Page 26 of Finding Home
Just when I thought my brother was wrong about him. Our interaction before was pleasant enough. I can tell whatever was said after has put him on edge. Well, fuck him. If he wants to go there, we shall. I lean back and cross my arms over my chest with a raised brow, signaling him to do his worst.
Gunner leans forward, resting his elbows on the desk, clasping his hands, eyes filled with annoyance and disdain. “First, let me make something very clear to you. You are my daughter and may not know how things work around here. But do you ever raise your hand to a member of my club, my family.” he yells his last words. My blood boils. Oh, this motherfucker has lost his ever-loving motherfucking mind. The post-coital haze is dead and gone. I’m fucking livid now.
I refuse to show an outward response to his raised voice. I stare at his angry red face blankly and tilt my head, studying the man I’m supposed to call Daddy. It should surprise me that this would be the road he'd taken–but I’m not.
“Prez, what the fuck?”
Taz says from behind me. He's shocked at his Prez’s outburst and lack of control. The man didn’t even ask questions about what happened, which says a lot about him. It also says a lot about what our relationship will look like.
Gunner looks up at Taz, then back down at me. His face was still red with anger. “This is my club. Daughter or not, she can't come in here throwing her weight around. You know me and know how I am about those three.” He points over to where his children sit. I hear a hiss behind me, but I don’t respond. He just drew a line in the sand.
My eyes narrow on Gunner, because seriously? I don't start shit, but I'll damn sure end it.
Eyes leaving Gunner, I look over both Vex and Bull, who are tense. Both brothers' arms crossed while they glare at the floor. I can tell Vex wants to say something. I can see him peeking up from under his lashes. When his eyes connect with mine, I shake my head. He doesn't need to defend me, just like before. I don’t need him to. I'm sure he tried when he came here that night. I can guaran-fucking-tee that Princess manipulated the situation in her favor with her crocodile tears, bringing it all home for her. Damsel in distress is who she is–after all. Gunner fell for it: hook, line, and sinker. I don't know if it was because he feels terrible about… But you know what? I don't give a shit. His statement has made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t hold me in the same regard as the three children he raised.
Vex and I both know the truth. I put my hands on her to defend myself. Vex finally looks up, and I look at him reassuringly. He relaxes slightly, finding comfort in that. I'm not upset with him or think he had anything to do with Prez's bullshit attitude towards me.
“Yeah, I get that, Prez, but I was out there. I saw exactly what went down and what was said. As did Vex. Hell, half the club witnessed that bullshit. So, for you…” he stops and takes a breath. I can’t see him behind me, but I can feel him. I can feel his frustration and his warmth.
He sighs angrily. “I saw and heard everything. Did Vex tell you the shit Princess was spewing and what she did...” He sighs, stepping closer to my back and touching my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “Bell doesn't deserve your wrath, disregard, or to be treated like she is some random chick off of the street. She is your kid, just like the other three.” Taz says, and he steps back. I don’t miss the curious look Gunner gives him, but now isn’t the time to comment on it.
A scoff comes from where the bitch is seated, but I, along with everyone else, ignore her. My eyes are on Gunners, watching his reaction to his VP’s words. Gunner's facial expression doesn’t change much from his earlier pissed-off expression. The curiosity is gone. He seems to be the unreasonable type when he feels a type of way. I narrow my eyes and let out a huff of breath at the realization.
Taz isn’t done. “Bellamy didn't do shit but defend herself from Princess. First, from the verbal insults, then after she poured her drink on her. Then after, she came at her from behind. Nobody, not even you...” he points to Prez, “would have handled it as calmly as she tried to.” Aww, big sexy is defending me. I love that for me, not needed, but it’s cute.
Prez isn’t having it as he un-links his hands, slams them down on his desk, and stands up. He's pissed, and honestly, I don't think he knows where to aim his anger, whether at me, the kids, his ex, or himself. It's a lot. I'll be damned if I'm going to be his punching bag or doormat. I need to get to the point. He’ll always choose his other kids over Blaze and me, even when they are in the wrong, which is fine by me. I still have a job to do. And as far as my relationship with him, fuck that. I'm done. It was cute for the hour it lasted. But I will not kiss his ass or try to convince him of shit. I don’t have time for this shit. I don’t. So, I need to get to the point.
