Page 38 of Gilded Smoke
Azaiell jumped as I rammed my foot into the door and tore it off the hinges. Her blue eyes honed in on me and she immediately recoiled into the couch. “I have nothing to say to you,” she hissed.
The brute standing behind her responded with a low growl that essentially silenced her.
Curling my upper lip to expose my fangs at her, I ignored her comment and made a beeline for the only closet in the hotel room. There was a similar aroma lurking in the air. I knew what I would find long before I twisted the knob. When I yanked the door open, a small body tumbled out on my feet. I stared down at the boy’s pale face.
The wound stretching out across his neck was the only ill sign that something had gone down. I was flustered to find the same peaceful expression on his face that his own father had died with. The rage that had lurked quietly beneath the surface quickly spiraled out of control. By the time Archer arrived, I had stormed across the room and seized the angel by the throat. I tightened my grip, raising her off the couch. “Who slit his throat?”
Azaiell clawed at my hand, trying to break free. “I-I won’t—”
I brought her closer with a jerk, our faces only a matter of inches apart now. “Marcillo left you behind for me to recover. Your own prince has abandoned you after consuming the life essence of this entire family. He didn’t save a single piece of it for you. Do you know what that means, little bird?”
Her nails dragged along my hand. I was cutting off most of her air to where panic was setting in. Even her lips were gaining a blue tint. The realization that I was slowly killing her wasn’t enough to loosen my hold. Fear within her eyes revealed that she knew it.
“He left you for me to take my rage out on while he tucked tail like the coward he is,” I snarled.
“W-Why…do you…care?” She forced out. “They’re…all…just…food.”
It was not a word choice Azaiell should’ve used if she was eager to keep her own ass alive long enough to find a way out of this situation. The rage tearing through my veins quickly spiraled out of control until I saw red. It hit me with so much strength that I didn’t realize what my body was doing until it cleared.
Azaiell lay in a crumbled ball at my feet, those blue eyes no longer moving.
Fuck. I stiffened and shifted my gaze away. I hadn’t meant to crush her windpipe. There was no telling how much valuable intel Nico could have tortured out of her. Still, nothing could be changed now. The events had probably unfolded exactly how she wanted once she realized she wasn’t leaving the hotel alive.
“Boss?” Archer approached me cautiously while the brute on the other side of the couch watched me wearily.
Gritting my teeth until my jaw throbbed with agony, I turned away from the fallen angel and retreated near the window so that I could draw in fresh air. “Lock down the city. Nothing comes or goes without being brought to my attention. Three souls won’t get Marcillo very far. I want him in my basement before he gets back to angel territory.”
“And the shipment, boss?”
“Find it.” I teleported out of the hotel room before the demon lord had a chance to counter with another question of his own. Part of my soul yearned to retreat home and seek the comfort of my pet. The powerful pull was certainly strong enough to startle me. I’d been content to walk the earth alone, fucking any pussy I needed to tame my cock so that I could focus on the family empire. Yet here I was, desperate for her warm touch to tame this wild rage.
It took everything I had not to direct myself back home. I managed to alter the course in time to where my magic landed me at Nico’s personal humble abode. As the magic settled around me, humming underneath my skin with the eagerness to please, I studied the rough manor spread out before me. The outside certainly didn’t look like anything special. If it wasn’t for the magic pulsing in the walls, I would have dismissed it as an abandoned piece of property the first time I laid eyes on it.
That was how Nico managed to maintain his peace without being interrupted by prying eyes.
Pressing my lips together, I strolled up the front steps and marched across the porch. All it took was a wave of my hand for the front door to open wide. I could feel the kiss of his magic dragging over my skin as I stepped through the doorway.
The second my foot passed over to the other side, the world around me shimmered. Rotting walls broke away, exposing black stone columns towering above me and the vast dry wasteland around the demon’s home. There was a stairway tucked ahead that led straight down into a deep pit with another nudged into the corner to spiral up to a more hardy floor level.
I scoffed softly and dismissed the upper level. There wouldn’t be anything of interest beyond Nico’s own personal kinks that I had no desire to uncover. I approached the large gap in the floor only covered by iron bars. The heat grew stronger against my skin as I hovered on the edge of the pit. My eyes surveyed all the burning flames dancing below, merging with the waves of screams.
“I expected you to be cock deep in that new pet of yours, boss.” Nico’s voice came from behind me, soft and weary. He approached the pit and allowed his eyes to drop to the scene spread out below. Although the edges of his lips twitched, the amusement didn’t carry to his eyes.
I flexed my jaw in a desperate attempt to avoid gritting my teeth. “I had business to attend to.”
He clicked his tongue. “It is good to know that you still have a clear enough head to tackle something should the need arise.”
“Are you content to mock me?” I growled, sliding my eyes over to him.
Nico shifted, closing the distance between us. “You know where my loyalties lie, Asher. The same as they’ve always been. No matter what move you would make, I was always willing to back you up with everything I had.”
I kept my eyes locked on his. “Has that changed?”
“Hell no.” He exhaled sharply and threw a quick glance down at the pit. “My only concern is you getting tangled up in something you shouldn’t when the angels are finally making the move that we’ve anticipated for centuries. If they can’t get to your father, they’ll use you to bring him down. There are no more heirs within the Aeternus family. They’ll come at us with everything they have left to take you out. That’s not something I wish to see.”
Narrowing my eyes into thin slits, I tore my gaze away from him with a quiet scoff. “The girl is not the problem, Nico.”
The demon lord mused over my words for a moment while he studied me sideways. “Then why have you come to my humble abode, carrying yourself like a tormented man?”