Page 48 of Throw Down
There was something inviting in his tone, like he wanted Briar to take up the challenge.His enormous bed was waiting.The thought of exploring Derek’s big, beautiful body in the dripping morning sunshine had his dick already aching.They could take their time. Do it right.
But Derek’s self-discipline must have rubbed off on him, because somehow, Briar kept hishead.He planted a hand square on Derek’s chest and forced him to stepback.“You’ve already had a lot of firsts because ofme.But missing work? I’ve got to draw the linesomewhere.”
Derek’s brows lifted, but then hechuckled.“You’re right.”
Briar drew a steadying breath and blurted, “About…about last night,I—”
“Shh,” Derek reached out to stroke his thumb over Briar’smouth.“Don’t. Okay? Don’t overthinkit.Let’s just enjoy what we’ve got while we’ve gotit.”
His gentle plea disarmed Briar.He stared up at Derek, struck dumb by the contradiction of such a robust, dependable man begging him foranything.Because that’s what it was. It was there in his eyes: a quiet, desperateplea.
“Okay,” Briar agreedhuskily.“Let’s just…see where itgoes.”
Even if his gut was telling him it was headed nowheregood.
Chapter Eighteen
A light, giddy feeling had been tickling Briar’s chest all week.Like bubbles in a champagne glass, a constant effervescence that he could barely contain.He recognized this feeling, part nerves and part thrill, but it felt different than the other times he’d thought he was falling in love.Stronger, more potent, and so much more terrifying.He couldn’t shake the niggling worry that this time, he was risking so much more than an awkward break-up scene.
But even his nerves couldn’t dim the joy he felt every time Derek’s name popped up on his phone.Texting gave them a chance to have a meaningful conversation, since Derek seemed physically incapable of looking at Briar’s mouth without kissing it.Not that they discussed anything particularly deep.
It started with Briar texting pictures of Sabbath—who he’d reluctantly agreed to stop calling Princess Sparkles so long as Derek didn’t object to her pink rhinestone collar.Derek had surprised him by sending back a picture of his own: a poorly lit selfie of himself kicked back on a checkered sofa.A picture of a cherub sitting on top of a sunflower hung on the wall behind him.
Impulsively, Briar tapped out a text: Where are you?
He hadn’t expected a reply, but it came almost immediately.
Derek: Dinner with my folks.
Briar was charmed. Derek might have a complicated relationship with his family, but they were obviously close despite their issues.Briar’s only experience with family meals was tagging along with Nate whenever Mrs. Silva made enchiladas.
Tell them I said hi, he texted frivolously.Ridiculous. He didn’t know any of them other than West.Probably never would. After all, he wasn’t planning to stay in Sweetwater forever…was he?
The question plagued him for days.It pricked at him in the takeout line at The Hungry Pig, and it dug at him when the man at the gas station regaled him with talk of the upcoming Fish Fry; whatever that was. He'd be back to his old life soon enough; what was the point in making plans?
He was so distracted treating Mr. Foster's spaniel that he almost grabbed rubbing alcohol instead of iodine.Despite that, the old man was so pleased with Briar's care that he left him with black bear steaks as a parting gift.Because that was apparently something people did around here.
Just clearing room in his freezer for this year’s tag, Derek texted when Briar sent him a picture and a puzzled emoji face.
What do I do with it? Briar texted back.He was sitting on the sofa in the break room, hunched over his phone, with the cooler of frozen meat at his feet.
Derek: Cook it.
Briar rolled his eyes and tapped out: I don’t know how.
There was a brief delay, and then his phone chimed with Derek’s answer: Bring it up to the cabin tonight.I’ll teach you.
Briar knew he was grinning like a fool, but he couldn’t help it.
“Briar.” Nate's sudden voice had him almost jumping out of his skin.The phone fell at his feet with a clatter.
“Jesus!” Briar exclaimed, clutching at his heart.“Warn a guy!”
Nate watched him from the doorway, a line of concern etched across his forehead.“What’s going on?”
Briar fumbled to retrieve his phone and slipped it into his pocket.“What are you talking about?” he asked innocently.