Page 76 of Gilded Smoke
Just because I’d been out cold for three days and my voice was still cracking on occasion didn’t mean I had lost my ability to use my velvet voice to the full extent. I didn’t need the soft whine escaping her for me to know that her body felt like jello and her pussy was getting wet. It didn’t take long for the sweet aroma of those juices to leak into the air.
Quinn released a louder whine, her confidence to simply utter the noises I was causing growing every single day. “It would be wrong to ask that of you after what you’d just endured.”
I shifted my body weight with a snarl, moving so quickly out of nowhere that she wasn’t prepared to be flung onto her back. Those gray eyes widened as I hovered over her in seconds with my fingers still tangled in her hair. “It might not be a pain I enjoyed, pet, but I am a demon. I’m still an incubus and it won’t prevent me from enjoying what I have become addicted to. There is one condition, though.”
Her chest rose with shallow pants. “C-Condition?” she stammered.
My grin grew. “You’re going to strip. We’re moving this to the shower.”
“I can’t do anything with you on top of me like this!”
“Should I just rip it off you, then, and solve the problem?” I taunted. Leaning down, I brushed my fangs along her jawline while I released her hair and shifted my grip to her tank top. All it took was a gentle tug for her to squeal.
“No!” Quinn pushed against me with both hands with the feeble attempt of pushing me off. It didn’t matter that I’d been out cold for three days and a fair portion of my strength had been drained. The desperate move to keep the clothing on her body certainly didn’t result with any distance put between us. “They haven’t brought me any more clothes yet, Asher!”
A deep chuckle rumbled from my chest. I nipped at her until I reached her neck and then simply let my fangs drag along the surface of her skin. For every inch I moved, I delivered another strong nip that had her trembling beneath me. “You tell me this as if it is such a problem. I certainly wouldn’t mind you walking around naked without clothes to cover this perfect body. The less resistance I have to that pussy, the happier I’ll be.”
Her squeal quickly evolved into a moan and she was no longer pushing against me with every ounce of her strength. My persistent teasing was crumbling that willpower faster than normal, which could only hint that the interruption we had suffered certainly left her hungering for me. It wouldn’t take much more before she would simply let me do as I wished. “W-We’re not at your home!”
My inner beast was certainly delighted to be drawing in lungfuls of her sweet scent, already heavily mixed with the aroma of her juices, while I continued venturing further down her body. “It sounds like you are shy, pet… Would it truly bother you for Nico to see every inch of this body as I do?” I paused at her breasts long enough to nip at the one bearing my mark. Hell, I even aimed for the exact spot where it painted her skin.
Quinn arched her back, pressing against me. “N-Nico works for you,” she rasped.
“Nico works with me,” I corrected her. My golden eyes flickered toward her face, prompting those eyes to meet mine whether she wanted to or not. “Our families have sworn loyalty to each other for many eons, pet. The rank of a demon lord is not much lower than my own. I trust each and every one of them with my life, just as I trust them with your safety. Which means not a single one of them would dare lay their hands on you unless I give permission.”
Her fingers curled into the mattress, digging into the material. It wouldn’t be long until it finally caved to the persisting force and tore.
Nico was going to be extremely annoyed by the condition of his bed by the time I had enough strength to leave his manor. I would probably not hear the end of it for decades. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if the demon lord took it upon himself to return the favor — in my bed with a chosen pussy of his own.
I shifted my body so that I rested on my elbows, casually trickling my fingers along her abdomen. While she took it as a teasing method of its own, I had another agenda with this tactic. All it took was a firm grip on the material before I pulled. The ripping sound that flooded the room was nothing more than music to my ears — especially the startled squeal that followed. I didn’t give her a chance to lecture me, moving up to latch onto her marked breast.
The rage that had leaked into her veins quickly dissipated, my pet arching against me with a delighted gasp. She offered absolutely no resistance when I finished tearing the ruined tank top from her body and started working on getting the leggings off. The tight material certainly wasn’t working in her favor when it came to keeping it on.
She jerked against me when I delivered a nip rough enough to draw blood. I simply ran my tongue over the shallow wound and released a pleased hum. The hot liquid staining my tastebuds was enough to harden my cock to the point where it was absolutely painful.
It didn’t matter how much bliss Quinn was in. She still heard the familiar rip as I tore it from those perfect legs and a livid growl escaped her lips. The noise was rather pleasing to hear, especially from a being who had been brought into this world as a hybrid. She reached down to curl her fingers under my jaw, forcing me to raise my head. “I told you I don’t have other clothes,” she hissed. “Why are you so eager to have me waltzing around here naked, in front of a demon who has worked with you for centuries?”
My lips curled into a smirk as one final yank on the leggings caused them to simply give away. I tossed the ruined article of clothing onto the floor behind me before I crawled back up her body to bring our faces even. “Perhaps I’m trying to prepare you for one of the tasks to come, pet. The very one that restricts me from fucking that hot pussy right now.”
She went perfectly still. The sudden weariness in her eyes warned that Nico had already informed her of the tasks that were due to happen, although the demon lord clearly hadn’t explained any of them to where she knew what was coming. Giving her the details certainly would have eased her mind just because she would know.
Yet the demon lord knew it wasn’t his place to tell her.
I trailed my fingers along her exposed leg, dancing just above the silk material hiding her pussy from me. It delighted me to feel all the goosebumps forming in my wake, her body heightened by the gentle tease. Hell, I could even feel the heat radiating from her pussy and it was enough to have my cock at full attention. Without material of my own to restrict it, the tip was already brushing against her.
Quinn jerked against me as the tip immediately attempted to suction, my cock driven by the close proximity of her pussy. Both hands flung up and her nails started digging into my skin. “Fucking hell,” she rasped. “You can’t tease me like this when you haven’t even told me why I should get comfortable being naked in front of him.”
If it wasn’t for the fact that I truly wanted my pet to be informed and not sway the conversation away from it through distractions, I wouldn’t have pulled away enough to where my cock wasn’t attempting to latch onto her underwear. “You have five tasks to face, Quinn. Every single one of them are designed to prove your loyalty to me and the demon race. Because you have the original ruling bloodline running through your veins, it will help you prove that you have no intention of overthrowing me to take control.”
“Because I don’t.”
“The tasks will help you convince them.” I leaned down to trap her lower lip between my teeth and tugged on it until the shallow wound she’d inflicted squeezed out a fresh drop. I immediately sucked it away. As much as I wanted to prompt just a little more, I released her lip and gazed into those stunning eyes. “One of the tasks requires me to knot you in front of witnesses. Proof that the reaction isn’t caused by pure randomness as well as your willingness to further my bloodline.”
She shivered against me. “D-Does it actually happen like that? Randomly?”
I responded with a shrug. “It’s extremely rare, but it’s not unheard of. Low ranked demons have been known to seek out a witch to cast such a spell. The task simply ensures what happens between us is real.”
Her breathing hitched as the full weight of her impending reality started to sink in. There was no mistaking the sudden nervousness of being taken in front of other prying eyes, except it was completely overridden by the excitement of it.