Page 20 of Finding Home
“Fuck,” Taz hisses, and I smirk, and I do it again.
“Mmm, fuck, stop doing that shit, or I’ll strip you bear and fuck you right here, right now, in front of every motherfucker in this club. Is that what you want, my little tornado?” he says, and gooseflesh breaks out all over my body at the feeling of him and the timber of his voice. The only answer I can give him is to moan.
Taz grabs my chin with his other hand, turning my head towards him so our eyes connect. “You, my little tornado, are fucking trouble. The best fucking kind. But right now I can’t take you the way I want to. Fuck shit, damnit. What the fuck are you doing to me?” The confusion and lust in his eyes hit me deep in my chest. When his lips come to mine, I suck in a breath. He doesn’t take it further, even though I damn sure want him to do that first part. Fuck my dumb ass bitch of a sister and whatever she was trying to accomplish with her tantrum. I need this man right the fuck now.
Right. The. Fuck. Now.
When I hear a throat clear, Taz nor I are quick to pull away. Taz slowly releases my lips from his, still holding me close, only turning toward the offending sound. When my eyes meet my brother Blazes, I realize that he, Pain, Rocket, and Sin are watching on with varying looks of annoyance, amusement, and surprise on their faces. Blaze's eyes are on Taz’s. His jaw is tight, and annoyance rolls off of him in waves. I can guarantee Pain filled him in on what he knows. My brother wouldn’t have stepped foot in this clubhouse if he didn’t think shit was getting out of hand, or I needed his protection, which I don’t. So, instead of showing annoyance with him, thinking that I need him to protect me, I smile up at him. His eyes are hard as he stares at the man holding me, assessing him. When he sees whatever he’s looking for, his head slowly shifts, and his eyes meet mine and narrow when he sees the smile on my face.
“Hey, little brother, I thought you'd never show?” My smile is bright, and I can feel his annoyance reaching a fever pitch. But I am undeterred. I try to wiggle out of Taz’s arms to get a little space to think about something other than mounting him in front of my brother. He isn’t having it and only shifts me in his arms so that I’m fully facing my brother and crew.
Blaze scoffs as he continues to take in the scene, wordlessly walking over to me with my bag and handing it to me. His eyes shift to Princess, cold and filled with deadly promises. He’s worse than I am when it comes to respect. She better be glad she had lady bits because if she didn’t, shit might be a little different, and his eyes wouldn’t be the only thing promising retribution. His hands would take it. Blaze is the type to act now and ask questions later. Blaze narrows his eyes to near slits, solely focused on Princess. My brother is not a little guy. He is a big ol’ tattooed, deadly, giant, nerdy motherfucker. And having his deadly vibe pulsating through the room garners a reaction from both Vex and Taz. They both stiffen when they notice Blaze's attention is squarely on Princess. Blaze is bigger, broader, slightly taller, and probably deadlier than anyone outside me in this room. It’s natural for people to shy away from him when he is in a state of protecting someone he loves. His aura demands it.
“This her?” He tilts his head, never taking his eyes off Princess as he waits for my response.
“Yep,” I say, winking toward our dearest darling sister.
He goes over to where Princess and Vex are standing. Vex takes a protective step in front of Princess but keeps his body relaxed. His eyes bounce back and forth between mine and Blaze’s. The question is straightforward. Before he can react or speak, Blaze holds his hand out to introduce himself to Vex, slowly taking his eyes off Princess. Vex's eyes are wary, but he shakes Blaze’s hand. Of course, this bitch doesn’t know how to fix her damn face. She looks at Blaze with disgust. My body responds to the disrespect, and I attempt to shoot out of the arms holding me. Before I get too far, Taz tightens his hold while chuckling into my ear.
Damn him.
Princess latches onto Vex and pulls his hand from Blaze’s. Blaze's eyes snap back to hers, giving her his trademark smirk. He lowers his hand and looks at her with the Blaze gaze. His eyes become cold and emotionless and trap her in place. At least she is smart enough to understand he’s not to be fucked with because she freezes, clutching onto Vex for dear life. Blaze lets out a humorless chuckle. Some shit is about to come out of his mouth, probably with more than Princess pissing their pants.
You know what?
Let me sit in Mr. Big Bald Big Dick Mc Sexy's arms and enjoy the show. Bitch needs to learn that my brother is fiercely protective and has absolutely no chill.
