Page 35 of Finding Home

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Page 35 of Finding Home

“Bitch, don’t you tire of chasing a man that doesn’t want you? I mean, damn, everyone with eyes can see what the fuck is going on. See, this is the problem with entitled little bitches like you. Always think you can say and do what the fuck you want. Keep talking, bitch. And I’ll fuck up the other side of your face,” Sin sneers, but the look on her face promises that every word that leaves her lips is true.

I try to stifle a laugh at the little she-demon known as Bellamy's sister, Sin. Bellamy tries to pull her hand from mine, but I’m not having it. She gives up after a few half-hearted tugs. Good girl. I smirk, knowing that if she wanted to get away from me, she would and could. But she doesn’t, which makes my smirk grow into a full-on smile. Looking down again at her, I see her brows furrowed as she stares at our still-connected hands. For such a tough woman, she seems to be pretty damn speechless around me. And I can’t say that I hate it. I know it won’t last long. This is not the norm for her. I have officially scrambled her brain. Not stopping from what I want to do, I chuckle, pulling her to our seats and pulling her chair out next to mine. I give her hand a little squeeze.

“Sit down, my little tornado,” I whisper into her ear.

I’m shocked when she looks at me, smirks, and does. Her hand is still in mine, and her eyes harden slightly as she looks up at me. And I try to hold back the smile threatening to creep out. But I’m sure she can see the amusement in my eyes at her attempt to look intimidating. Don’t get me wrong with anyone else; she can hold her own, but I’m not anyone else.

When I sit next to her, her eyes never leave mine. When she speaks, I listen. “I’ll never be that girl. The one that smiles up at you, knowing you’ve done her wrong or treated her like shit. The one that pretends not to have a clue. That will never, ever be me.” Pulling her hand from mine, I let her. Because I know she has more to say. She shakes her head slightly, but still has her eyes on me. “I will make you pay and pay dearly. Never forget that, Taz. If you haven’t figured it out yet, I know my worth. I don’t know what this is between us. I don’t understand it, but I’m not opposed. Blaze said he warned you earlier…” She closes the space between us, leaning forward in her seat. We are nearly chest-to-chest. I stifle a groan when her luscious tits rub against me. Her voice lowers as her eyes assess me. I give her everything. I let her see that she was and is not just a quick fuck. How do I do it? I don’t know. I do. Her eyes soften when she speaks her following words.

“Girls like me don’t fall in love. Not sure if I’m built for it. Not opposed to it. Just being honest about it. I’m a woman that’s used to being on her own. I know how this alpha male shit works. I understand that a man like you isn’t one to let his woman out of his sight. It’s all claim, bang, mine, no touchy… growl, grunt, smash. See, the thing is… I’m an alpha–bitch in my own right. So think about that before you ever let another woman touch you.” Bingo, I knew it was coming. She pulls back and stares at me momentarily, ensuring she gets her point across. I say nothing, but I let a smile engulf my face.

Oh, sweetheart, you do not know what you’ve just done.

She shifts to sit back in her seat. Her eyes leave mine to see everyone gawking at our interaction. They are like bobbleheads watching the showdown between Princess and Sin while simultaneously trying to watch what’s happening between us. Bellamy’s eyes narrow, and I see she’s fighting herself about what to do before she says or does anything else.

Prez comes out of nowhere and positions himself in front of Princess. Essentially blocking my view of whatever the fuck is going down with her and Sin. I have successfully avoided Princess' ass all damn day, hell, for the last few days. As soon as Bellamy shows up, she crawls out of whatever hole she’s been hiding in, so she can keep her shit going. Yet again, shit is not going her way, and she is letting everyone know, including her father.

I can’t see Prez’s face, but I can read his body language. I look at my tornado and realize her hands are clasped under her chin while her elbows rest on the table. Amusement shines in her eyes as she watches the show that is her father and sister.

Rocket has successfully pulled the fuming Sin away from the altercation and is pushing her down into a seat next to Bellamy. Pain decides he doesn’t care what the fuck is going on and heads to the bar. I’m assuming to grab a beer. My brows furrow as I look around for Blaze. I spot him standing in the shadows of the hallway, leaning against the wall, also watching on, not in amusement but in assessment. His eyes connect with mine, and he sends me a smirk. I shake my head and try not to roll my eyes. Yes, grown men roll their eyes sometimes. Shit happens. I tune back into what’s going on between Prez and Princess.

