Page 148 of Lee
“Forever?” she asked. “Like married?”
“I’m not asking just yet, but it’s what I want to happen one day.”
“I want that too.” Please, God, let this be what our future holds.
Lee lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it. “I love you so much, Rori, and I’m ready to fight for us with you. Whatever lies ahead.”
He got to his feet, drawing Rori up to hers, then he leaned across the table. Rori met him halfway, pressing her lips to his with a smile. It was a brief kiss, but it was full of hope and love.
But mostly it was full of the promise of forever.
Lee kept a tight grip on Rori’s hand as they followed his parents into the hotel in Spokane, Washington. His stomach was a mess of nerves in anticipation of the meeting that was to come.
His parents led them to where a tall man with a headful of white hair and stooped shoulders stood. His dad shook the man’s hand, then his mom hugged him.
“Lee, this is Dr. Stein.”
There were no further introductions needed. Lee knew exactly who this man was and what he’d done to help Lee survive.
Dr. Stein held out his hand, and when Lee took it, he was surprised at the strength in his grip. The man held Lee’s hand between both of his as he gazed at Lee, his expression filled with emotion.
“I can’t tell you what an answer to prayer it is to see you healthy and happy. God is good.”
Lee couldn’t deny that. “Thank you for all you did for me.”
The man’s faded blue eyes suddenly held a sheen of moisture. “I only wish I could have done more for your brother. Many people failed you. I didn’t want to be one more on that list.”
“You didn’t fail me. And you didn’t fail Ian either.” It had taken some time for Lee to come to a place where he could clearly lay blame where blame was deserved.
“And who is this beautiful woman?” Dr. Stein asked as his gaze moved to Rori.
“This is my girlfriend, Rori Harlow-Gray.”
Dr. Stein smiled at her as he shook her hand. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you.”
Rori’s smile as she looked up at the older man was as beautiful as ever. “The pleasure is definitely mine. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have Lee in my life.”
“Well, I mustn’t hog all your time,” he said, releasing Rori’s hand. “The others are waiting.”
The older man moved with slow but steady steps as he led them to the small meeting room that had been reserved for the gathering. Lee and his parents had decided to go to Spokane rather than Coeur d’Alene or Serenity to avoid the risk of running into someone they knew. Plus, Spokane was more convenient for the people who were flying in—which was everyone but them.
It was around a two-hour drive from Serenity, but the trip had passed pretty quickly. Lee and his parents had brought separate cars since Lee had plans following this visit.
Lee took several deep breaths as they reached the door to the room. Rori squeezed his hand and briefly leaned her head against his shoulder.
There had never been any question in his mind if she should come with them for this meeting. She’d been his rock, his strength, throughout the past several months. It would have felt very wrong not to have her at his side for this.
The small group of people who were standing together chatting, turned when Lee and his group walked into the room. Right away, Lee recognized Susan Theissen, the psychiatrist, since he’d been speaking with her once a week for a while now.
She had flown in to meet with him not long after the conversation he’d had with his parents. After that initial in-person meeting, she’d met with him virtually once a week. Rori had even had a couple of sessions with her. Both concerning her own situation, but also to learn how best to support Lee.
Susan hurried over to greet them, a wide smile on her face. She shook hands with each of them, then led them to the others.
Introductions were made, then they all sat down around a large round table that held a place setting for each of them. His parents had figured everyone would be more comfortable if they talked over a meal, so they’d made arrangements for that.
Lee took a seat to Rori’s left, while his mom and dad sat on her right.