Page 41 of Finding Home
“Bell, don’t be pissed… or be pissed doesn’t matter much. I just blew up a house and three SUVs. We are about a mile and a half from the clubhouse. There were fifteen fuckers at the last count. Looks like they were gearing up with what I’m assuming was their second wave. These fuckers were set up to do some damage. They were armed to the teeth. They had a fifty-cal retrofitted in one of the SUVs.” Blaze says, sounding slightly winded.
“I’m fucking commandeering the hell out of that shit. Yo ho, Yo hum, it’s a fifty cal for ME!!!!” I catch Rocket’s off-key singing over Blaze’s coms. I roll my eyes at my crazy ass cousin and his love for all things big, bad, and deadly.
“Fucking Hell. Get this shit. The property is owned by the damn Rossi’s. They didn’t even try to hide that shit. They have another place they own nearby; we checked out it was empty. I put a few sensors and cameras in place, but left everything else untouched. We’ll see if the fuckers try to use it at a later date. I doubt it, but I’ll check other properties in the surrounding area. I think this attack was to test the waters. The secretive fuckers.” At this point, I know he isn’t talking to me. “Cocksucking, motherfucking pieces of shit. I didn’t have a clue. That. Is. Not. Okay. I need to get back to my programs. These fuckers will not get away with this shit again. Motherfuckers were bold, but I got something for your asses.” I hear flesh meeting flesh. Blaze is breathing heavily now. “When I get back, I need to do some digging. Something isn’t sitting right with me,” Blaze growls out. I shift my position to get comfortable…
“Sit the fuck still,” Taz gently pulls my leg. As someone pours some shit on my leg, which has my eyes widened slightly. Shit, where the fuck did he come from?
Taz sees the confusion in my eyes.
“It’s clear you aren’t the best at being aware of your surroundings. Tornado, Doc… Doc Tornado.” Taz growls out the introduction. Oops, I guess I pissed off grumpy pants more than I thought I did. I should be annoyed or mad or something at his comment. He’s not wrong. This man has my brain all kinds of fucked up. So, I ignored him in favor of listening to the chatter of my team. The man working on my leg just grunts and keeps doing whatever the fuck he is doing, and motherfucker.
“Shit,” I hissed, and my eyes clenched shut.
The guy kneeling next to me rubs something on my leg, and I’m not sure if this heavy-handed fucker knows what he’s doing. So I glare at him, and while he ignores my displeasure, I feel a hand on my cheek, which is warm and inviting and has me leaning into it. I turn my head to Taz, who still has a grumpy face, but his eyes are a little softer than they were before.
“Next time fucking wait for me. I know you are badass and all that. But as a man, my wires get all fucked up regarding women. Especially my woman.” His voice is rough, but his eyes are soft, and I can’t look away.
Holy, what in the hell, batman? My eyes take him in. Letting out a breath and smirk at him. Men and those damn protectors switch. So annoying. Wait, his woman. Oh, tell me more… “I get a little crazy and protective. It will take me a bit to get used to a woman who is a Billy badass and can pew–pew the bad guys.” He winks at me. I hear a snort from the guy patching me up, and I pull my lips into my mouth, trying not to laugh. Then I damn near punch Doc in the face as something stabs me in the leg. I look down and see the fucker has a whole ass needle with thread and is…
“Hold the fuck up, pokey-mc-poke-e-son. You can’t numb a bitch first?” I say through clenched teeth.
“I could, but you seem like the type that can handle it. And because you seem only to be focused on my VP’s dreamy eyes…” he points over his shoulder, and I look up to see Sin standing above us with pure joy and amusement in her eyes, “told me you are allergic to lidocaine, so you’re going to have to bear down and sit still. I only have two more stitches to go. I put in sixteen before you even noticed. So stop being dramatic.” The amusement in his voice has me trying damn hard to give him a death glare. But when he threads my skin, I can’t hold it and wince. I look down, and I’ll be damned. He sure as shit is right. Well, double shit. I need to reevaluate what the power of Taz does to me because that shit is magical.
“Ok, first, we are not skipping that. He just said pew–pew. I’m not ignoring that shit on your life,” Sin says as she cackles, not even attempting to hold in her laughter.
