Page 73 of Under Ground
I don’t recognise the number, but it’s a call from the US.
“Lana? It’s Pania Wilson here. I’m Delaney’s friend?”
Reece Evans’ girlfriend. Oh my god, how is this my life?
“I just wanted to call and check on you. We’ve all been really worried here since Alex told us about that fan trying to snatch Casey. Are you okay?”
Letting out a long breath, I smile. I don’t even know these people and they’re acting like we’re already friends. Is this what it would be like if we did go away with Alex?
No. Alex isn’t even friends with them himself—they’re just working on a movie together.
But maybe it’s that we’re all New Zealanders.
“Thanks for calling. We’re okay. Casey and I have chickenpox, but everything else has been pretty quiet.”
“Good. I couldn’t believe it when Reece said what had happened.” She pauses. “Reece also said you two broke up. I’m sorry to hear that.”
I bite my bottom lip. “Well, we seem to be back together.”
She laughs. “That didn’t last long.”
“Alex has asked us to come back to the States with him, though. I’m thinking that over.”
“It’s a big move.”
I nestle back on my pillows. “It is.”
“If it helps, you’ll have my support. And Delaney’s. God, she’d love having you and your daughter to fuss over.”
I laugh. “Is that a good thing?”
“She’s been here a few years now, so she knows how things work. And she doesn’t take shit either. I don’t know Alex well, but I know Delaney would always have your back right along with me.”
Swallowing hard, I blink back tears. Pania doesn’t even know me, but she’s being more supportive than nearly anyone else in my life. This is definitely tilting the scales in Alex’s favour. “I really appreciate that.”
“Look. I’m not going to even try to influence what you do because it’s between you and Alex. Just know that if you do come over here, we’ll be by your side. Even if Alex turns out to be a ratbag.”
I laugh through my tears. “I don’t think he is. I’m just scared because this is my first real relationship. I don’t really count the one with Casey’s dad, because he turned out to be a real dick.”
She smacks her lips. “Ugh I’ve been there. I wasn’t sure about Reece at first, you know? He had such a reputation for being a bit of a man whore. And honestly, he was kinda annoying.”
I clutch my chest as I laugh harder. “I did not expect to hear you say that.”
She snorts. “He sorted his shit out. And he’s still annoying, but I love him.”
“Alex has a lot in common with my daughter. I think he recognised similarities in their upbringing. He’s been so patient and sweet. It’s not him I worry so much about, but the whole moving-to-a-new-country thing.” I suck on my top lip. “I’m not even sure how I’ll handle him on-screen, kissing other women.”
Pania snorts again, but it turns into something that more resembles a giggle. “You should talk to Delaney. She adored Josh’s love scene with Gabby Reynolds in that movie they made that won the awards.”
“She knows he loves her. That man is so whipped. It sounds like Alex is the same with you, or we wouldn’t be talking.”
My cheeks flush. “I guess you’re right.”