Page 49 of Finding Home
Mary Sue is her name, cute. I stare at them as they continue their conversation without my input.
Cutting in, “Um, yes… P.S. I don’t think I told either of you my name. I’m Bellamy.” I smile at them and shift the baby to hand him over to his mother. “And this guy was a perfect angel, as Valeria said.” Gently, I switch him to his mother's arms, and once he is situated, I look around the room at the running, playing, and screaming kids. “I hope all the babies around here are amazing.” I look around nervously and don’t know where we are sleeping tonight. We haven’t gotten that far. I may like kids, but I like my freaking sleep way more.
“That… look… on… your… face…” Mary’s laughter jars me out of my horrible thoughts of kids screaming and sleepless nights. And living a napless life… Oh, this will not work. The baby shakes in her arms as Mary-Sue and Valeria laugh at my genuine problem.
“Your face,” she swirls her finger around my face, “…is saying a lot. It’s telling me you like your sleep and are afraid of the crack of dawn wake-up call and the pitter-patter of little feet. Bellamy. The families have their own space.” Valeria gives me a broad smile, shoving her shoulder into mine. “You’ll most likely be sharing a bed with your man. Or on El Presidente's floor.” She gives me a knowing look and a wink.
“Wait, what did I miss? Who…” Mary looks back and forth between Valeria and me before either of us answers. The main entrance door closes pretty fucking loudly. I swear the door is made of solid steel, with how loud it is when it closes. My head snaps over to see that my family walks in, looking furious as fuck.
What the fuck happened?
Something was off when we left the compound. I felt it in the air. And that feeling has me on edge. Which means getting my equipment set up to dig deeper is imperative. What I had with me at the compound was enough for what I needed then. Not enough. Fuck all I can do about it now, but I can guaran–damn–tee that I won’t miss shit again. Them sending a team of cut-rate mercenaries to do their dirty work has me ready to unleash hell on them.
The capture-and-kill order hit me harder than I thought it would. I’m the first to admit I’m not the biggest fan of Gunners, but knowing that his bitch of an ex-wife intended to have him taken out lit a fire in me. Emotions swirl in my chest that I can’t name, that I don’t name and don’t want to name. My hand tightens on the steering wheel as I drive toward our destination.
Sin sits quietly next to me as we make the fifteen-minute drive to the hotel. My little sister knows me well enough to know I need to fume for a bit and overthink shit. I chuckle to myself, because that’s me, Blaze Gunner Petrov, the over fucking thinker. The one that sees every scenario and every option, just not this one, not this time. My anger rears its ugly head, and I let out a guttural roar as my fist connects with the center console, and I release it.
Son of a bitch.
My hands go back to the steering wheel, and I white knuckle the fucker, like it’s that bitch's neck, like it’s that little mafia fucker's neck. Fuck. Sin says nothing as I rein my shit in. I know she won’t let me stay in my head too long.
“We didn’t know shit would go the way it did. You and Bell have been working your asses off. You aren’t always going to catch everything, Blaze. I know you think you are superhuman. Sometimes shit happens, and that’s life. You know I know that better than anyone. So don’t sit here in your head driving yourself crazy about it. You, big brother, are the best of us. You will do your thing and make shit right.” Sin says quietly. She doesn’t look at me when she speaks. Her focus is on the road ahead.
“It’s not that, fuck. It’s… It’s that what I found was too easily found. For months, we only found scraps we had to piece together, and then suddenly, we could find correspondence between Marco and Beverly. What the fuck is their game? Make no mistake to them, especially that sick fuck, Marco. This is a game. They don’t know about us, they can’t, so what are they playing at?” My knuckles tighten on the steering wheel, and my mind races. It was too easy.
Today was about getting shit in order with the club's security setup. Have our people finish the work quickly and go from there? Once that was all set up, Bell and I wanted to sit down with Gunner and his officers and discuss the next steps. Marco and Beverly are moving in the shadows. That much we already knew. Today made it clear they are not in the shadows anymore, and there is something more than just wanting to honor a fucking marriage contract and the shit with wanting to cover Marcos' ass over the disappearance of the Prime minister's daughter. I fucking know it in my goddamned bones.
My mind continues to race. The meeting with the club went better than I thought it would. Bell and I found more shit, more than we have in the past. That is not what has me fucked up about the meeting. I watched what was happening between my sister and the club's VP. He seemed to tame the crazy. I love the fuck out of my sister, but she is like an energizer bunny. And for most jobs, if shit like today went down, she would be in bloodhound mode. She would latch onto the information we found and search every nook and cranny to get every morsel of information she could. That this dude has her consumed is some fucking crazy shit.
Keeping my eyes on them since that first day, I knew something was up. After that first night, Bell blew me off, telling me to mind my business. Me being me. She knew that shit wasn’t happening, so I watched. They’ve been like fucking magnets pulling toward one another whenever they are in the same room. It’s funny shit to watch and is not my sister's style, and I don’t even think she realizes it. To see firsthand how her eyes glitter every time she looks at him. Or how he gives his brother's death glares, for even looking at her is something else. Mom’s going to have a field day with that shit. I don’t give a fuck what anyone says about my twin. She’s a demon on a good day. To see her soften and be calm and focused around the dude is mind-boggling. Pain, Rocket, and Sin find the shit amusing. I find it weird as fuck. I don’t know what drug he got her on, but there is no way her calm will last long. She's too fucking nuts for that shit.
The thing is, they haven’t been around each other a lot. It’s been enough for everyone to know what it is. They call it insta love or some shit. At least that’s what Sin and Bellamy’s porn books say. I may or may not have read a few of them damn books. When we go on long as fuck jobs, and surveillance is boring as shit, so what’s a man to do but to read, and it just so happens the only reading material around is their damn books. What do you expect when you spend so much time with your girly sisters? Their shit rubs off on you. It is what it is, and I’ve learned some crazy shit, so there's that.
In our lives and with what we do, we see the worst of mankind, yet the girls aren’t jaded like me, Pain and Rocket. My sisters are the very definition of bleeding hearts who just so happen to be badasses.
For all my infinite knowledge, I didn’t see that shit happening the way it has. And with the recent developments, I feel this place is about to become our new home. If the possessive look in Taz's eyes means what I think it does. He is going to want my sister close and keep her there. He’ll learn, though, that he will have to tread carefully. One thing is for sure about my sister. Bellamy may put roots down here, but she’ll never stop being the boss lady of Operation Team Alpha. And he will have to come to terms with her taking off at the drop of a dime and being put in shit and dangerous situations.
Fucking hell, my brain was so consumed with my sister and shit that I didn’t realize I’d been on autopilot driving. Which is not something I’m fucking proud of. Fuck, being here has my head all fucked up. Thank fuck for Sin keeping her eye on shit, because as soon as I put my vehicle in park, shit gets…