Page 22 of Gilded Smoke
The red-eyed demon lord followed hot on his heels, nudging the door shut before he took the seat closest to the prince’s. He didn’t say a single word.
Marcillo simply sneered at the prince. “You think it is wise to inform me that you don’t see our meetings as important business? I don’t have to be diplomatic. We can just scrap this bullshit and go straight into civil war.”
The prince eased into his chair with more grace than Marcillo had.
Every single movement he made left my legs weak. Hell, I could already feel that familiar wetness pooling in between my legs. Stifling a squeak, I brought my feet back against me in a feeble attempt to hide the aroma that was already escaping into the air. Trying to conceal it was useless when it came to a demon’s sense of smell.
Which only left the question of how good that sense was for angels.
“It sounds like you’ve already made up your mind before coming here.” The prince relaxed in his chair with a slight smirk emerging.
Marcillo flinched. “N-No, not at all… I merely believe you are asking for more than you rightfully deserve.”
All it took was a small gesture from the prince before Santino reached forward and slapped the smaller button again. His golden eyes were already fixed upon Marcillo. “You have a rising debt that is quickly getting out of hand. I cautioned you long ago about the methods you insisted on taking when it came to your empire and you’ve chosen to ignore my advice. Here we are, once again.”
“You’ve already taken almost half of the country from us,” Marcillo hissed. “What more do you want?”
A weary sigh escaped the prince. He tilted his head slightly so that he could pinch the bridge of his nose. “The states you have signed over to us come nowhere near to paying off your debt. From what I hear, the amount you owe us now is even bigger than we started with.”
“If you would stop stealing our land, then we would be able to save the condemned souls here!” The woman snarled.
Marcillo raised a hand to silence her. “Hush, Azialle…”
“Angels.” Archer smirked at them. “You never learn. Humans don’t want to be saved with the promise of some beautiful afterlife. They’re driven by the same dark desires we have. Greed…violence…sex.” His grin grew. “Sometimes it pays to sin.”
Angels. The air caught in my throat. My vision became hazy again. The prince’s guest was an angel. It was just my luck to bear witness to a meeting between two princes.
The conference door opened and the same man who had dragged Samantha out returned with a single bottle of wine. He popped the cork before he set it in front of the prince himself. Not a single word was spoken and he dismissed himself with a small bow.
The bold move left Marcillo’s expression darkening. “What was wrong with the wine that I gifted you?”
“You mean the wine that was poisoned with Jinn blood?” Santino let the remark escape off his tongue without a single care. He tapped his thumb against the table.
The prince released a soft chuckle, pouring himself a full glass of wine. Setting the bottle back down, he brought the wine glass up to his face. Instead of taking a sip immediately, he drew in a slow breath and hummed softly. “I was wondering what I smelled when I arrived tonight. If you’re not careful, Marcillo, you’re going to risk a war on two fronts.”
The angel stiffened. “Are you threatening me, Asher?”
Violent shivers tore through my body once the prince’s name rolled off the angel’s tongue. It didn’t seem to matter that it was coming from the mouth of someone who played just as dirty as the demons while bearing a beautiful face. I could feel my own lips tingling with the overwhelming desire to whisper it.
The edges of Asher’s lips twitched. He didn’t answer the angel immediately, instead taking a casual sip of wine. When he lowered the glass back onto the table, he ran his tongue along his lower lip.
A whine almost clawed its way up my throat. If he could make such a simple action look downright delicious, what else could he accomplish with that tongue? My cheeks grew hot when I realized how close I had come to uttering a noise driven by my sex drive. I immediately curled my lips and bit down hard to keep it from escaping.
The prince’s demeanor seemed to change slightly in the blink of an eye. While there was still a toying edge to his behavior, his own irritation seemed to finally rise to the surface. He reached into his suit pocket and pulled a small manilla envelope from within. Not a single word was spoken as he pulled a small stack of photographs out. He tossed it onto the table, using just enough force to send it sliding down toward the angel. “You’ve been very busy lately, Marcillo. I’ve been hearing things — actions taken on your part that challenges this little treaty of yours.”
Marcillo’s blue eyes lowered to the photographs. Although he didn’t move an inch to retrieve them, he still paled. He already knew what they portrayed. A hint of panic was starting to leak into his aura.
“Did you think I wouldn’t know that you gave the order to steal my shipments?” Asher’s grin grew as the angel’s emotions started to reflect on his face. “Now why would you need to steal guns that didn’t belong to you?”
“I have done no such thing,” Marcillo rasped. “If your shipments are being stolen, then it’s not by my order.”
That was enough to squeeze out a laugh from Asher. I held my breath as the sound washed over me and made every sensation within me five times worse. It wasn’t even a true laugh. One peek at the angel and I knew that I wasn’t the only one that detected the mocking sarcasm mixed within the sound.
“Nothing gets past either one of us, my feathered friend.” Asher’s smirk remained dominant on his face. “I am fully aware that every action is not carried out without your seal of approval. My people have even located feeds of you visiting the same warehouse where my faulty shipment ended up.”
A mixture of amused smirks started to emerge on the demon lord’s faces. The red-eyed demon lord was the only one who didn’t seem entertained by the conversation at all.
“If looks could kill, Nico…” Archer smirked at him.