Page 13 of Liberating Mallory
“Did the sheriff have search teams out here?” Diesel asked Raso, squatting at an area near the end of the tailgate of Mallory’s truck on the passenger side.
“To my knowledge, no. It was just the sheriff, a few of his deputies, Kevin, and whoever was with him. They now think that was his roommate, Jenkins.” Raso answered, looking under Mallory’s truck seats, flashlight in hand. “Why?”
Diesel turned her head sideways, looking at the ground a little closer before looking at other areas near where she was squatted. “Looks like footprints near the tailgate of the truck. I’ll take pics of them, send them to sarge so she can show the sheriff and he can rule out himself and his team.”
Raso waddled around the truck to where Diesel was squatting, leaning against the truck then jumped when a thought occurred to her. “Hey, do you have the fingerprint kit with you in the SUV?”
“Never leave home without it.” Diesel smirked, jerking her head back towards the SUV as she took several photos of the footprints she found.
“Have sarge find out if their people checked for prints. I’m not seeing any powder on the truck, so I’m going with no, but I want to make sure.”
While Diesel sent the photos and a text to Sgt. Brocard, Raso dusted the tailgate, the bumper, driver side door, and the steering wheel of Mallory’s truck. Once that was done, Raso walked back to the SUV, returning to the truck, acting like she was getting ready to breach the truck to think of other places the bad guys would have touched so she knew where else to dust. On a whim, she dusted the passenger door, the passenger side of the truck as well as the top of the truck side in case one may have grabbed the top side of the truck.
Once she was done with that, Raso had several different prints. Diesel looked around the truck, near the tires, the passenger door, driver-side door and even the front of the truck. Finding several more footprints, Diesel took photos to compare them with the others found.
Diesel did a die cast of two of the prints in the ground found to use for comparison for anything else they find. Once both women were done with what they were doing, they went back to working looking in the truck. Checking under the seats, Raso on the driver side and Diesel on the passenger side. Bagging a few things found still in the truck, they went to the extended cab portion of the truck and continued their search there.
Bagging the last item they found, both women turned when they heard crunching of tires slowing down near them. Turning towards the noise, they saw a vehicle that was unmarked, a brand-new dodge charger with tinted windows, black rims with thin tires around them. Seeing the type of tires on the rims, they knew right away it wasn’t law enforcement pulling in behind them.
Raso put her hands on her weapon, at the same time Diesel did, as two men got out of the charger. Both men looked around before approaching the two women.
“You ladies alright? Need help?” Man one asked, looking Diesel up and down with a smirk on his face.
“No, we’re good. No help needed. Thanks anyways.” Diesel responded, keeping her eye on smirk-face.
“Aw, no reason to be rude to two good samaritans like that.” The second man commented, leering at Raso, winking at her.
Raso watched as the two men looked around them, as if they were looking for something or someone. “Well, good samaritans, your help is not needed. We aren’t broken down, so you can get back in your vehicle and head out.”
Man one stepped towards Raso, his smile fading from his face. “I said, there’s no reason to be rude, bitch!”
Raso pulled her weapon and pointed it at the man stepping towards her at the same time Diesel pulled hers on the guy swaying her way. “Gentlemen, I suggest you get back in your vehicle and drive away. Now!”
“And if we don’t?” Man two sneered towards Diesel.
“I do declare, Rodney, these two bitches seem to think they can take us on.” Man one laughed, shaking his head as he stared Raso down, his eyes narrowed.
“Technically, Rodney, these two bitches can take you on.” Diesel smirked at the man identified as Rodney, staring him in the eyes, nodding towards her raised weapon.
“Is that so? See, I can tell that one is pregnant. Which means she’s slow and weak. You, well, you might be fun to break.” Rodney sneered back at Diesel, chuckling as he shrugged his shoulders. “See, I like the feisty ones. Bo over there, he loves the thick girls, pregnant or just fat.”
“Pussy is pussy!” The man named Bo smiled at Raso, leeringly, looking her up and down.
“Maybe, but these pussies will tear you in two and not give a shit if it hurts you. Although the sound of you screaming for your mommy would be such a turn on right now.” Diesel responded, an evil grin on her face as she stared at Rodney.
Rodney took a menacing step towards Diesel as Bo took ones towards Raso. Both women quirked an eyebrow at the men as if to say, ‘are you really that stupid?’. As Rodney reached for Diesel a shot rang out, a scream of agonizing horror broke out from Bo as he went down holding himself between his legs.
Rodney stopped what he was doing and looked over at his friend before attempting to run towards his friend, a weapon drawn from his pants waistband, pointing at Raso, who’s own weapon was still pointed at Bo.
“What the fuck did you do that for, you crazy bitch?” Rodney screamed at Raso, ignoring Diesel all together.
“Cuz, I can? I mean, neither one of you listened when we said back the fuck off, nicely may I add. You took a step towards me after stating you like pregnant pussy, therefore I feared for my unborn child’s safety.” Raso shrugged, looking over at Diesel who just grinned as she kept her weapon trained on Rodney.
“You didn’t have to shoot him in the fucking dick!” Rodney screamed over his friends blubbering cry.
“It was either the dick or his head. Technically I’m surprised she found his dick with as big as his ego was.” Jordyn stated, announcing her arrival to the group, more weapons trained on the two men as the rest of the group returned, having heard the gunshot. “Raso, you good?”
“Peachy! Baby’s hungry though, the screaming and the blood has the baby hungry for a nice juicy steak now.” Raso smirked down at Bo before looking at Jordyn with a wink.