Page 15 of Liberating Mallory
“That bitch shot Bo in the dick! You need to arrest her damn it. We just stopped to help her out. We thought she was in trouble.” Rodney screamed at anyone who would listen in the department.
“Sit your ass down and shut up!” Pratt ordered as she stepped forward, daring the man to do something.
“Yo, get this crazy bitch away from me.” Rodney screamed, glaring at Pratt.
“Sorry, Chuck! You’re stuck with me. I’ll be asking the questions and you’ll be answering. Or, I can get the other crazy bitch and let her have my gun to shoot you in your little dick. If she could find it, but then again, she’s always been a good marksman.” Pratt shrugged, looking down at her nails as if she didn’t give a shit.
“My name is Rodney, you stupid bitch.”
“Strike one!” Pratt mumbled, looking over at Jordyn, rolling her eyes when the woman walked into the room with Carter.
“This bitch is crazy!” Rodney screamed out to the two newcomers looking for assistance.
“Am I cuckoo-for-cocoa-puffs?” Pratt asked Carter, batting her eye lashes, causing Jordyn to snicker as she sat down next to Pratt.
“Batty as a bat!” Carter smirked at Pratt, winking at her. “So, Rodney, is it? If I were you, I’d answer her questions, or a shot dick will be the least of your problems.”
“You guys can’t do this. You’re cops.” Rodney screamed again, yanking on the cuffs trying to get loose.
“Correction, dumbass. I’m the popo. These two, you just insulted them calling them cops. Their jobs are way more fun.” Pratt smiled sweetly at Rodney, leaning back in the chair.
“Then what are they doing in here if they aren’t cops?” Rodney stopped his movements, looking around at Carter and Jordyn in fear.
“They do more along the lines of garbage disposal. You’re the garbage and they are going to help me dispose of you if you don’t tell me what I want to hear. Now, what were you doing scoping out the site where Mallory Hart’s truck was found and what did you have to do with her disappearance?’ Pratt demanded, leaning onto her elbows on the table.
“Fuck you! Lawyer! Now, bitch!” Rodney demanded, giving Carter the side eye when he moved to the back wall near Rodney.
“Alright! Hope your attorney is gonna be ready to deal with kidnapping, assault, assault of a female officer, well, a pregnant female officer, and then if we don’t find Mallory Hart, then you’ll go down for homicide despite us not finding the body.” Pratt shrugged as she got up from her seat, heading to the door.
“You can’t charge me with homicide, you stupid bitch!” Rodney sneered at Pratt, hate in his eyes.
Before Pratt could answer, a knock sounded on the door. Diesel opened the door jerking her head outside for the others to follow her. Before leaving the room, Pratt turned to look at Rodney…
“From the amount of blood that was found at the scene, we can state that we’re looking for Mallory’s body. We’ve gotten convictions for murder without a body before. With your history, and the fact that your buddy attempted to assault a pregnant police officer, the charges will be easy peasy to make stick. You’ve got however long it takes for my partner out there to tell me whatever it is she needs to tell me to decide your fate.” Pratt advised Rodney before she walked out of the room with Jordyn and Carter following behind her.
“Bo sang like a canary.” Diesel informed the trio once the door was shut. Sarge sent Ice with the sheriff and that boy about came out of his bed because they couldn’t reattach his mangled baby pecker back to his body.”
“What did they find out?” Jordyn asked, shaking her head at Diesel’s description.
“Once he found out that he couldn’t sue the sheriff’s department for Ice shooting his stump off, since he attempted to attack a pregnant cop, he told the sheriff that Rodney is actually the cousin of Darrell Greenly. Apparently, there’s been a vendetta against Mallory. When she joined the Corps, it set them back because she was no longer in Colorado.”
“Fuck!” Carter muttered hands on his hips. “Geenly wanted Mallory to pay for his family’s death.”
“She talked to me a little about what had happened. She said Knight and his team rescued her when she had escaped Greenly, that one of the brother’s had let her go when he found out that his brothers weren’t going to let him keep her, they wanted to gang bang her and then kill her.” Pratt stated, knowing the story from Mallory herself.
“Then that means we need to lean on Rodney to find out where Mallory is.” Diesel surmised while everyone looked around trying to figure out their next move.
“There’s a couple of things I don’t get though. What’s Kevin’s part in all this and where does Hussein come in?” Pratt said out loud looking between Carter and Jordyn.
“Not going to get much from Rodney since he’s lawyered up.” Diesel reminded them.
“Well, now that we know what we know from Bo, I think his lawyer is gonna want his client to talk or we get him for whatever happens with Mallory, which can include the death penalty.” Pratt thought out loud.
“Colorado doesn’t have the death penalty anymore, so that option would be out.” Jordyn advised Pratt.
“Well, fuck a duck! Okay, then…we could make this an argument that it would become a federal case, Mallory is Uncle Sam’s property, a highly decorated and sought-after property with her skills…” Pratt said, trailing off, smirking at Carter who shook his head at her.
“You’re evil as hell woman!” Carter chuckled. “How about I have a crack at him before the attorney comes in. I’m not police, of any kind, so I don’t need to wait for the attorney. I’m sure I can get him to loosen his tongue.”