Page 13 of Gilded Smoke
My heart skidded to a halt as soon as he strolled into view. I could feel my legs becoming rubber beneath me while my throat went as dry as the Sahara Desert. Swallowing did absolutely nothing except send a wave of pain down my spine. Even with so much pressing against my aura and leaving me to tremble like the rest of my fellow APL members, I couldn’t break my eyes away from him.
Power dominated his aura, mirrored within those piercing golden eyes. They were on the verge of glowing beneath his black locks, even if the left half of his head was shaved to portray unique tattoos on his scalp. All he did was strode toward his seat and ease down onto it with a flawless grace that left my mouth watering.
So this was the prince himself, a walking embodiment of sex on a plate.
The fact that he was having this effect on me horrified me to the core. Although the desire to avert my gaze was overwhelming, I refused to let myself cave. As those piercing golden eyes drifted over us, I merely raised my chin more.
I would have managed to remain standing tall if it wasn’t for the fact that his presence also seemed to affect the APL members in an entirely different way. Before I had a chance to prepare myself, every single person dropped to their knees and began to plead their case. The sudden drop in the chains pulled against my cuffs, causing the metal to dig into my skin.
I hissed, struggling to stay upright.
Theo was the only one to remain on his feet with me, except he immediately bolted forward in a feeble attempt to lunge at the royal. “You can go back to fucking hell where you belong, you twisted creation!” He attempted to deliver another ball of spit at the glass. It hit the ground, nowhere near his desired target. Still, he remained on his feet with his chest puffed out.
At least until one of the armed goons jammed the butt of his weapon into his face.
Theo crumbled onto the floor with a pained groan.
The smell of iron was even stronger in the air now, causing my stomach to churn. I finally broke my gaze away from the demons and squeezed them shut. None of the others could smell it the way that I did, which always made me uncomfortable. I could never handle the sight of blood. Now it was being shoved into my face with absolutely nowhere for me to retreat to.
Of all times to yearn to be normal and have my own bastard blood mocked.
The injury to his brother seemed to be enough to convince Tate to take a stand of his own. With his brother fallen beside him, there was only so much he could straighten without dragging his own kin along with him. His wild hazel eyes were glued on the demons. “The angels will overthrow you! You will all burn in hell where you rightfully belong.”
The same goon that had struck Theo down seemed eager to do the same with Tate. I was stunned when the energy in the air seemed to shift, bringing the goon to a halt. All it took was another shift before he reluctantly backed down and rested the weapon against his shoulder.
All it took was a shimmer behind the glass before the prince himself teleported down to our level. As soon as he was in the same room with us, his power grew immensely. Tate couldn’t remain on his feet as it weighed down on all of us. The prince’s lips twitched. It was exactly the reaction that he’d anticipated — and expected. That smirk seemed to fade as soon as his gaze swung my way.
Although the smell of blood had shaken my will to remain defiant, I managed to stay on my feet despite everyone huddling on their knees around me. It caused the metal to dig into my skin even more. I had no regrets about my bold decision until the prince shifted and headed in my direction. I gritted my teeth as he grew closer, my knees growing weak beneath me. The sensation grew worse when the aroma of musk and smoke brushed against me.
The room started to spin around me to the point where I feared that I would end up on the ground with the others.
A hand shot out, catching me by the chin. The warm sensation from the prince squeezed all of the air out of my lungs. There was no hope of taking a fresh breath when he turned my head and forced our gazes to lock. The full weight of that power left me suddenly willing to turn my back on everything I had believed in. Whatever he asked, I would give him.
Even if it was my soul.
The prince shifted his hand, dragging the tips of his fingers along my jawline. He left a trail of fire in his wake.
“What would you like us to do with them, sire?” Marcus arched an eyebrow, his gaze shifting between us. It was clear by his expression that it was highly unusual for the prince to take an interest in a prisoner, especially one that had stolen from him. He was nothing more than a child hanging on the edge of their seat with overwhelming anticipation.
The prince mused over his question for a moment. “Let Nico have their leaders. Kill the rest.”
Panicked gasps sprang up around me. The fact that I had been roped into the same fate as most of them should have left me crumbling at his feet. Except there seemed to be a part of me that realized he wasn’t done with his orders.
Just as I’d expected, those pale lips parted again and he murmured, “This one is mine.”
My heart skipped a beat. I should be absolutely horrified for a fate that was certainly worse than the rest of the organization piled together. So why did the idea of this man owning me excite me? Why could I feel a wetness pool in between my legs for a man that could easily rip off my head and impale it on an iron rod?
The prince’s hand fell, those fingers curling around my throat. All he did was squeeze once and a soft hiss escaped my lips. The edges of his lips twitched again. “Send her to the lab and then deliver her to the conference room.”
Marcus bowed his head slightly. “Yes, sir.”
As soon as the prince drew back, I found my body trembling. There wasn’t a part of me that understood what kind of reaction I was having now that his warm touch was gone. Was I quivering out of fear? A life of imprisonment was nothing more than eternal torture, especially when the bastard realized that I didn’t age like everyone else. There was no death in sight for me like it was for the others — even if the brothers were staring down a prolonged torture by the demon lord known for his torture methods.
I had reached a whole new level of screwed.
The panicked protests ceased when the other goon started firing upon the lines. It didn’t matter if I was still standing tall. The bastard had a good enough aim to strike down every single person around me until only three of us were left.
That was when the crimson-eyed demon lord teleported into the room. All he did was share a quick glance with the prince before he reached out to seize the brothers by their shirt. Their chains dropped down to the floor, empty. The only thing that had been left behind was a pool of piss in Tate’s spot.