Page 106 of Gilded Smoke
She was forgiving me, but it didn’t come without a request. Don’t do this to me again.
I reached out to gently seize her chin. “Join me in the shower, pet?”
Those stunning gray eyes stared at me while my words processed through all the chaos that her emotions had left behind. There was a part of me that feared she would reject the gentle request and simply cave into her own pain. Yet those lips finally curled into a small smile. “Only if you explain to me what happened between you and Antonio.”
This woman is going to be the death of me. Groaning softly, I shifted one hand so that I could rest my weight against the bench as I fought to rise off the ground. Every single muscle within my body ached, which made it far more difficult than it should’ve been. It took everything I had not to acknowledge the pained expression haunting my pet’s face until I was finally back on my feet.
Quinn didn’t budge an inch, those piercing eyes still locked on me. “I’m not moving until you start talking, Asher.” she warned.
“Start sucking up, boy.” My uncle’s advice circled in my mind.
A weary sigh escaped me. I could already sense that my pet was going to ask a great deal of me before she would finally let tonight go. “Remember when I informed you that it was a crime to inflict violence upon a demon lord?”
“As well as those working beneath them, yes.”
Looks like Sol was trying to explain things for me. Or at least pave a path so I could fumble my way along.
I nodded slowly. “With Antonio… It was a mixture of things. He had a younger brother that worked for Nico and he happened to…become hooked on the same woman as him. It became a dangerous game they played.”
My pet’s expression grew guarded as I talked.
Gritting my teeth, I pulled away from her. Every part of my body was becoming antsy — no doubt a feeling she endured quite often from how frazzled her energy would become. Still, I wasn’t used to it and I certainly didn’t enjoy the experience. I flexed my jaw to help work out the tension. “Antonio’s brother…Gavin…was under the impression that he’d won the fair lady over until he walked into her hotel room and found her in bed with Nico. From what I hear, Gavin lost it. He tried to strike Nico down.”
And failed miserably.
It was one thing to bear the strength of an enraged demon, but a demon lord was on another level. The kid never stood a chance.
“So… Antonio hates you because…”
“I carried out the punishment required for Gavin turning against his demon lord.” I drifted toward the showers, leaning against one of the tiled half walls so that I could reach in and twist the knob. “Nico was willing to let it slide as long as Gavin publicly admitted he was no longer under Nico’s protection. Which was essentially a death sentence itself.”
Quinn was quiet for a moment. “But I…I don’t understand. It would make more sense for Antonio to go after Nico than you.”
I turned my head slightly so that our gazes locked once again. “By demon law, Nico was supposed to be the one to handle it. Because he was willing to let it go, it called for his death. My father wanted blood, pet, even if it meant that it came from someone who had protected me since we were young. I refused to let him take the fall.” I grimaced and severed eye contact.
I could still see the lifeless body lying at my feet. My arrival at the boy’s home certainly hadn’t been planned, nor had I anticipated that the gunshot would raise an alarm from Antonio - who just happened to be in the garage, attempting to fix their father’s classic Camaro.
The poor bastard didn’t even seem to realize I was there, simply gunning for his brother’s body. I didn’t even know what had happened after I left the house. A part of me had accepted the belief that Antonio had taken his own life since there was no one left. No reason to walk the earth when that trek would be alone.
I didn’t realize Quinn had finally moved from the bench until her hands grazed against my arm. Although I jolted, she simply started working on unbuttoning my stained shirt. She watched the material slide down until the final button was pulled free. As it fell to the floor, she ran her hands down my bruised chest. “So tonight was about…revenge?”
“In a sense.” My voice softened to a simple murmur. There was absolutely no attempt to move on my part as she continued to work on getting the clothing off my body. A painful sensation caused throughout my body as my cock hardened immediately, yearning for her touch. It was something I couldn’t ask of her after what I’d put her through tonight. “Although I get the impression that won’t be the last of him since he couldn’t quite succeed with exposing me as weak.”
“Will he come for you again?” My pet nibbled on her lower lip with so much force that she ended up causing a shallow wound. She cringed as the blood droplet escaped down her chin.
I immediately reached up, stopping it with my thumb. “Perhaps. I can protect myself, pet. It is your safety I am more concerned about. I did promise you not to allow any further recklessness on my part and I meant it. No more.”
Her gray eyes rose until they locked with mine. There was no way that I could miss that surge of relief that I had heard her desperate plea, loud and clear.
As those lips curled into a small smile, I leaned forward and pressed my lips against hers. I had absolutely no protest as the sudden force prompted her to back up until a partial wall blocked her path. With my body firmly against hers, I continued lavishing those fair lips while I worked on getting her own clothes off. There wasn’t a part of me that could be content until her soft skin was against mine.
Quinn sucked in a sharp gasp when I managed to trap her lower lip in between my teeth. All it took was a quick flick of my tongue against the fresh wound for her back to arch and her body to press into me. Her hands had barely settled on my chest before those fingers curled to dig into my skin.
I tucked an arm behind her back, prompting her to move under the hot water. Small goosebumps danced along my skin as soon as the heat brushed over me. “You’re still tense,” I murmured. Turning my head, I grazed the tips of my fangs along that delicate skin. My cock twitched as she trembled with a moan. When her hand started reaching, I was quick to catch it. “No, pet. I want to remind you of the queen that you are. You owe me nothing.”
A soft whine escaped her. “B-But…”
The edges of my lips twitched. I managed to silence her by delivering several nips to her jawline. As she writhed against me, I continued the hot trail down her neck. My fangs grazed against her collarbone as I ventured further south. Despite the waves of water pouring down my body, I knelt and brushed against her marked breast.