Page 51 of Under Ground
And the thought of that breaks my heart.
The morning drags as I’m distracted at every turn. I look up every time I spot movement in the large window out the front of my office from the corner of my eye.
Anna makes me coffee and then keeps to herself as she seems to sense I’m not really myself today.
I just don’t know what to do. Maybe I should have taken the day off.
Even Gareth looks at me sideways as I drop his latest report on his desk, but says nothing.
My mood seems obvious to everyone, and that’s the last thing I care about.
I’m a few minutes from walking out the door at the end of the day when my mobile rings. My heart sinks at the sight of ‘day care’ on the screen.
“Lana, it’s Maria. I don’t want you to panic, but we need you to come now.”
I swallow hard. “What’s happened?”
“A woman just tried to grab Casey.”
My heart stops.
“What?” I whisper.
“She’s safe. But the police are on their way. Try to keep calm,” she says.
“Keep calm?” I screech. I don’t mean to. Casey is safe, but it’s impossible not to freak out.
Gareth’s office door flies open. “What’s going on?”
“Lana.” Maria keeps her even tone, but that’s probably for my benefit because I know how much she loves my daughter. “I have her right here. They’re already pulling CCTV footage in the office. Take your time and get here safely.”
“Lana? Are you okay?” Anna stands over my desk, and I look up at her and blink.
“Lana,” Gareth says.
“Lana.” Maria’s in my ear again, and I have to focus on her.
“Sorry, Maria. I’ll be there as soon as I can. Please look after Casey.”
“I’ve got her.”
I disconnect the call. Gareth grips my shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“Someone … someone tried to grab Casey from day care.”
“What?” Anna gasps.
“Grab your things. I’ll take you,” Gareth says.
I blink rapidly, trying to hold back tears. “You don’t—”
“I’m not giving you a choice. You’re not in any state to drive. Or probably even walk.”