Releasing her from his stare, Princess shifts her eyes quickly as shit away from him, looking at anything but him. At least she learned quick, fast and in a hurry not to get stuck in the Blaze gaze again. Holding in my smirk as Blaze continued to stare at her. When he realizes she is no longer willing to meet his eyes, he speaks with a smile.
“Hi, Princess. I'm Blaze, your big brother. I’ve heard a lot about you. Not much of it was nice. Now that the introductions are out of the way. Unlike my sister here…” He points to me. “I don't take too kindly to disrespect. Which is something I hear you are very good at doing. So, I’m going to say this nice and slow for you. Are you listening to me, Paisley?” Blaze spits out her given name like it’s acid on his tongue, and she whimpers, clutching onto Vex. “If you or anyone else disrespect my sister again, I’ll call this job off. Got me?” His smile is anything but nice, and his eyes say he is itching to do just that–call this job off.
Damn, if he weren’t my brother, I would freak the fuck out at his calm demeanor. Is it calculated? Fuck, yes, it is. Blaze can turn it on and off and make you believe he wouldn’t hurt a fly. In reality, he’d melt your soul from the inside out if you fuck around and find out. Deceptive fucker, and people fall for it. But right now, I just want to cuddle and let that bitch lick her wounds.
“Blaze, enough. Let it go. As you can see, she's had enough.” I point to the snotty, bloody, disheveled, and slightly drunk Princess. Who looks like she wants to bolt, kick our asses or throw up. She’s all fucked up.
Knowing my brother isn’t remotely kidding, he watches her for a moment longer, eyes conveying his promise, before his focus shifts. Then I see it. Her left eye twitches. For fuck's sake, this girl doesn’t know when to quit while she’s ahead. She couldn’t stick to being a drunk, whimpering mess. Princess, being the dummy she is, squares her shoulders and steps away from Vex, who is clearly at his wits' end because he doesn’t even try to stop her. She looks around the room, seeing that nearly everyone is focused on the interaction. She juts her chin out in defiance and stares at my brother head-on with malice and fury in her eyes. I’ll be damned. Self-preservation isn’t this bitch's strong suit.
“Fuck you and that bitch.”
She says with her whole chest. And to be honest, I’m not all that surprised. She wants to test the limits and see if the earlier anomaly of no one coming to her aid because it was me she was dealing with will still hold. She doesn’t realize she is playing a dangerous game.
Aww shit.
Sin comes barreling over from where she was standing and nails Princess in the jaw, which causes her to flail, landing back into Vex’s grasp. Vex quickly pulls her back to him as she cries, turning his body away from Sin’s assault. I know damn well Sin didn’t hit her that hard, but the bitch wails worse than she did before. Rocket and Pain spring into action, grabbing hold of Sin before she destroys the little bitch. Taz pulls me closer to him, which has me holding back an inappropriate moan because now is not the time for that.
Watching on, my baby sister is not playing any games. She could get out of Pain’s hold, and I can see she is seconds from doing it in her eyes. My little sister is not one to be fucked with.
“Listen here, you little bitch.” Sin yells while still struggling to get out of our cousin's grasp. “If you ever... and I mean fucking ever disrespect my family again, I'll do Blaze one better and pack your ass up and hand deliver you my fucking self to Rossi. You worthless CUNT!” She shoves out of Pain and Rocket's arms. Her eyes come to mine, and I warn her to let it go. As much as I don’t want her to, Princess has well and truly had enough, despite her need to keep running her mouth. She stares at me, and with a reluctant nod, she stomps her way to the clubhouse entrance.
I sigh, turning to my brother and giving him a nod. He knows this job has to be done and why. Princess is just going to either have to get over herself or get her ass beat on the daily. Either way, we have a job to do.
“Pain, go with her and try to calm her down.” He looks at me for a moment, gauging where my head is, before he nods. “On it,” he too makes his way to the exit.
Blaze is not letting it go. “No, Bell, fuck her and her fucking family. I will not spend my time or allow our team to use our resources to protect someone like her.” He gestures toward a still-wailing Princess. “No, fuck this shit. I knew it was a mistake coming here. I told Ma…”
I cut him off with a glare and harsh words, “Leave. It. Alone.” He knows it’s not that easy. We can’t walk away. Our mother wouldn’t have it; if she did, we better have a good reason for it. And a spoiled brat showing her claws isn’t reason enough.
“Fuck, fine.”