I know. Realistically, I probably won’t be able to keep it from them.”
“I know it will be hard to tell them,” Charli said, her expression sympathetic. “But the more support you have, the better.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Also, Blake and I will need to talk about it. I can’t make this decision for both of us.”
Blake could have told her that he was on board with it right then. But he knew they did actually have to talk it over, just the two of them.
It was a bit weird to be on this side of the situation, but Blake was witnessing the stress of finding oneself with an unplanned pregnancy. It made him sad that he hadn’t been there to support Charli through hers.
“I’d like to have this settled before I go back after Christmas. Not knowing what to do has been the hardest thing. I just… I just need to know what’s happening as I head into the final trimester.”
“We’ll talk about it and let you know.”
“Thank you for at least considering it.” Skylar set her now empty glass on the table. “I think I’m going to go.”
Charli didn’t argue as she got up and walked Skylar to the front door. Blake followed them, and once Skylar had her coat and boots on, she gave Charli a hug.
“Love you,” Charli murmured as she hugged her sister. “Call me if you need to talk. You know I’ll understand.”
“I will.”
After Skylar left, Charli turned to Blake, and he wrapped his arms around her. “That was… a lot.”
“It was,” Charli agreed.
They stood in the foyer for a moment, then Charli said, “Let’s go drink more coffee, eat cookies, and talk.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
Back in the kitchen, Blake made them fresh cups of coffee while Charli cleared away the rest of the table, leaving only the plate of cookies and some napkins.
As she sat down at the table, Charli looked across at Blake. “So.”
“So,” he echoed. Watching her closely, he said, “Let’s do it.”
Charli’s eyes widened. “Just like that?”
“Just like that,” Blake said with a nod. “It feels right. Helping Skylar in that way after your experience.”
“A baby is a lot of responsibility, though, and I don’t think we’re in any position for me to stay home with the kids.”
Blake sighed. “Unfortunately, that’s probably true.”
“I’m sure Mom and Denise will help where they can.” Charli stared down at her coffee.
Blake reached across and rested his hand on hers, waiting until she looked up before he asked, “What are your concerns?”
She gave him a quick smile. “I have a lot, to be honest.”
“I have a question for you.” When he hesitated, she nodded for him to go ahead. “If Skylar had come here tonight to tell you that she was pregnant and giving the baby up for adoption, what would you have done?”
“I would have told her that I’d take the baby.”
“Skylar’s pregnancy isn’t going to change, and you have no control over that. All you have control of is your decision at this moment.”