“You have been told more than once about your shit attitude. Baby girl, I love the fuck out of you. But your shit has got to stop. You don’t have to like your sister; you don’t have to like your brother. But you damn sure are going to show them some fucking respect in my goddamned club. My club, Princess, mine. You are my daughter. And I know life has kicked you in the ass with what’s going on, but you are going to stop this shit. And you are going to stop it right the fuck now.” Prez growls at his daughter, and she visibly flinches away from him.

She’s stunned that Prez, her Pop, is reprimanding her in front of her siblings and the club. She shouldn’t be. This is a long time coming. Prez shifts, and I can now see her. I can see her eyes flitting around the room and know she will try to make an excuse for her tantrum and attitude, but nothing can excuse it. Her anger ebb and flow, and I know it is taking all of her willpower not to say some slick shit to her Pops. Prez stares her down as she sputters, opening and closing her mouth.

The main entrance door slams and we all look over to see who came in. Everyone knows not to slam Prez’s damn doors. Vex clearly and quickly recognized the scene he’d just walked into. Prez and Princess don’t care as they’re locked in a stare-down. This girl is poking the bear. I sigh and decide I may need to step in and keep my Prez from saying or doing something he will regret.

“Yo, Princess?”

Deciding that he’s seen enough, Vex bellows out, coming to save his sister’s ass yet again. Vex is an intelligent kid and sensed that this shit was about to go left, yet again, because of his sister's mouth. Making his way over to us. There is annoyance and determination in his eyes the closer he gets.

He and Bull were on a run, so it’s perfect fucking timing that they're back. I look behind him, and my eyes connect with Bulls. He seems worn the fuck out as he stands at the door's entrance. He takes in the scene, shakes his head, and doesn’t bother coming to his sisters' rescue. He heads straight to the bar, which has a few chuckling, causing Princess's eyes to narrow.

Everyone here is tired of that girl's shit. Always the savior, Vex reaches our group and stands beside his Pops and sister. He positions himself between the two, seemingly not taking sides. But everyone knows what he’s doing. Princess looks to me, Vex, then at her Pop with hurt eyes. And then, her face morphs into a scathing expression that finds its way to Bellamy, and her hatred for her sister is clear as day. And that has my hackles rising and fists clenching.

She needs to check her-fucking-self.

She can’t decide what hill to climb and die on, so she does the smart thing and huffs and stomps off towards the bar. She is undoubtedly trying to figure out how she will get us all back for what she assumes is a betrayal.

From the corner of my eye, I see Blaze step out of the hallway with amusement and mischief in his eyes. I look down at Bellamy and see her eyes narrowed on her brother. She subtly shakes her head, but Blaze's eyes snap to Prez’s, and he smirks before speaking.

“You didn’t need to step in, Gunner. We get she is the Princess around here, and my sister and I coming here… makes her feel like she has to mark her territory. I get that. Her words don’t bother Bell or me and never will. What will have me slit her throat is if she becomes too disrespectful. My limits are much lower than my lovely sisters. She has already had hands put on her.” He pauses. “I’ve given all of you more warnings since coming here than I’ve given anyone in all of my damn life. I promise you, this isn’t the norm. Keep her in check, and we won’t have a problem.” His bitter tone has Prez stiffening. This isn’t the first time Blaze has threatened one of his kids, and I doubt it will be the last. Damn, Blaze was doing so well until that part. Prez stares at his son, unsure how to take what he says. His posture remains stiff, but he looks up at the ceiling, and I know he is praying for strength and patience regarding his kids.

Blaze has him all the way fucked up. Prez is not one to be fucked with, but I know he is trying not to fly off the handle like he had in his office with Bellamy.

Bellamy, the ever-perceptive sister, knows that the change in the air isn’t because of Princess but Prez. Aww shit.

“Now, brother. You know Mom would disapprove. Don’t worry, Gunner. He won’t harm the hair on the little Princess's tiny head.” she says in a weird, pouty, girly voice, which makes me chuckle and look at her like she’s crazy. She sends a wink my way and returns her attention to her father and brother.

After taking another breath, Prez turns around, and his eyes connect with his eldest daughters and soften. She’s still seated in a chair beside me and still has her hands under her chin, looking up at her father, fluttering her lashes.

No one, including Prez, can keep it in. We all burst out laughing at her. She wanted to break the tension caused by Princess’s arrival, her brothers' threats, and her father nearly losing his shit. And she did that. Everyone around us continues to laugh their asses off at her silly ass.

Thank fuck, crisis averted.



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