My head snaps up, and my eyes connect with hers. Sin is losing the battle of not losing it completely, but she can’t. She full-on belly laughs so hard that tears run down her face. Taz does everything he can to ignore her, but he even has a smirk on. Eventually, we all lose the battle and begin laughing at my big bad biker's expense. Collecting ourselves takes a few moments, and then it’s back to business. Sin looks down at me with concern in her eyes. I give her a wink to reassure her I’m okay. A little blood loss never killed anybody. Well, it has, but anyway, you get the damn point.
I chuckle as I think about Taz, VP of my father’s club. Huh, my father? That sounds weird even to consider, but I guess it's true. And the fact that his manly ass just said pew–pew after a whole ass shootout. I am getting field stitches without pain relief. The fucking Rossi’s tried to take us out. My brain is all over the place. I’m trying not to laugh, cry, and scream while processing everything.
My first instinct was to control and protect when the clubhouse shook, and all hell broke loose. My priorities were my woman, the other women, and my brothers. In that order. Shit, when did she become priority number one? I don’t know, but she did, and she is. My first instinct was to get her to the safe room with the rest of the club women. Yes, the rational part of my brain readily ignored that she could handle herself. Me, being me, couldn’t let her run headfirst into danger. It was a misogynistic, manly way of thinking, but this is me, and this is the way I live my life. Men protect women, and usually, women let them. But not my tornado, and that is what I’m going to have a hard time coming to terms with, and is a fight for another damn day.
I didn’t know who was attacking us, and letting her go without that knowledge didn’t sit right with me. So yes, I ignored her threats. Yes, I pretended not to wince at the graphic way she described what she would do to me if I didn’t let her do her job. And yes, I wanted to murder Bane when he opened his fucking mouth, telling her to shut up. At that moment, I knew she wouldn’t cower in the safe room. Feeling her body become rigid after Bane opened his mouth made it clear that she was restraining herself when dealing with me and my need to protect her.
I got that, too.
The fact that she tried to rationalize with me and not put me on my ass to let me know she understood what I was feeling at that moment. But I knew she would give me hell if I didn’t let her go. And I don’t think I’d survive that shit, so I went against everything in me and let her.
I had to chuckle at her last comment before she took off. That woman is going to keep me on my toes.
Once she was off, I unleashed hell on Bane as soon as they secured the women in the safe room. But not too much, seeing that he already caught a little of my woman’s wrath. Seeing his cheek and ear bleeding didn’t diminish my need to have a talk with him with my fists. The fucker got an introduction to fist-meet-face. And damn, it felt good. It helped release a little tension and unease about what was happening. And my willingness to let my woman go off head-first into a dangerous situation. Of course, Bane looked at me like I was the asshole. But that shit died in the water as soon as Vex was in his face, making it clear that he would not have been as kind as his sister and I. He’d fuck him up.
Once we got all the women in the safe room and situated. It was time to get to work. And make sure my crazy ass woman’s back was covered.
Vex and a few other brothers stood guard at the main entrance, ensuring no one entered the clubhouse. This isn’t our first rodeo with someone coming at us head-on. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. Being the Mother Chapter of one of the largest clubs in the states, we are no strangers to violence or having to defend our territories. We are not afraid to get bloody. They don’t scare us. Which is why we need to make it clear that we’re not to be fucked with. Never have been and never will be.
What pisses me off is that we didn’t see this shit coming. I don’t think Bellamy and her team did either, which I’m sure has her ready to take out anyone in sight. She and her crew seem to be the type to be on top of their shit, and this attack blindsiding us won’t go over well.
As I checked on my club brothers, it’s clear that whoever coordinated this attack was an amateur. Once I got outside, I realized they didn’t even breach further than the main gate. Three SUVs were spread out inside the fence line–tires shot out, and they were sitting on rims. Another vehicle, I assume, carrying a few of them to their deaths, was out on the road. Fucking idiots. Their numbers were impressive, but their skill was lacking.
A few of the fuckers took their chances, pushing forward in an attempt to break away from the crowd to gain ground on us, but we weren’t letting that shit happen. Prez, being the man he is and a crazy motherfucker, is not the type to hide behind and take cover, or send his brothers to do the dirty work in his place. He’s the type to run into the middle of the shit and do what needs to be done. Currently, he is standing without cover, plowing fuckers down. Crazy son of a bitch.