Page 155 of Even Ground
Sighing, I tug my hand from his. “Don’t make this harder than it is.”
He gives me a short, sharp nod. “I know how important this is to you. And I know how hard you’ve fought for it.” His lips quirk. “Give ‘em hell.”
“You know me.”
“Call me when you get home. I’ll worry.”
I swallow hard, sliding my arms around him and giving him a quick hug before I pull away. “I promise.”
With tears in my eyes, I walk away from him. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do in my life, and I could curse myself for being so stubborn. But for some stupid reason, I want Judith’s approval.
Life’s weird. The whole don’t-meet-your-idols has gone both ways for me. I found love with one, and am frustrated as all hell by the other.
That’s something I need to sort out.
Coming home sucks. Dragging myself out of bed to go to class is really hard.
Three more months. That’s all. And then I can be with Reece all the time. It doesn’t hurt that he comes with the added benefits of Delaney and family.
Judith’s eyes are on me as I enter the class. I’m jetlagged, and all I want to do is sleep. What I don’t need is her on my back.
As soon as the class is full, she pounces.
“Ms Wilson, did you have a nice holiday?”
I nod. “It was wonderful. Tiring, but wonderful.”
“I’m surprised to see you back here after your photo was in so many magazines.”
Boom. There it is.
“Such a lovely photo of you. And no mention that you made the gown in this class?”
That’s it. I think I’ve reached the end of my limit here.
As much as I wanted this woman’s approval, I should have also listened to that whole don’t-meet-your hero thing.
The past few weeks have really shown me just how much backing I have to go out on my own. And it doesn’t matter if I fall on my face, I have friends and a loving boyfriend who will back me to the moon and back.
None of this is worth it. This whole conversation wouldn’t be an issue if Judith had made a different choice—I’d never have had the dress with me to wear in the first place.
“No. I think I’ve said before that I can’t control what the media say. They asked who made the dress, and I told them. It’s not my job to buy you publicity.”
Her mouth falls open. “I beg your pardon.”
“You know, I came to this class eager to learn, and I’ve learned so much. I’ll always appreciate that. But I’ve done nothing to get the snark from you other than just be friends with Delaney. And I’ve come to realise having a famous boyfriend is going to make things even worse.”
Sam nudges my arm. “So you and Reece Evans really are …?”
I turn to her. “Yes. And thank you for being my one friend in this class. You have so much talent, Sam, maybe one day we can work together.”
She beams, but Judith scowls and shuts her down.
“You know I always thought fashion was such a joyous thing. The designs, the fabrics, the art in making these wonderful unique creations. And I love it. But I haven’t enjoyed this class, and I’m really wondering why I’m still here.”