Page 15 of Gilded Smoke
Well, that wasn’t a comforting sign. Still, I gave my best effort to ignore him and pretend that everything was absolutely fantastic.
“Your age?” Bianca continued without acknowledging the demon’s behavior.
I raised my gaze to the worn ceiling tiles above me. “Twenty-one.”
The doctor clicked the pen shut and set it down on the clipboard. “Very well. I need you to stand on this scale so I can grab your weight. After that, we’ll do your height.”
“Why the fuck do you care about all this?” When Charles’ hand started twitching toward the butt of his gun again, it drew my gaze toward it. I didn’t linger on it long before we locked eyes and I glared at him with every ounce of rage that I had. Just because the prince had expressed interest in me didn’t mean I wouldn’t go without a fight.
A part of me was hoping the goon would slip up and get it over with. The less hell I went through, the better.
Bianca drifted into sight with an annoyed expression of her own. She shot a warning look at the goon before she returned her attention to me. “The prince asked for an evaluation to be done on you to ensure you are given to him in a healthy condition. It is not my place to reject his request. So you can either give me what I need voluntarily or I can have Charles here sedate you enough to get it anyway. It’s up to you, Miss Barone.”
The rage strengthened within me so quickly that I found myself curling my nails until they started to dig into my palm. As soon as it started to sting, the doctor’s hand lashed out and seized my wrist.
“I would advise you against doing that,” she warned softly. “Even if we’ve recently fed, not every vampire can resist the call of drawn blood. Those who were changed into one have far less control than those born into this life.”
My fingers immediately relaxed. “Y-You’re a vampire?”
“So is Charles. He wouldn’t hesitate to feed from you, regardless of the death sentence it would bring. Do yourself a favor and quit trying to harm yourself while you’re in my care.” Bianca released my wrist. “Now come stand on this scale for me.”
I was still reeling from the shock that I had come face-to-face with vampires instead of demons that I didn’t put up any more of a fight with her recent request. I kept Charles in my sight as I reluctantly slid off of the chair and went to the scale. It only took a few minutes for the doctor to grab the information she needed before I was instructed back to the seat.
Bianca murmured softly to herself while she filled out the paper more without my help. It wasn’t until she set the pen down and started going through the drawers that the knot returned stronger than before.
I was ready to vomit when she produced a partial needle and a vial. “You’re not touching me with that.” I rasped.
“Tough shit, mortal.” Charles snorted.
“Fuck you,” I shot back.
It was obvious that I had absolutely no self-control where my own safety was concerned. The second the insult left my lips, Charles immediately straightened and took a step toward me. “What did you just say?”
“Enough!” Bianca immediately planted herself between us with her glare fixed upon the other vampire. “Go get Jackson and relieve yourself. I do not need you instigating a fight with a prisoner.”
Charles drew his head back slightly with a soft snarl, his topaz eyes flashing. “That bitch started it!”
“And I’m finishing it,” she countered. “Now go before I file a complaint with Cade. He will not tolerate this behavior any more than the prince will.”
The goon stared at her for several long minutes while he tried to comprehend that she was completely serious about the situation. A livid snarl escaped him when he finally turned on his heel and stormed out of the room.
Bianca’s body didn’t relax until he had been out of sight for a solid minute. When she glanced back at me, her expression was a mix of exhaustion and annoyance. “I’m starting to think that you’re trying to get yourself killed.”
“Gee, what was the first clue?” My tone was bone dry and her eyes narrowing didn’t make me regret my boldness in the slightest.
“You might not realize it right now, Miss Barone, but you should consider yourself very lucky.” The good doctor studied me for a moment in silence while a fresh set of footsteps came in our direction. She didn’t sever eye contact until the new goon came into sight. “Have you fed recently?”
“Within the hour.” Jackson arched an eyebrow at her, those stunning golden eyes surveying her closely. “Why?”
“Because it’s time for the next part of the evaluation.” She gestured at me. “I need her moved to the showers.”
Every part of my body stiffened as the weight of her words sank in quickly — and painfully. Giving the information necessary for this identity was nothing. Now these bastards were literally demanding things that were starting to crumble my own will. I swung my eyes toward Jackson as he mused over her words with a slow nod before he eased his weapon toward his back. As soon as he took that first step in my direction, I snarled, “Don’t fucking touch me.”
Instead of hesitating, he simply picked up the pace. The distance between us shrank within seconds. “She’s a fiery one,” Jackson noted, reaching out to grab my arm and hoist me onto my feet. He didn’t give me a chance to strike at him before he had both arms pinned behind my back.
“Now you see why I had to send Charles away.”
“Charles is a loose cannon. He doesn’t need to be working in the lab if the prince is interested in a possible asset.” Jackson pushed against my arms, forcing me toward the slim opening out of the concealed area. All it took was a quick yank just to turn me in the right direction.