Sitting forward. “Look, I'm not here to have a pissing contest with you or your kids. My family sent me here for one reason: to protect your daughter and your club. We are trying to prevent a war you had no part in starting. Hell, you didn’t even know there was a possibility. You married Beverly and thought it was the end of whatever fucked up shit her family got up to.” I stand. “Marry the bitch, prevent a war. That was the plan. The problem with that plan is that marrying the bitch only delayed the inevitable.” I shrug and plop back down in my seat, ignoring the shock on Gunner's face. Told him I was here on a job.
I hear an intake of breath coming from the couch, causing me to roll my eyes and look over at the peanut gallery. So pretty, so dumb. I sigh, knowing she’s going to say some asinine shit to defend her mother or some other stupid shit.
“Daddy, are you going to let her talk like that about my mother?” Her shrill, whiny as fuck voice grates on my nerves.
A small smile plays on my face as I hone in on her swollen and bruised face. Damn, Sin and I fucked her shit up. I want to laugh in her face at how fucked up she looks with all the makeup caked on to hide the damage. I refrain that might not go over too well.
After taking my fill of a job well done, I trail my eyes over to Gunner, who has his head down and is white knuckle gripping the edge of his desk. I know he wants to snap at me again. I fucking dare him, too. When he looks up and our eyes connect, I can see the truth in my eyes. He needs the information I have. Regardless of the consequences, I will walk away before I let anyone disrespect me. I go on, undeterred.
“Marry the bitch and no war.” My head snaps back over Princess when I say it. Then stand, walk over to the door, and lean against the wall opposite the hinges. I’m trying not to lose my shit from Prez's earlier outburst and his cunt of a daughter's attitude.
“When Beverly married you, the contract did not end. The Rossi and Berlusconi family transferred it to the next daughter. And if you have any amount of brain cells in your head, that daughter would be…” I point to his daughter, “… that one.” I say with no inflection in my voice. There is no triumph in telling him the truth. His eyes are wide, and he looks between Princess and me. But, of course, she couldn’t just sit there and let the grownups talk.
“Well, you’re his daughter, too. So why don’t you be useful… Since you want to be a part of my family so damn bad,” Princess sneers.
I shake my head at how utterly stupid this girl is. But I take a breath.
“Fuck, you are dumber than you look. I may share biology with Gunner, but I do not with your mother. So two plus two equals I’m not a Berlusconi, you dumb bitch. Could you do me a favor? Don’t speak unless spoken to. I feel like I’m getting dumber in your presence. And I enjoy being a genius.” I huff, peering down at my nails, trying not to laugh at the look on her face.
She goes to say something, but I’m well and indeed done with the bitch. Bull and Vex stare at me, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. I turn back to Gunner. I didn’t miss the cough covering up a laugh from Taz. I give him a wink, which doesn’t go unnoticed by Princess, so I give her one too.
My eyes return to Gunner, whose lips are tight and eyes narrow. “The situation gets a bit complicated or not so complicated, more like fucked up. Marco Rossi’s fucked in the head. He has put two former girlfriends in the hospital, and one went missing. Not even our best trackers or investigators could locate her. She's dead and swimming with the fish. So, you can see where my mother's concern comes from. Why she cares, I don't know. Let us be clear. In the short time I’ve been here. I’ve realized she isn’t worth it, and neither are you.” I shrug, and he flinches.
Mixed emotions cross his face: regret, anger, sadness, and frustration. I'm assuming my comment about why my mother cares more than I do struck a nerve. Well, too fucking bad. If he wants to be a dick to me, he can accept the consequences, asshole. I give zero fucks. Blaze is right. Keeping our distance and getting this job done, detaching my heart, and making no connections is for the best. Fuck, this sucks. I stare at Gunner and allow the disconnect to happen. I have to treat this like any other job.
He notices the change in me, and his jaw flexes. I can see a father's softness in his eyes, but it is warring with the protector and president in him.
“Listen, Bellamy, what happened between your mother and me was… unfortunate. But your attitude towards my family is uncalled for.” Gunner says, some of the anger gone.