Page 3 of Gilded Smoke
I didn’t answer. My eyes had already fallen upon a man tied to the chair with an unconscious woman at his feet. Tucking my hands into my suit pockets, I allowed my steps to slow long before I pierced the light hanging from the lamp above him. My gaze dropped down to the woman. “I don’t like an angel loose in my club.”
Nico had been in the middle of pacing around the man when my voice drove him to a full stop. He ran the bloody blade against the angel’s shoulder, causing him to whimper. “Give me some credit. I’m not sloppy, Asher.”
“I don’t know about that,” Archer remarked. He ventured closer and nudged the woman’s face with the edge of his boot.
The male angel lurched forward. “Don’t you fucking touch her!”
I clicked my tongue softly. I didn’t have to peek at him to sense anger swirling within my fellow demon. The edges of my lips twitched and I ventured off toward the side to take in the scene laid out before me.
At one point, Nico had started the torture by the weight of his presence alone. Just him pacing nearby was enough to shake any being that walked the earth until they were on the verge of losing their sanity. The twisted bastard had spent a small portion of their time together by simply pouring himself a glass of wine. He even had a lit cigar resting on the ashtray. His dark crimson eyes swung my way when I seized the glass. “Don’t you fucking dare,” he spat.
“Now that’s not very nice.” I smirked at him while I took a swig from it. All while I kept my gaze locked with his. A comforting heat washed down the back of my throat, the alcohol noticeably mixed with a sweet texture.
Since he couldn’t take his frustration out on me, Nico settled for the angel right in front of him. His upper lip curled to expose his double set of fangs. He ran the blade along the angel’s back, taking it over one of the gaping holes.
I swore softly under my breath once I realized that Nico had torn off the poor bastard’s wings. How the man was still conscious after that traumatic event, I didn’t have the slightest idea. Cocking my head to the side, I mused over the possibility that my fellow demon had simply refused to let him succumb to the darkness.
The angel would remain awake as long as the demon lord demanded it.
“Stop, please!” The angel twisted against the bonds while he struggled to pull away enough to stop the sudden burst of heat from the blade. Sweat poured down his forehead, mixing with the blood staining his face. The combination certainly didn’t seem to feel great as they pooled within the burns on his legs.
Another smell leaked into the air and my stomach churned. The feathery bastard had pissed himself. Wrinkling my nose, I ventured back toward the steps just so I had a small supply of fresh air brushing against me. “Is there a reason why you interrupted me, Nico?”
“You wanted to know if we uncovered anything tied to the missing shipment from the Florida dock.” Nico pulled the knife long enough to shift it in his hand.
“I did.” I arched an eyebrow as he jammed the weapon into the gaping hole. “Are you wishing me to assume that your new toy had a hand in the robbery?”
The angel writhed against his bonds with noises coming from his lips that I couldn’t hope to decipher. He couldn’t manage to weave any of it into English until Nico quit twisting the blade. His head hung as he panted. “I-I don’t know anything about missing guns!”
Archer gestured to the crate behind me. “Take a look at the file, boss.”
Irritation leaked into my veins. All it took was a quick peek over my shoulder for me to realize that Nico had left his glass of wine on top of a manilla folder. I grabbed it with a quiet scoff, leaving the wine in its place. Although I was distracted by the small stack of papers tucked inside, I could sense his aura drawing close. It didn’t take a genius to figure out that he was grabbing the wine before I could finish it off.
“You never appreciate how long it takes to get this kind of brew right,” he muttered, retreating back behind the angel. “Took me fucking months to get the level of angel grace diluted enough to enjoy. I can actually get drunk off this shit.”
Without dying in the process.
I ignored him while I scanned the pages. The gears started turning long before I flipped to the final page that portrayed the very warehouse in question. Lifting my jaw, I shifted my gaze toward the shaking angel. “So you own the warehouse in Port Angeles, Gabriel?”
Gabriel stiffened as his name launched off my tongue. “N-No. Auriel oversees the daily operations there. My name’s just on the lease.”
Amusement trickled through my veins. Isn’t this a beautiful twist of events?
Angel turning against angel. It didn’t matter how fond he was of the unconscious female, that didn’t stop him from trying to throw her under the bus to save his own ass. The wings had already been torn off his back, leaving him without the treasured ability to fly. Poor bastard didn’t have anything left to lose except his life.
I tossed the file back onto the crate. “I don’t care whose name is on the paper. Which one of you was working last week when my shipment went missing?”
His dulled golden eyes remained locked on me. “Auriel,” he rasped.
Wrong answer. I lifted my chin sharply, giving Nico the silent cue to twist the weapon a little more. While the angel jerked with an ear-piercing wail, I leaned against the crate. “You’ve got one chance to give me an honest answer.”
The angel’s body slumped forward, every breath a loud wheeze that flooded me with pure delight.
Nico brushed a hand against the handle of the dagger, causing him to cry out. “Here’s the problem, friend. If the boss is asking you a question, he’s already got the answer. He’s just wanting to see how deep you’re digging that hole for yourself. If you want a quick death, then you might want to give him what he wants.”
Gabriel’s upper lip curled. He spat in my direction. It didn’t matter how short the bloodied gunk fell of my shoes, the message was still the same: fuck you.
The amusement faded from the demon lord’s face. His hand shot out, seizing the handle. All it took was a jerk downwards to flood the entire room with a high screech from our guest. “The boss asked you a question,” he growled.