Page 6 of Nine
“That’s right. Now get down on all fours and beg for your punishment. You know better.”
His eyes darken. He purposely disobeys me to be punished. He knows it and I know it. He drops to both knees. He loves this shit. Being told what to do turns him on. His whole body is shaking in anticipation. I slowly untie my dress and let it fall to the floor. He stares at my body.
“I said on all fours, now,” I shout.
“Yes mistress,” he cries out, and falls forward at my feet.
I quickly look around at the place. It’s immaculate. It’s clean and organized. It screams control freak. I know his type. He probably spends all day giving commands and making calculated decisions, and yet here he is bowing before me. He’s giving me total control over his body. It’s his time to unwind and this is how he does it, by passing the sexual reigns to me.
“You fucking disgust me. Do you know that?”
“I’m sorry, mistress. Forgive me,” he begs.
“I didn’t say you could talk. Crawl over to that couch and strip off those clothes.”
He makes his way over and quickly peels off his suit and tie. I follow behind and begin to make circles around him. He’s now kneeling butt ass naked next to the coffee table. He has several objects that he laid out on the glass table prior to me getting here, as he always does. Today he’s opted for a dildo with lube, a cucumber, and a banana. I internally frown at the set up, but outside, Nine is working a fuck-me face. None of this does anything for me. It’s just a job. I personally count down the minutes until I’m done here.
“Please,” he cries out, not looking at me.
“Please, what?” I say, sternly.
“I want it.”
I shake my head behind him.
“I don’t think you deserve it, you pathetic excuse for a man,” I bark out.
He’s whimpering with excitement.
“I’ve been bad. I deserve it.” He bows before me.
“How bad do you want me to give it to you?”
He licks the toe of my shoe, and then looks up at me from the corner of his eye.
“I want it. I want your sweet little hands delivering it to me.”
I look down at him and smile.
“Bend over then, bitch.”
Chapter 3. Take Away the Pain
I hop into my car and head over to The Grand Belsier to meet up with this brand new customer Mr. V. that Jenny booked. I’ve been to this particular hotel more times than I can count so I know my way around. I valet my car and head up the stairs to the double doors. A door attendant greets me with a smile as I walk in. I quickly make my way past him, and over to the elevators to push the up button. I notice a man approach my side as I wait. I don’t really give him too much attention, until the both of us step inside the elevator. I discreetly side eye him. I take in his shaved head and neck tattoo that reads consumed. He’s dressed in a black suit with black dress shoes. His hands are covered in black leather gloves. He doesn’t look like the type to stay at a bougie hotel like this, and that’s what catches my attention. This place usually attracts the élite, and he seems too edgy to stay here. I scan him for a good reading. Expensive suit. Check. Expensive watch. Check. Expensive cologne. Check. I’m now just gawking at him in an attempt to figure this guy out. He looks like one of those sexy, but rough MMA fighters with his frame. I’m guessing five foot ten, maybe a hundred and eighty pounds. His cologne waivers about and it slightly distracts me. I find myself wondering what’s under that suit of his. Occupational hazard. He looks over and catches me staring at him. I smile. He turns his face forward again, which rather pisses me off.
“Is that Amouage Memoir you’re wearing? Your cologne, I mean.” I try to get his attention.
The man slowly turns his head and looks at me with brown squinted eyes. He’s intimidating for sure. He doesn’t say a single word. Instead, he turns his face forward once again and stares hard at the elevator door.
“I guess not,” I mumble.
The doors open and we both step out on the same floor. We’re now walking side by side, in the same direction as well. Every so often, I sneak little peeks at the guy. His jaw line is impeccable. He’s sexy and tough and totally ignoring me. He’s got that bad boy thing down, and honestly, I like it. Maybe I’m just interested in the challenge. I try to think of something witty to say but I run out of time. I approach the room number for my client and the gentleman from the elevator slows down awkwardly, but doesn’t stop. It’s enough to raise an eyebrow, but whatever. I watch him quickly walk down the hall and then he looks over his shoulder once before he disappears around a corner. I take in a deep breath and knock on the door.
A Hispanic man with wavy black hair answers with a grin.
“Mr. V?” I smile.