Page 71 of Gilded Smoke
Timothy thrashed against the chains, wailing in agony while the demon lord stood idly by with a weary expression painting his face. It was clear by the desperation in his eyes that he sought a chance to offer exactly what I was after.
I couldn’t bring myself to stop long enough to give him that. My rage was spiraling out of control with red dots painting my vision. Hell, I could barely find the will within me to maintain the proper airflow. All my inner beast wanted was blood spilling on the floor and only his blood would do. There wasn’t even a hint of satisfaction going toward that blood lust despite all the shrieks flooding the manor. Hell, I couldn’t even be appeased as his skin finally split open, allowing all of the organs within to simply fall free.
Blood sputtered from Timothy’s mouth as he struggled to take his final breaths. Not even Fate was willing to give him that much. He ended up choking before his head hung and the noises escaping him ceased. Only the occasional dripping joining the massive pool at his feet broke the silence that surged forward to beat against me. Not even the agonized screaming from the pit below could break it.
Nico remained near the stairway, the weariness within him growing. It wasn’t often that I lost control like this. The mere fact that I’d snapped over the recent news was enough for him to maintain a safe distance away. Just because he wasn’t the source of my rage didn’t mean he couldn’t become an unintentional casualty.
I stared at the motionless body hanging before me for several long minutes. There was so much blood and other bodily fluids staining Nico’s floor that it should have been enough to drive away this frustrating haze. The longer I took that sight in, the more I realized it wasn’t going anywhere. My rage was still burning strong. It wasn’t until the faint sound of a heartbeat in the distance reached my ears that it finally shattered.
I raised my gaze toward the ceiling as it grew stronger with every minute that passed. It only took me a few minutes of tracking it before I realized the sound was originating from Nico’s bedroom. It was already gaining speed, which could only mean that my pet was starting to wake. Although the searing emotion was still tearing through my veins with so much strength, that didn’t stop me from growing hard.
It stunned me when the smell of blood was completely masked by Quinn’s scent, despite an entire floor between us. My rage started to dissipate immediately. A few twitches from my cock was all I needed to understand that the only way I was going to bring myself back under control was by retreating to my pet.
I didn’t give Timothy's body much more than a quick, final glance before I pulled away and made a beeline for the stairway. All that mattered was getting to the room before she fully woke and use her intoxicating embrace to chase away the growing darkness within me.
I felt completely at peace, my sleep no longer haunted by dark images painted from my past while I floated in the never-ending abyss. The icy chill that wrapped me up in its embrace didn’t deter me from lingering within the sleep realm even longer. It was a caress that I found myself comforted by. The abyss, it seemed, was less eager to keep me here this time. Once my eyes fluttered open, I could sense that I was in a different place.
There was no longer the comforting sound of the engine running. It had been replaced by faint screams of pure agony. As I pried my eyes open further, all it took was seeing the dark walls around me for me to understand that I was no longer in the SUV, nor had I been taken back to Asher’s home. Stifling a yawn, I eased upright and stretched.
While the power saturated the walls, it didn’t threaten to suffocate me. Nor did I feel like I was in any immediate danger, which could only mean that Asher had taken me to the humble abode of one of his demon lords. My mind strayed in circles at the possibility of which one he had decided to visit, allowing my eyes to wander. It didn’t take long until I spotted a notepad on the nightstand nearby. I reached out to retrieve it, scanning the angelic message left behind.
Delighted shivers trickled down my spine at the promise of his intoxicating embrace. I didn’t get a chance to process how long I’d been at the demon lord’s manor or when the prince would return to me before the sound of footsteps approached outside. The notepad slipped from my fingers as the door was cast open, slamming against the wall. My eyes widened at the sight of my bloody prince. One quick whiff was all it took for me to understand that it wasn’t his blood staining his face.
It was Timothy’s.
I stiffened as he slammed the door shut and stalked toward me. Memories of our early days together flashed through my head, leaving me to feel like prey he was stalking. If it wasn’t for the bond we now shared, I would have feared he was coming at me with the intention of painting my blood on his skin. Although the hair had risen on the back of my neck, I didn’t move.
Asher seized me by the shoulders, flinging me back onto the bed. There hadn’t been much of a chance for me to explore the room to see if I could find any clothes to cover the bottom half of my body, leaving me exposed to him immediately. He nudged my legs apart and latched onto my clit. Normally, the prince would be eager to switch between the teasing sucking motion and the rough nips. Tonight, he was content to just graze his fangs along it to make my hips buck against him.
“A-Asher!” I panted, digging my nails into his scalp. The sensation was so overwhelming that my body wasn’t sure how to respond. There were seconds where I was content to let him go at it while my eyes rolled up into the back of my head and then there were some where it felt like too much. The iron grip he had on my legs ensured I couldn’t crawl back away from him. I was trapped, pinned while he unleashed his favorite type of torment on me.
A pleased growl rumbled from the demon’s chest, although he showed no signs of changing his approach any time soon. He kept my legs pressed against the mattress while he went at my clit. The persistent torment had me shaking and my pussy soaking. Only when my juices started to leak into the bed below me did he finally leave my clit alone. He ran his tongue along my pussy, lapping up some of the juices before he pierced me with the tip of his tongue.
The sweet aroma of iron leaking into the room warned that I had already started leaving shallow wounds along his scalp, driving me to shift my hands away before I could make them any worse. When I started to release him, Asher released a guttural noise that made me freeze.
“Don’t you dare move your hands.” His voice was low.
I gaped down at him. “I’m making you bleed—”
He pulled away from my pussy and moved up my body so fast that I was staring directly into those golden eyes within seconds. “I am a demon, pet.” His warm breath brushed against me with the smell of my juices still clinging to his lips. “We enjoy pain. It helps enhance the pleasure.”
I swallowed, unable to break eye contact with those piercing eyes. “I don’t want to hurt you,” I rasped.
“I’ll punish you if you stop, pet,” he fired back.
There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that the prince would follow through with this threat if I chose to ignore the warning. Not that I got a chance to thoroughly process what a punishment might mean before he disappeared back down toward the end of the bed. The air was squeezed from my lungs when he chose to latch onto my inner thigh instead of resuming his torture on my clit. The pain that tore through my veins was so hot that I completely lost my vision for several long seconds.
We enjoy pain.
They were words that spoke pure truth and I was starting to understand just how much my demonic blood had started eliminating the mortal side of me. A week ago, I would have started frantically smacking against him until he released me just because it was taking things a little too far. Tonight? The intense pain was enough to trigger the first orgasm for this round. The oxygen couldn’t return to my lungs until he released my leg. “Holy fucking hell,” I panted, my heart pounding in my chest.
The energy radiating off Asher indicated he was definitely pleased by my reaction. He shifted slightly and shifted to the other leg. His grip was just as tight as the first time and it wasn’t long until crimson droplets trailed down toward the comforter.
I squealed, bucking against him. “You’re going to make me stain these sheets! Nico will never let you bring me over ever again.”
Asher ran his tongue along the wound, those piercing eyes flickering back to me. “Nico and I both know that I will take this pussy where I want. He is wise not to challenge me when it comes to you, pet.” He pulled away from me, reaching out to tug me by my lower arms to pull me upright.