Page 119 of Gilded Smoke
It seemed the toy was a good investment in more than one way.
“A-Asher!” Quinn’s entire body arched as I delivered one hell of a thrust into her pussy. Between it and the suction head, there was no stopping the orgasm from ripping through her. Several loud groans echoed off the walls around us, mixed with whines and whimpers in between every single one. There was even the tell tale sign of ripping beneath her body as the material bunched up in her palms. Yet, the sight of seeing those eyes roll up into the back of her head prompted me to pick up speed.
Not too much longer until I can replace this toy with my cock again, pet.
I closed my eyes, content to lose myself in the heavenly symphony of her noises. I would have succeeded if it wasn't for the pounding from the front door. My head whipped toward the right as a livid snarl escaped my lips. Was there really someone that was reckless enough to interrupt my current torture session?
My pet was so lost in her own bliss that she didn’t even seem to hear the noise.
The pounding came again, followed by muffled shouting. “Asher, answer the goddamn door!”
I immediately ceased all of the movements within Quinn, even tugging my cock away from her clit to stop the suction.
Although she lay there on the bed, sprawled out beneath me while she fought to regain her breathing, the next set of pounding attracted her attention. She immediately scooted along the bed until she could sit up. Her wide gray eyes swung toward me. “Is that Archer?” she panted.
My upper lip curled and a livid snarl escaped me. “It would appear so.”
I had gotten so caught up in the moment that I had only sought to strip the clothing from the lower half of my body, which meant my cell phone was still nestled up against my chest. I jammed my fingers inside. A quick check revealed that I had no missed calls.
Yet here the demon lord was, banging on the damn door. Considering that he had just been in New Orleans to keep an eye on the Nephilim, him coming directly to my location was nothing short of a bad omen.
Arching an eyebrow, I reluctantly gathered my discarded clothes from the floor. “Don’t get too comfortable, pet. We’re not done.”
Quinn tugged the dildo out of her pussy, her cheeks flushing when the toy came out with a loud plop. The blush only grew darker when both of us were granted the amazing sight of how covered it had become.
“Looks like it does a fantastic job,” I teased. The amusement didn’t last long as the demon started pounding on the door again. Gritting my teeth, it took everything I had not to succumb to a series of irritable noises. “I will return shortly, pet. Continue to play with the toy, if you’d like.” I retreated from the bedroom with a wink, taking great care to tug the double doors shut to give her privacy.
By the time Archer started going at the door again, I was weighed down with rage. I ripped it open just as his fist came toward the wood. “Is there a reason why you’re interrupting me when a cell phone works perfectly fine?”
The demon lord simply stared back at me. Every fiber of his being was weighed down with exhaustion, although that wasn’t what had the air catching my throat. It was the fear haunting those purple eyes. “Boss, it’s Nico,” he rasped.
That dissolved my rage immediately. I turned my head slightly, glaring at him through narrowed eyes. “What about Nico?” When he hesitated, I hardened my tone, “Archer.”
His breathing quickened and he averted his gaze. “They took him, boss. Nico’s gone.”
“What the fuck do you mean he’s gone?”
The demon lord tensed as the icy edge woven within my words. He didn’t seem to have the strength to resume eye contact with me - not that he seemed to have enough to do anything more than stand. In the midst of my annoyance, I hadn’t even realized that his entire face was littered with cuts and blood stains that had come from someone else. “I…I was on my way back from New Orleans. Someone was tailing me. That’s why I hadn’t come here sooner. They were closing in until…until they fucking vanished.”
I gestured for him to join us in the penthouse, stepping out of the way to grant him entrance. As he slowly made his way inside, I eased the door shut behind him. My body was still clinging to the intoxicating haze that had started weaseling into my body from tormenting Quinn with her new toy, yet that didn’t stop me from being consumed by a blinding chill that I hadn’t experienced in centuries.
Out of all the demon lords that had stayed loyal to me throughout the centuries, Nico was the one I never anticipated ever running into a problem. Without a female to cloud his thoughts, how could he have been caught off guard?
I ran my fingers through my hair as Archer led the way toward the open living room. While he made a beeline for the bar to grab a glass of wine, I settled for simply studying his demeanor. There hadn’t been a doubt in my mind that they could all handle themselves. We’d had to before and we all came out on the other side with a fair number of injuries.
Yet, one had completely disappeared into thin air while this one was struggling to stay on his feet.
Blowing out a slow breath, I eyed him. “What happened?”
Archer shook his head slowly, continuing to pour the wine until it drew close to the brim. Only when he risked spilling it over the edge did he finally stop and raise the glass. He didn’t answer me right away. It took several large gulps of the wine before he finally seemed to regain the ability to speak. Setting the glass down, he leaned against the bar and hung his head. “I was on my way back to Montana. Since…it felt like I was being followed, I didn’t want to lead them straight to you.”
I nodded slowly. Marcillo had already performed one hell of a power play by blowing up my father’s jet once it had taken off. It would be foolish to dismiss the idea that they would not only come gunning for me here in Vegas, but they would pass up the chance to take out a council member as well. We’d lost them in the past during their journey to the future king.
It was why they had opted for Vegas this time. Not only did it eliminate the possibility of them being jumped at an eastern port, but this city was ours. It had been for years.
He blew out a sharp breath, letting those purple eyes focus on a random piece of fluff resting on the bar surface rather than drifting back toward me. “At some point…they were gone. I didn’t know what had happened to them until I pulled up to Nico’s place. The entire place was destroyed, Asher. Every single person inside was dead, including those in his pit.”
Chills trickled down my spine. The missing gun shipment…These bastards had tailed after the demon lord until they realized what their end destination was. Considering that it hadn’t been that long ago since I had been holed up in the manor, they had probably gone in with the hope of bringing me down with everyone else. I was their end target. Everyone else was simply in the way.