Page 53 of Finding Home
I look over to Blaze and, like me, shocked to know that this has been going on our entire lives, and we didn’t know about it.
“I can feel you two thinking. She doesn’t know where I live, not really. I’m smarter than her, always have been. You all know that. Back then, I stuck around our old house once I figured out what was happening. The Organization, I set it up with one of my assets. As soon as you and your brother were old enough, I ensured you were unreachable unless I wanted you to be reached. It was all so very annoying and exhausting but necessary. I would take you kids back there now and then. I’m sure you remember our little adventures at being normal. It was planned and held its purpose.” She pauses. “You know what? It doesn’t matter. I did what needed doing, and the bitch was none the wiser. Again, what about the pictures?” she says, clearly irritated with thinking about the past.
Blaze steps forward, taking his shocked eyes off me to stare at the phone. “Tonight, the Ferraris approached us, and they were threatening you and Bell and had pictures of you. And… I may or may not have lost my shit and shot the Ferrari underboss. He pissed me the fuck off. I don’t like anyone getting that close to you, Ma. I don’t like anyone threatening you, Bell or Sin. I won’t have that shit, not on my watch.” He seethes.
My mother sighs. “Blaze baby, it's fine. Like I said, let them take their pictures. As far as threatening me…” she chuckles, “let them try. I’ve been dying to end that bitch all your lives. I haven’t because of the kids. But now, with the shit going on…” She pauses mid-sentence. I look at Blaze, wide-eyed. Oh shit. “Hmm.” she hums. Blaze and I look at each other because that sound says more than words ever could. “I think mommy needs to take a trip,” she says, then I hear a click. Did she just?
Blaze and I stared at one another. Oh shit.
“Oh… shit,” Blaze says, eyes nearly popping out of his head.
“She is coming here… Wait, aren’t Sebastian and Sarafina supposed to be here in the morning? Fuck me. This shit just got more interesting.” Pain says with shock on his face, a shock that I’m sure it’s reflected in my own.
We’re all stunned, staring at one another. My mother is coming here–here–where my father and other siblings are.
Well, fuckity fuck.
Well, that did not go how I thought it would. Everyone is looking down at my phone in various stages of shock and confusion. What the hell just happened? My eyes connect with Blazes, his eyes reflecting everything I’m thinking. Our mother is on her way. She hasn’t seen our father in the flesh since before we were born, and she isn’t the same woman she was. Things are about to get interesting.
Well, shit.
I look at Taz, and he stares at me contemplatively. I’m sure he’s thinking the same, wondering if he should warn Gunner or be a dick and keep his mouth shut.
“Let's warn him about her coming,” I say, answering the question on everyone's mind. “I’m not that cruel, even if he and I are still on rocky ground. I don’t want to blindside him with the love of his life showing up and rocking his world because, as much as Blaze and I want to ignore and deny it, our parents love one another. Even with their past and the shit they went through, I can admit what they had, and may have again, is soul deep. Whether they get past their shit is on them.” With a sigh, I look at my brother; he has a resigned look. He knows what I’m saying is true.
“She’ll fly into Portland and be here by mid-day.” I chuckle. When I look at Taz, his brows crease, and I know what he’s thinking.
“Wait, why fly into Portland when there’s a private airport here?” Taz says, confusion lacing his words as he looks at each of us. It doesn’t take long for everyone to laugh because we have asked why my mother has done what she does for years.
“My mother may be a billionaire but refuses to fly anything but commercial. It makes no sense. Blaze and I own a private jet, the Pobeditel’, retrofitted with everything our team needs to function. But she refuses to use it, no matter how often we’ve offered it. She doesn’t even fly with grandfather on his jet.” I shrug.
“If American can’t get me there, I ain't going,” I, Blaze, Sin, Rocket, and Pain say in unison, causing us all to laugh again. Her logic or the logistics of it makes no sense, but we roll with it.
Rocket pipes up, causing us all to sober up. “Whelp, who is gonna tell him?” He cackles, staring at Taz with humor in his eyes.
Taz looks between us and sees the seriousness on everyone but Rocket's face. “Aww shit… Is this shit going to go bad? Your mother ain’t going to come in here and tear shit up, will she?” He’s staring at me with wide, concerned eyes. And I can’t help but smile at him because I can’t answer that, because I don’t know what she’ll do.
Blaze eyes me but says nothing, only releasing a grunt and walking out of the office. As he crosses the door threshold, he looks back at Taz and says, “Good luck,” with mischief in his eyes.
Pain and Rocket soon follow, shaking their heads. Sin stays seated, staring at the wall, and I look at her and wonder, not for the first time, what is happening with her? Since we've been here, I haven’t had time for sister time because my shit has consumed me. I need to talk to her about whatever is going on. I don’t like this feeling. I don’t think it is just that Blaze and I have just met our father, and things have been rocky. It's something more. Something personal.
Taz stands from his chair before I muster the courage to say something to Sin. He walks around his desk toward the door face set with a grim look, and I can tell he is thinking about how he’ll tell his President that his ex, the mother of his children and the love of his life, is on her way. When he reaches the door, he looks at me with concern, and I give him my best version of a calm, appreciative look I can muster because I know what he is going to do is going fuck with Gunner's head. Staring at him, he still has blood splattering on his neck from his earlier scuffle, and he has never looked so damn good. Good enough to lick, suck, and fu… Nope, I look away because this is not the time for that.
“Give me a few minutes.” He taps the door jamb and walks out, closing the door behind him without a backward glance.
Sin and I remain silent for a few minutes and honestly don’t know what to say to her. My sister and I have always been close. Since being here, there has been a distance between us, and I don’t fucking like it. I walk over to Taz’s desk to stand in front of my sister, looking at her. Her eyes are unfocused, and I can tell something is bothering her.