Page 82 of Charlotte
“Are you okay?” Charli asked.
“Yeah. Just didn’t sleep very well.”
“Well, Kayleigh has arranged for you and me to have our hair and makeup done, too. They’re all finished with the wedding party, so now it’s our turn.”
Skylar hesitated, then shrugged. “It would be nice to have someone else do it for me.”
“That’s what I thought too.”
Together, they went back into the room that had once been Kayleigh and Charli’s and happily submitted themselves to the skills of the trio waiting there.
“How’s school going?” Charli asked as they settled into chairs so the women could do their makeup.
Skylar was currently away at college, having left Serenity a few months earlier. The last Halverson child had flown the nest.
“It’s fine. I’m still getting used to living in a dorm and finding my way around the much larger campus.”
“Are you liking your classes?”
Charli was glad for the opportunity to chat with her sister, all while having someone else do her hair and makeup. She’d never had her makeup done professionally, and she didn’t have a lot of skill herself, so this was a real treat.
By the time they were done and dressed, the photographer had finished with the bridal party, and everyone was preparing to head out. A stretch limo waited in the driveway to take them to the church.
The vehicle was large enough for all of them. However, Charli decided to take her car so that she’d have the option of leaving when she wanted. Skylar opted to go with her, and they left ahead of the limo so they’d be at the church already when the bridal party arrived.
“Is this supposed to be a big wedding?” Skylar asked.
“You’d think it would be, given the money they’ve laid out for wedding attire and the décor at the church, but it’s not. I think Kayleigh said around a hundred or so.”
“Hudson’s family didn’t want to bring a lot of guests?”
“Hudson had even fewer guests on the list than Kayleigh.”
“For some reason, I assumed they’d be having a huge wedding.”
“I’m pretty sure we all thought that,” Charli said. “Kayleigh did say that they were stopping by New York on their way back from their honeymoon because Alexander wanted to throw a party in celebration recognition of their marriage.”
Once Charli had parked at the church, the two of them headed for the front door. It was still early, but Kayleigh had wanted a few quiet minutes in a room at the church while she waited for the ceremony to start.
Hudson and his groomsmen were already at the church but were currently nowhere to be seen. Hudson had gotten close to Gareth over the past year, so he had asked him to be his best man. Both of Hudson’s brothers were also part of the wedding party, and Peyton had been designated as the ring bearer.
She was braced to see Blake that day, since she knew Kayleigh and Hudson had invited him and Amelia. It had been a week since their… dinner, and Jay and Janessa kept asking her when she was going to go out with him again. She hoped that for that one day, they’d forego the matchmaking and keep the focus on Kayleigh and Hudson.
It had been her hope that going out with Blake once would allow her to brush off future attempts by her siblings to pair them together. Clearly, she underestimated the tenacity of her siblings. Since their dinner had turned out reasonably well, her siblings seemed to think they should do it again.
Though she would never admit it to them, she kind of agreed. But she didn’t think more one-on-one time with Blake could lead anywhere, so what was the sense?
“You two look great,” Cole said as he strode up to them.
Everyone had come back to Serenity for the wedding, so her parents’ home had been full for a couple of nights. Although the guys had come to her place earlier that day to get ready, since the ladies had all gathered at the family home.
Charli gave him a hug. “Thanks.”
Cole and Skylar’s interaction was a little more reserved than Charli was used to seeing between the two.
“How’s school going, sis?” Cole asked. “Regretting not joining me?”
“Not at all.” The words had an edge to them that Charli got stuck on for a moment. “I’m enjoying being on my own, making new friends that don’t know me as somebody’s little sister.”