Page 38 of Tangled Loyalties
“Yeah, black and three sugars,” Pop says with a smile.
Lara waves a hand at him. “Not you. You’re getting that green smoothie to go with the kale salad and steamed salmon.”
“How about some chicken marsala, a little vino, and some stuffed mushrooms? Ooh, and some broccolini if I need something green,” Pop replies.
“Absolutely not. Once I get your cholesterol under control, we’re going to work on losing a few pounds. More exercise and less cheese. Dairy is wreaking havoc on your system.”
“You’re wreaking havoc on my system,” he replies, and I shake my head. It’s nice to see him smiling again, in the hands of a woman who can handle him.
“No thanks on the coffee, and don’t worry about food. Evelyn’s got my fridge stocked with croissants and ravioli.”
“Alright, fellas, dinner will be ready in a few anyhow.” Lara winks at my father and disappears into the kitchen. Pop follows her, still fussing about his dinner, leaving me alone to stare at our old family pictures. It sends warmth vibrating through my body. Pop’s eyes are bright, full of life, and even his energy is different. No, it’s not different, it’s back. The man in the kitchen is the same guy who used to twirl my mother around on Sundays. There’s a lightness to him that mimics my own. The De Luca men being loved is something to marvel at, right?
Well, at least, he’s being loved. I know Evelyn cares about me, but there’s still so much up in the air. When Pop comes back, happiness is in his eyes as he gives me a small navy-blue velvet ring box. There’s an emerald-cut diamond engagement ring with a dainty, platinum, infinity looped wedding band. There are tiny diamonds set inside every loop.
“Those were your mother’s. I know that she’d want you to have them. After everything you’ve been through, I know Evelyn may not be the one, but you should know love, Alessandro.” His voice is quiet.
I throw an arm around his shoulder. “You should know love again, too, Pop. The more I think about it, the more I feel like she can be the one for me. She saw the scar and didn’t run screaming or anything. She actually cried for me.”
“That’s a good woman. You need someone who’s compassionate to complement the kind of man you are. You can tell how fiercely a woman loves you by how angry she gets about you.”
I let out a sigh of agreement. “Or how many men I’d skin alive to protect her. That didn’t seem to scare her, either.”
“Even better because you don’t have to lie to her. If I never told you before, I’m proud of you, Alessandro. Taking the pain that bastard did to you as a kid and turning it into the thing that makes people fear you the most? Brilliant. My brave boy, loyal to no end and ready to give your life rather than sacrifice your father. You were always different, but that moment made you a man among giants. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Pop. I’d hope that Zio would see that.”
“He did, that’s why he got rid of the body after that entire ordeal. Made it good and gone. Stay for dinner. Tell Lorenzo to come in and take a load off, too. He’s the one who got the drones, you know. Says he can watch all our properties from one location. What do ya say?”
How can I turn him down after he gave me my mother’s rings?
“Of course, Pop. We’ll stay for dinner.”
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Dad growls from his seat. The terror I thought I saw is gone. All that remains is boiling rage that turns his face red. With his fists balled beside his plate, he continues to yell at Peter. “You think you can come in here, point a gun at my family, and think you’re going to walk out of here breathing the same way you came in?”Peter’s cocky. The yellow light of the dining room bounces off his product laden hair and the shiny barrel of his silver 45.
“Matteo, calm down,” Ma whispers, tapping Dad’s arm. “You’re going to give yourself a heart attack.”
“And then he’ll be just like Old Man De Luca. It’s amazing that these old bastards are running a multimillion-dollar syndicate,” Peter scoffs. “You all need to retire. Now, Mama Rossi, if you please, go help my children get ready. Roman? Courtney? Just pack a few things to get you through the next few days.”
“Dad.” Courtney stops with tears welling. “What about cheerleading, and school? I have tests this week.”
“Yeah, and I have baseball,” Roman chimes in. “Coach says I can play short stop. I’ve been working really hard?—”
“Enough!” Peter bellows. “Go get your shit and let’s go!”
The anger in his voice tells everyone he’s anxious, and rightfully so.
“It’s okay, guys,” Dad assures Courtney and Roman. “You go on and get your stuff together. Zena, babe, go help them. Use the suitcases in the middle closet, yeah?” Dad says as he tries desperately to stay calm. Only, I know what suitcases are in the middle closet. They’re not empty.
Distracting Peter is the best option to give my mom enough time to get the suitcases ready to go.
“What happened to you?” I ask Peter. “You and my sister have the perfect kind of love.”
“Perfect?” Peter yelps with a boisterous laugh to follow. “Perfect? You think that a former District Attorney with sights on a Congressional seat has the perfect kind of love with a convict? A felon who used my office to conduct criminal activities on behalf of her father’s criminal organization.”