Page 136 of Even Ground
“Is that a good thing? Or …” I chuckle.
“Let’s just say there will come a time when she’ll follow in his footsteps. After her performance in the school play, I think it’s inevitable.”
“Really? She was that good?”
Delaney glances over her shoulder and lowers her voice. “She was amazing, but we’re downplaying it a little because we don’t want her to get too big a head.”
Behind her, a squeal from Melly tells me Josh has arrived home.
Delaney’s whole face lights up, and I adore that after all this time she still does that when she sees Josh. He leans in, and I roll my eyes as he lingers on her lips right in front of me.
Josh jumps, turning his head toward the screen. “Oh, hey, Pania. Didn’t realise Delaney was talking to you.” He laughs. “Sorry. How are you going with Reece?”
“Oh, you know. Barely coping.” I look up as Reece appears in the doorway, clad only in a pair of boxer shorts. I lick my lips as I run my gaze from those shorts, up his abs and across that broad chest of his before blowing out a long breath.
“I’m guessing he’s out of the shower.” Delaney lets out a choked laugh.
I blink and set my gaze back on the screen.
“Yeah, I think I’d better go. Love you guys. We’ll give you a call later.”
“Love you too.” Delaney blows me a kiss, and Josh waves.
I click disconnect and look up to see Reece standing beside the bed. “Was that Delaney and Josh?”
“It was.” I close the laptop and place it on the bedside table.
He kneels on the bed. “How are they?”
“Delaney is well. Melly and Addison were playing in the background. Josh appeared right at the end, and I don’t care about him anyway.” I shrug.
He laughs. “Sure you do.”
“He seemed fine. Asked how I was going with you. Told him you suck.”
His dimples pop. “Only if you ask me nicely.”
“Maybe I will. After you tell me why you’re walking around this house in just your underwear.”
“Your mother took my clothes to wash.”
“Didn’t you take clean clothes with you to change into?”
He shakes his head. “I had planned to put my boxers on and wrap the towel around me, but she took the towel too.”
I snort with laughter. “It’s a miracle she left you with any clothes, then.”
“I love your mum. She might have to adopt me.” He flops onto the bed.
Leaning over, I flatten my palm on his chest. “That would make things a little more complicated for us.”
He pulls me down so my face is only inches from his. “I like complicated.”
I wrinkle my nose. “Eww.”
Reece laughs. “Okay. Maybe not that complicated.” He runs his index finger down my cheek. “Maybe one day I’ll have to make her my mother-in-law.”