Page 30 of Finding Home
Fucking hell.
I rocket out of my chair, turning to the wall beside the door. My breathing is heavy, and even with me trying to rein my shit back in, I can’t. Letting out a frustrated, guttural growl, I punch the wall, trying to release some of my anger and frustration. Hell, my road name says it all when shit goes down. I am a fucking terror. I know it; Prez knows it, fucking everyone knows it. People try to keep me as calm as possible so I don’t lose my shit. Because when I do, it isn't fucking pretty. Glaring at the wall, it takes everything in me not to keep punching the shit out of it because of how fucking livid I’m with not just Princess but my Prez. I’ve never been disappointed in the man, but tonight, I saw a side of him that had my gut churning and my fury rising.
It isn’t enough to put a hole in the wall. I want to beat the shit out of something or someone until this fucking feeling goes away. From the moment I saw my little tornado, I knew. I knew all I’d ever want was to protect her and fix everything wrong in her life. Seeing the pain in her eyes tonight after my Prez essentially told her she was below his other kid. Fuck, that nearly gutted me. And it was all because of a fucking lie. Princess’ lie. Looking at the wall and then the floor, drywall scattered at my feet. I shrug at the destruction. I’ll get a prospect to patch this shit up later. My head shakes in disappointment as I turn to the man who is a part of the reason and cause of this war of emotions inside me.
“Prez, this is not how we do things. We don't do one-sided shit. We get all the fucking facts.” Frustration laced my words.
I take several deep breaths, trying to rein in my shit. Prez is used to me getting like this when I’m pissed. So his silence isn’t abnormal. Finally, I level him with a look.
“Are you fucking serious? You took what Princess said as fact?” I need to hear him say it. I need him to hear himself say it and realize how fucked up it was to do.
My questioning him is pissing him off. But I’m not backing down, even after his eyes become hard. I don't look away. Prez or not, my job is to ensure he stays in check, and tonight, he was reacting to emotion and not facts. Still not answering me, I continue because I refuse to let this shit go, “Well, let me tell you the fucking story...” I retake my set, getting comfortable knowing he needs to hear the fucking truth. Not some cocked-up made-up shit said to turn him against his other daughter.
“First, her oldest brother physically assaulted her. Then you got Princess talking shit, pouring drinks on her, trying to turn the MC on her. And then you treat her like an unwanted guest, a fucking outsider not worth the dirt underneath your boot. All after she told you that despite what went down with you and her mom, she wanted to give your relationship a chance. That despite your spoiled-ass kid, she was here to help keep this club from going to war. And I know you, Prez, you are still trying to come up with some excuse to try not to point the finger at Princess. But don’t. Your precious daughter sat in here and lied. She lied to your face because she’s spoiled and entitled, and you played right into her selfish-ass greedy hands, alienating your other kid by doing so. You are fucked.” I’m on a fucking roll. I don’t stop, even as his jaw ticks. “You are so fucking fucked when it comes to them. You need to adjust your shit. Because those are your kids. Bellamy and Blaze are yours. You are the reason they didn’t grow up in this life. But it is clear as shit they aren’t fucking clueless either. And you can’t blame them for feeling a type of way, either. You can’t blame that girl for defending herself. You need to fix this shit, or you will never have a relationship with either of them.”
His jaw ticks, but I see emotion working behind his eyes. My Prez is not the softest man, rarely emotional, but I can tell he is realizing he fucked up. And that his fuck up was massive. Nothing else is said for a few minutes as he glares at our MC Rocker painted on the wall above the couch. He cycles through so many emotions, and once he comes to whatever conclusion that makes sense to him, he slowly turns his head towards me. Yeah, brother, you fucked up.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,”
He rakes his hand through his shoulder-length hair, which is oddly not in the man bun situation it’s usually in. His dark brown hair, which has shocking gray streaks throughout it, which, to be honest, is the only actual sign that the man is aging. Prez is a big motherfucker who doesn’t look a day over thirty, which is insane given the life we lead and the fact that he is the father of five grown-ass adults. Continuing to watch him rake his hand through his hair a few more times. When I’ve had enough, I stand, intending to leave as much as I want to stay, to talk it out. I need to detach myself from this situation for a little while.
