Page 44 of Under Ground
Alex’s blue eyes drink me in. “Are you okay? You look flushed.”
“I love you.”
His eyebrows rise. “Hello to you too.”
“I didn’t say it this morning because you surprised me, but I love you too. I want more, but I don’t know where to start.”
He grins, elation in his eyes, and leans over to kiss me. “I love you too.”
Alex lifts his hand. Plastic containers weigh down a bag. “How about we eat first and then we talk about it? I went to the Indian place down the road and got a few different things. I wasn’t sure what you liked.”
“I’m starved. I’ll eat it all if you’re not careful.”
He laughs, and I step back to let him in.
“How was your day?” I ask.
“Long.” He kisses me again. “And I missed you. You’re getting to be a habit, Ms Maitland.”
My lips twitch, and I bite my bottom lip to control it. “I’ve been thinking the same thing about you.”
His eyes search mine. “What are we going to do about it, Lana? I can’t stay forever, and I don’t want to leave you behind.”
I blink rapidly and nod toward the food. “Let’s eat before it gets cold and think about it afterward.”
Or maybe we won’t.
Because I don’t want to think about it. Any of it. I like the way things are right now, and I know it won’t last forever, but what other options do I have? We’re from two different countries—two different worlds.
We came together under the weirdest circumstances, and who knows how long this will last? It’s not like I have a record of long relationships, and I’m not even sure about Alex’s background.
I don’t really know him that well yet.
But I do know that he makes me feel more special than anyone ever has. Gareth seduced me, but Alex is genuine. He likes me for me.
We laugh about stupid stuff, and I’m not afraid to be myself around him. And Casey adores him. He’s everything I ever wanted in a partner.
But can he really be mine?
The next few weeks aren’t always easy.
Alex works all kinds of weird hours, and he always make some time for us. It must be tiring for him, but I just make sure when he’s not at work, he’s getting plenty of rest.
For now, we’re finding our way through scheduling obstacles, but I’m mindful of the fact that with each passing week, his leaving grows closer.
Then what will I do?
I’m not sure what would happen if he asked me to leave with him. We’re secure here, even if I don’t particularly enjoy working for Gareth. It’s safe.
And I’ve always played things safe for Casey.
It’d be a whole different story if it was just me, but it’s not. She has to come first.