Page 27 of Under Ground
She laughs. “You think so, huh?”
“I know so.” I lean closer. “I really want to kiss you right now.”
Her breath hitches. “Maybe you should.”
I love the way her nose twitches as she waits for me to make the next move, and then her tongue darts out to wet her lips.
There’s no way I can keep her waiting.
I’m way too much of a gentleman for that.
We start out soft and slow, my lips pressing against hers before she opens up to me. Her mouth is sweet with the slight hint of cola, and her shoulders relax as I probe her mouth with my tongue.
This isn’t just a kiss. It’s the two of us connecting on a whole new level—one she’s not experienced with. Hell, I’ve had a single serious relationship with a few shorter ones. But I’m the one who’ll have to guide her through this.
And it’s hot as hell.
She lets out the smallest of sighs against my mouth, and I end the kiss, pressing my nose to hers.
“Alex,” she whispers.
“I’m right here.” I pull back a little to look at her.
She raises her hands to cup my face. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Tonight has been perfect.”
I brush my lips against hers. “You’re about to tell me it’s time to go home.”
She laughs softly. “Well, it is the first time I’ve been out for the evening without Casey.”
I nod, reaching up for her hands and taking them in mine. After pressing a kiss to one of her palms, I let them go. “I’m sure she’s missing you as much as you’re missing her.”
“I’m sorry …”
I cock my head. “I’m not. I know how close you two are. I’m a big disruption.”
“A nice one.” She grins. “And one I want more of.”
“Let’s get you home to Casey.” I tug on my seat belt, and turn the key in the ignition.
Lana reaches across and places her hand on my arm. “I hope you know I don’t want this night to end. But I also want to get home to her.”
“It’s okay. I understand.” I put the car into gear. “When my mom started dating when I was a boy, there were nights she’d be out late, and other nights when she’d come home early and we’d watch a movie with a bowl of popcorn.”
She folds her hands in her lap. “I think I’d like your mother. I love those kind of nights with Casey.”
Our drive home is quiet, and it’s over seemingly in a flash as we pull up outside her flat. I get out the car and open her door. She takes my hand and doesn’t let go while I lock the car.
“I’ll walk you inside. You know, make sure you get there okay.”
Lana loops her arm in mine. “We just have to make sure Casey doesn’t find out you’re here. She might not let you leave.”
“That wouldn’t be that bad.”
“I’m so not ready for that.”