My thoughts go to my little tornado. Bellamy has burrowed herself deep, and I can admit I'm not as rational as I may seem about anything to do with her. Seeing her face, the hurt and betrayal piss me the fuck off. I need to get out of here. Prez also needs more time to think about how things went down and how to fucking fix it.
I’m nearly at the door when Prez speaks up.
“Taz, I fucking stepped in it, brother. But, as much as I want to fix this shit. I know we have to take care of the situation with Princess. That has to be our priority.”
The VP in me understands where he’s coming from. The man in me does not, so his words rub me wrong.
“Yeah, brother. I hear you. But heat me. What you said to that girl, how you treated her...” I sigh and turn to face him. “That shit only confirmed to her and her brother that you are not worth knowing. And you don’t see them, nor will you be willing to put them on a pedestal, as you have your other kids. Think about that...” leaving the rest of what I want to say unsaid. I walk out of the office and close the door. Heading back out to the main room.
Because I need a damn drink.
It has been two weeks since the blow-up, and what a fucking headache it’s been. Prez put Princess on lockdown. Which has caused the brothers to scream mutiny. The brothers came to me for the first time since becoming VP and demanded we have church. But the brothers, ol’ ladies, and even the club girls are sick of dealing with Princess and her spoiled ass. At the meeting, the brothers laid out for Prez their grievances. A few even threatened to transfer to another chapter or go Nomad. Usually, I’d be on their asses for this petty shit and whining about the club princess. But damn, if I’m not on the same wavelength about that girl. I’m just as sick of her shit as everyone else.
Princess has gotten into a few physical and verbal altercations with not only the club girls but a few of the ol’ ladies all over petty shit. And her getting into it with Magnolia was the last damn straw for everyone, especially me. If you know anything about Mags, she doesn’t bother anybody. She minds her business and takes care of the club. She didn’t do what Princess wanted, how Princess wanted, the way Princess wanted, and Princess got in her face for it.
Prez has been on edge while trying to soothe her spoiled ass. The problem is, I know he's seeing and feeling what the rest of us are. The vein on the side of his neck has been throbbing anytime I see her in his presence. Princess goes to him and complains about every damn thing. His patience and understanding are waning, like the rest of ours.
Last night, during our impromptu meeting, we agreed she’d be confined to the top floor, which had everything she would need. The President's family residents have suites for his kids and extended family, so it’s not a huge inconvenience for her. She needs to stay her ass up there until she can act like she got some sense and not a child throwing a fucking tantrum because mommy threw her ass to the wolves. We have more important things to consider and concern ourselves with, and her tantrums are not high on the priority list.
We have not seen Bellamy or Blaze but have received a few blunt and to-the-point texts. Of course, that has me pissed the fuck off. I knew what went down with us was unexpected. And I know she would need time to work through the shit that went down with her pops. A few days was what I expected, not for her to fucking ghost me. As much as I hate it, I understand. One thing is for sure; she better be ready for me because she is mine as soon as her ass enters this clubhouse. And I’ll be damned if I let her walk away from me again.
Sitting at the bar having my morning coffee, lost in my thoughts. The conversation Prez and I had that night comes to me. Honestly, I don't get to the core of the issues. But I know for damn sure that I’ll make certain shit doesn’t go down like that again. Not with my girl. Coming out of my thoughts, I finish up my coffee. I head off to the shop to start my day. When my phone vibrates in my pocket, I pull it out and see a number I don’t recognize.
“Yo, Taz.”
“Who the fuck is this?” I take my phone from my ear and look at the number on the screen like it will give me answers. But it doesn't, and it won't. I shake my head and put it back to my ear.
“It's Blaze Petrov. I need to schedule a time to check out the compound to see your setup and the security measures you have in place. My team and I will probably need to upgrade your security system.” He sounds annoyed by the thought. “We’ll most likely need to add security measures you may not have considered. Is there a good time we can meet up?” His voice is calm, controlled, and very businesslike. Keeping shit professional, I can’t blame him. I sigh. My hand goes to my stubbled chin as I rub it, thinking about a good time to meet with him.