Page 8 of Only Ever You
And he’s exactly what I need right now.
I get up and close the door—properly this time, while Roger jumps on the bed.
When I join him, he rubs around me, purring loudly. I’m sure he just wants food, but for now I’ll take his affection.
It doesn’t take long before I’m all cried out and exhaustion takes over.
Sleep claws at me before it finally pulls me under.
* * *
The scent of bacon wafts through the air, and I open my eyes and take a deep breath before memories of yesterday come flooding back.
Why, Lucas? Why would you do that?
Deacon’s haunted expression brings tears to my eyes.
My stomach rumbles, and I roll out of bed still dressed in yesterday’s clothes and not caring.
Lucas sits at the table, scooping food into his mouth at the rate of knots. He casts a wary gaze over me.
“If you’re looking for the bacon, I’ve already eaten it all.”
I glare at him. “You’re such a dick.”
“You fucked up yesterday.”
With a roll of my eyes, I head to the fridge. He really has taken all the remaining bacon, and my stomach growls again as if to punish me.
Settling for cereal, I pour some cornflakes into a bowl and with my gaze fixed on him, I drain the remaining milk. As I set the bowl on the table, it slops over the edge and Lucas snorts.
“You’re such a child.”
“Look who’s talking.”
“Mum and Dad are coming back early.”
I raise an eyebrow. “I didn’t tell.”
He shakes his head. “I know you didn’t. Mr Miller must have called them.”
“Oh, shit.”
Lucas laughs. “I think that’s the first time I’ve ever heard you swear, Pip.”
Scowling, I scoop up cereal onto my spoon and take a couple of mouthfuls before answering. “I think this is the right time for swearing. Mum and Dad’s weekend was to give them a break, and now look at what they’re coming back to.”
He drops his gaze. For the first time guilt crosses his expression, and he studies the kitchen tabletop before rising and heading down the hallway toward his bedroom.
Half an hour later, the back door opens, and my stomach sinks at the sight of my father. This is the last thing we all need—Dad upset.
“Lucas. Where are you?” he calls.
He gives me a sad smile. “Hi, sweetheart. Are you okay?”
I nod.